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BOUD NO FEE! I ) ESTiBLisntD 1851. ) Merrll UNTILBETTER ƒ DKTnoiT.MlCH. ƒ Block. LZ. 5?%S The Eegular, 01d-Etablihed L_V.;.J PHISICIAJÍ & SUKGEON ]8KILLAND SUCCES8 YOUNG MEN. MIDDLE-A6E0 MEN and all persons who by thcir own acts of Impru(lenco nr Follyat any period of lifc havehronht upon tliemselves, thc evil effccts foHowing clusely upon tl' e heels of Imn sgression of thc laws Of nature, should consult tlie cclehratcd Iir.CliLrke at once. Roraemberl Nervous dlsenes(with or without dreams) or debility and loss oí nerve power trcatcd scientifically by new methoik with rever fniling success. Jti'lt make no diffcrt-tice what you have taken or wiio has failed tD cure you. S-Vie terrible poluons of Syphllia and all bad blood and ftkin dieeaseii, eoflipietelv lt.uÜcated without mercurv, Kieinber that thUono horrible diseaft, f ncglected or improperly ueatcd.cursea the present and coming generutions tè'l unnaturni i1ic1iar?cs cured promptly .t.hout hindrance to buslncfts. No experiments. ïïoth sexeseonftult conildt'ntlally. AKai(l experience important. A written fenarantee of cure given in cvery case undertaken. ttéSntTe rem from any chronic dlseaaewrite History and Sjrmptoiii of your case - plainly. Cases solicitcd which otlicrs have failed to cure. Jfy-Send two stamps fnr clebrated works on Clironic, Nrrvom and Delicate Diseases. You have in rxhauntive nyniptomatoloy by which to your own cae. Consulution, persnnallv or by letter, free. Consult the old Ioctor. Thoiiaands cured. Office and pnrlors private. You see no one but the Doctor, licfure coofldinc your case consult DK. CLAREE. A friemlly k-tt:r or cali maysave future sutïering and ¦hame and adri golden vears to lífe. Medicines tent everywhere secure irnm exposure. Iluurs, 8to8; Sundays, 9 to n. Addrcsw, F. O. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. MIch C U R ES Coughs,Coids,Asthma,Tickling in the Throat, Whooping Cough, Ouinzy, Sore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonary Diseases. r YOUNC'S"""! [CO U G Hj DansvlUe.Mkli Hnwell, MIch., Aur. 15, 1H7I. - 1 Oct. i, 174.-1 I ni attuckeil have iricil Dr E. wlth & leTerej m t A.Vuuiik's CouRh cold and ' t and I.unK Hyrup ened uuh iuntfl mm ! fur more than a fever whlle on a i mw % jrear. as I bad ocvi-tii to Badago.l W t caaion,as a reraeMlch., about n df for ('olds and mnntb ago, ooi Cou(bi, and much no Unit Ij J found Itarellable win nmililr tu til! l hm. medicine. I have an uppotntiuent I M $ used hls Akuc to preuch on' H f and Ilver Syrup account of mj ¦¦ ! InniT famlly wltb m-rere ronghliig, I ¦ ¦ thc bent or uilint manaired to I ce, curinK taj VLiïÏÏrV II ehwaW„hvT ?orn.goJïi,A .eKveenrïai"eaOr.T,eor, mycouiih lertme S __. 'ever and Ague, as xMin a i 1 k I aftar tka oead mcnct'il takitiii It, I Ê , chili and ferer. and I ilnd ' P 11 take plcaiuru nent relief when { I In reconiniendlnK I lm attacked,; m 'the aboye riiniby co n gh orl il dies to all who 1 ii nu ciimplalnt "","¦ nccd them 1UV. KOUT. COPE. i 11EV. S. B KIMMILL. So!1 by all drurelst. Prlce. 25c., 50c. and 11.00. I.Hrtro bottlea sent free on recelpt of prlce W. JOHNSTON &. CO., DETROIT, MICHICAH. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND - Flour and Feed Store. W ki'e i'nnstantly on h.ind, UKEAI), CRACKERS, ('AKKS, KTC, Por Whi.ii'B-ilc mul Botall Tf de. WoW loo keep a mpply of SUIKI' & DKUBKL'S ESC White Wheat Flour! DHIii Flour, l'lour. Kliek wlK-til e I o ui-, í orn Ilral, rd, Btc, At Wi.iIi'hI' nd lictail. A ttatni sto k oi tikOCSRIK and PBOVISIüNS Consiai'tly on bami, wliich wlll ot od on as manuable ti-rms ai at any other bou' In tbe cit . Cash pa;d Tor BUTTBK, E(Ci, and ('ol'NTKY PRODlk'K sjencrally Ooodl delWered lo any pmrt r thf "ny without extrn charpe. RINSK Y & SKA BOLT. MnrtiuT Sale. DKKAl'1,'1' huvliiK brni limilf 1' llio oondltimiB of h eertkln Murlttag whereby ihe power UitTflTi conlalned to st'll luis bccomeoperatlve) exfciited bjrJUM H. Hopklns, of Lymloii, U ushttMinw i'ounty, Mtehltilín, to John Siincison, of Unailllla. LivitiKsion Oouaty, UtoliUraD, dat6d tli Hrt úuy of I 'iTi'inber, A. 1). ls". iiinl recorded on the firih duy of May. A. l WTB in Ibe offloe or the Kluister ol Ik-eils for sa 1(1 county af Washtenaw. In Ijber Mity-onp ol mortKBcason page oiiphuiulretlBiulsIzty Ihereol.wlilcli inortuiigfi w;is nn tin' lourteenth dfty ol IH'Ci'inber, A. U. IXoUduly nssl'iii'.l by sakl John Har;isnn, iniirluaKee. to Sarah Sarijison, of UnudillK. l.lvlnslon i-onnty, Mloblglia. nilwlili-h HNMiKutnent was rGoortled in tlie olliee of sald Keglster of deedü, on the twelftri day of July. A.D. I8i, In Lluer nlne of asslnnineuts of mortaages on pnge stxly-one thereof, hiuI which morlgage was aftrward on the elulitli day of July, A. D.188S,dnlï BMlspad by the sald sarah Sarglson lo Williatn sirlson, of Marton, LlTlngaton Connly, MU-hinon, aad whicii itssiKiniieiit wns reoordM) in ute office of sald ItegiMei ol Di-tMls, on tne 1 weiith ily of July, A. l. 18S11 In I.lbcr nlne of asslunnii'iitsof niortiiaues, on pKf slxty-two Ihereof; upon which mort(He Hiere Itclalraedto be due al data ofthn Dottca Ihe snin of Ihn ¦¦ bnodred and Uva dolían aixl loriy-rive cení ($:íiv) 16 .umi no .snit or proceeillnus at law ha ving hi'fii institiitpd io riTovri iiir debl now renialnlng seotircd by snld nsortfBMJPor any part ibeieof: Notlcela ibarefore nereby elven, that on Thnrsday. the ondiliiyul June, A. I. 17, at one (relock u tbealternonn of catd day, at the front door of the Court Uonsi'ln tlie city of Ann Arbor, lu sall county ol Wubltna. that liemn the plmea of holding the circuit oonrt wltliln tbecounty In which Ibe mortgaced )ircnilos to be nld are aiitMird , tlie saiit mortaaga wlll be foreeloaed by sa I e at public vendne lo thc h ik best l'ldder. of the prenilses contalned in sald morlRafre (or so muoh thereof ns may be necessary to satlsfy tbe aniount due on sald morlKHK with iiiterests and legal ootta] lliat is to say : All thal eerlfiln and piecc and i.anel ol land BltuatedJ til the townshlp of hyndon. In the county of Waahtanaw and Suite of Mii'hman known and deaorlbedaa lollowü, to-H'll: Thef.i-t part or t he stout lieaat fniclimiiil ijuarter of secllon niiniber one . I lo tftvnaliip number one l),Mntbol ranica nuniber lhr nul hounded on the west hy the oullet of Rllnd I.ake, and coritalnliiü fortv aun of land more or lesa. Dated Man-b I. A. l lv.7. II.I.IAM SAlUHSiiN. Asalgnce or Monguee. LlKK S. MONTAOUB, Attorney for Aitslgnee of MortgHge, EaUtc or Elennor C Blbblns. S" TATL0r'MICU10AN, County ot Waatatenaw, -. At a eension ol the Probate Court for the County of Waahtenuw, holden at the Probate Offlcc in the city of Ann Arbor, ou Moday, the 18ih day of April in the year one thotiHiind eieht hundred and cijjhty-Hevi-n. Piewnt, Willlam D. Harrinian, Judüe of Probate. In the matter of thc ectnte of Eltanor C. lübhin d'CfH-ed. Cllflrlet M. Wo-deu, tht' rXWHtOr of ' thc laat will and testament of pald deceafed, comr ' i ti to oootl and repreaentí that he U now prepared to ronder his iliuii account a such cx'cutor. Thareapoo it i ardarad, thatTm-day, the ' teenthday or Miy neit, at ten o'clock in tori' ' noon be aastgncd for tbe examlniut and ! lowlBg of Mr b account, anti that the nalfl at luw ol aid deceaaed, and all othcr panoia '. tatamted in said estáte, nre requlred to appear ! at a HcHnion of ald court, then to be holden at the : Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, and show ' caude, If any theru be, why the sald account should not beallowcd : And It ip further ordered, that said eiecator elvenoticetoihe pnoni üitañatad in uld e-iatc,of thi'peiideiu'y of-ald account.and the of, by rautmi}.' a copy of thls order to be puhlinhed I in the Ann Arbor Couritr, a newHp:ipir printed and i clrcnlatiiif.' in said county, Ibree inecaaiW weeks previoue tosaid day ol hearing. Atruecopy. i WII.LIAM D. HARKIMAN, I iiii,'1 of Probate. WM. . DOTV, Probate Regiater. 13W-IM0 t ASTHMA cured CERMAN ASTHMA CURE InsUntty rWittTBH the m.t violent atUck and insurefl nimfortahle nlftep MU WAIT1NU fr u. -II l. IIiiiiik iiwdhy itiliKlatiun. ili,ctii.nilramedlt. direct ml certuin. and a Clir in th 1 ntHult in all i-iimMi' rww A Ringle trial conI Tluoefl I ; tn immt sltvptical. Price 6Uo. aad (1 00 nf aiiy OriiKitmt. or l)j mail Sample Frre for _'J M - " ¦ ¦¦ .


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