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The Appetite May be increascd, the Digestí ve organi strengthened, and the Bowels regulatcd, by taking Ayer'9 Pilis. These Pilis re purely vegetable in their composition. They contain neither calomcl nor any other dangerous drug, and may be taken with perfect safety by persons of all ages. I was a prent suflerer from Dyspepsla and Coustipation. I had no uppetite, became ereatlj debilitated, and was constantly afflieted with Headacue and Dizziness. I cousulted oor f:imily doctor, who preacribed for me, at mtoM times, without alfordiug more thau temporal)' relief. I tinally eommenoed taking Ayer's Pilis. In 1 short time iny digestión and appetite IMPROVED my bowels were regulated, and, bv the time I iinished tivo Iiuxm of tbeM I'ills mv tendenc; to headaehes bad disappeared, and 1 became rtrong and well. - Dariu SI. Logan, WllmlngtoD, Del. I was troubled, for over a year, with Loss of Appetite, and General Debility. I commenced taking Ayer's Pilis, and, before finishing huif u box of this medicine, my appetlte :md streiigUi wW restored. - C. O. Clark, Danbury, Couu. Ayer's Pilis are the best medicine knowu to me tot regulating the bowels, and for all diseases caused by a disordered Stomach :ind Llver. I suffered for over thrce jmt witli Headache, Indigestión, and CoiwUpation. 1 had no appetite, and was weak mm] nervout most of the time. BY USING three boxes of Ayoi's Pilis, and, at the game time dtetlng myself, I was completely curcd. My dlgmtiTe organs are now in pkkI order, ind I am in perfect health.- Philip Lockwood, Topeka, Kans. Ayer's Pilis have lionofitod me wonderfully. l'or montlis 1 luffered froni IndigMttoD üiid Qeadacbe, was ïvstless at Dight, and bad ;i bad laste in my moutli every mornlog. Alter taklng oue box of Ayt'i's Pilis, all tliose trooblM disappeared, my fond digected well, and my ¦leep fa refreihlnsr. - llcury C. Heiulucuway, Bookport, MatBi I was cured of Ihe Piles by the use of Ayer's Pilis. Thoy not only relieved me of tliat palnful disorder, bat gave me iucmawd r%or, and reitored my health. - JuUn Lazarus, Bt. Juliu, N. I!. Ayer's Pilis, Vrpnared by Dr. J.C. ."c ro.Lowell, Mui. Uoïa by uil UruggivU uud DwaltTa ia McJitiuc. WheGreatest Blood PurifierJ I This Qreat Germán Medicine Is the. III rlir:tHst aml best. 12S(loses of Sl'I-.- II ll']n'K]!lTTF.KSforl.U0,les8tlma 5 III H une cent a doM. It wlll cure the rn worst a8es of skin disense, tvomW pj Lu:v oommon pimplo on. the 1nceW f ¦¦ Illto that awful dfsease Serofula. ar llll.l'IH 1Í BITTEB8 Is th.# llhest meillolno to usu in iMw i' I c:i-cs of mota atabboro awi#-mir Kld III I lileep mtod dlMMea. l"#neysm'emltl Ufuot over tako WotoTÚeT. rscU BLUE PIULS nVii''" n or nu -ivury, tliey ure denii.",, ',„! ',,0 11 I nuMlílue fVc"iiiade.ygB]pnr $[fon J III HJIyonrTongneOoated# r Sn U wit h a vellovstleky#Ion't walt nntll yon tg IHsiilistMiicey [svoor#an nnal'lrtowalk.orlll Illbrvath iotil !ui(l#aiT flat on your Imck.lll HeStndve? Yonr#init (tet nme ut once, itlll ¦ ¦tomacta I int#will cm-e you. Suliiliurlll III i order. VsoMÜMcnla L11 I l'lll II M..y I...'o rrii'Illl - mIHI'! '¦¦ !l JU ¦ I -M''w .MtllL'J tlC ak'Cil nill amm Ijl I s your l'r-teihiK are BOOn made ell liy III lno thick,#it n.-f. üi'iiii ¦inlu'f wliat .V'iiil II Mlroiiy, 'li-#riMd here, lt may save ynurlll udy', vrWttW, lt lias saved hundicda. Hl g. #üou't walt uutil to-morrow, ? f Try a Bottle To-dayt E3 I om ¦Ar y" low-Biiirlted and weak. Ijl II 7 Mor Mlüerhiir t'rinn tlie exoessea of III I SVonth' 11 ra, BULPHOB UlTTEItóll I 'Wwill cure you. 8cnd : ¦-'cent atampa t" A. 1'. onlway 1"., Botou,Masa., lur bet iiiedlcnln ort jiulillsueuf


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