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l'rof. C. B. Jones was iu Detroit Saturday. Prof. Burnctt s cootoed to liia rooms by illness. Trof. Waltcr inspects tlic school at Kt. Clair to-day. Lawson won a bottle of champagne on his home run Saturday. Last Saturday the Univen-ity clock was about half an hour slow. Field iliiy report and a few words about the gymnasium on lat page. Quite a nuniber of studcnts went into Detroit to see the lall urne on Suturdar. A few of Prof. Ilcnnequin's Frcnck classes have completed tlieir semeater's work. The students in Prof. Payne's classes have presentud him with a buat of Sócrates. The Delta Upsilons have purchascd the Ashley house and 100 feet f land, for 5,000. Mrs. Stowell will notmeet her class for the rest of the week, she being detained out of town. C. K. Parker, pharmic, "86, of Detroit was iu town Saturday viaitlng bis Beta Theta f rienda. The prlzes for the field day contests have beeno n exhibition in the wlndow of the Two Sams. The Phi Kappa Psi's and the Psl Upsi" lon'e tned to play ball Monday, but wcre prevented by rain. Gibson took a picture of the senior laws as they were posed on the steps of the law building last Wednesday mOrnjng. A catalogue of the pharmacy department with a directory of all the nluinni hasjust been issued by the authorlties. T. K Mather and C. R. Godfrey of Grand Rapids' were the gueatf of L. E. Taney at the Si?. House last Saturday. Many students are busy procurinz nutojrrapls of friends for tlieir canes, tlnis niakinp; a ileasing memento in alter years. W, A. McArthur, '90, who has been confined to his house by a pprained ankle is once more able to resume his work at the university. The crowd of children whodaily tramp thrnugh the various halls of the univpraity BMlc H very annoylng for many of the Proftpsora. Seeretary Wade hns sent out over 3,500 programs of the semi-centennlal eelebration, and the repliea coming in Indícate a larfie attendance. Wm. Morrow, Ut. '90, captain of '(Os foot hnll team. left college last Saturdny fnr Omaha, to accept il situation on the Union Pacific R'y. Prof. W. W. Henmnn visited the Ciro sehool-i last Friday. with n view to gradiiütps from there beiiijr ndmitted to the univeríity by diploma. De Haven and Mitllty 11 wrealle for the championehip for heavv weicht wrestling next Thursdy. It will very likely taka place i n the campus. Prof. M. E. Cooley is engagedi u superlntn'line thp pnliing in of an RUtomatlc cutofl of thf Ijiinslne enplne type on the enc'ine of the Couhier office. The Glee Club meets every Mondny, Wi'ilnr'diiy nnd Friday evenings to practice for tbelr concert thia commenoement. Tliey will be nssisted by the Amphions. The Fresliman ball team will play the Detroit Hifrh School' team on the campus, Sütunlay morning. Codd of the AtMetlCi will pitch for the Detroit boys Henry Wade Rokers delivered his last lectant to the Senior Laws on Thursdny the 26tb. He closed bv wishine the boys i-vitv WI006M ainld the perils of tlieir lcirol life. W. A. MeAndrew '86, of Ypsi. was in town Satnrdav, Hip cnest of his Delta Tan friends. Ui' in niaking arrangements for a reuninn of the clii.-s of '86 during commpnrement time. Th Chrnnlcle In is last issue credlb Dr. Miicieiin witli exprftMlnp a rerret n h recent leeture that tlie medical departmpiit lms 110 nrjrn to deferid liim KfrelnM the wirkcd C'oubier. The senior laws lield a meeting on Thursday to eonsider the subject of their class hnnqnct. A committee of three as nppninted U rnnvass the elnss as to the pr ictioaliility of holding it in Detroit. D'es the ArsroiiBtit think thnt the only niPthid of gainjngsome idea of the great religión of to-d.iv is tlirrmeli the Stndent's Chris'iim Assoelation ? If po, for what purpopes then aie the many burches of our city? The ííovernor is row signlng the Unlventlty nppropriittinn bill, (hnrlnf; at lHt ceoiints pot ns far :is the 11 in Luce) nnd Ilipre will lip n ineiMi-ig of the Rt'eents the litter part of tli'm week or tlie lirst of ni'xt. M. ('. Shccli ir, dpnt. '8H, when hc beComns lirfil of pullinir teeth and filling tcptli, Viiries lh monotony hy holtlnu nnd jroinif ont lo Str.iwtieirv nr Pfirtsee lakp and pnllinw rnt fisli ind rillins the boys npon fifli storie wIipii Iip returns, :ii)i! he c:in dn botli. The L"elanau Enterprise, ptiblUhed at I,t'!rui(), lm h' item of ntprest, in lts issue of May 2ih: Prof Tïnvl. f Ann Artior. I1 mstlcatlner nt thlH plni-e. anti mflklMK preparatlons (or the ftCominKlatlon n( hlHciuHH In practlr! uurveylne. Th ProfwiRor' chnspn cnmrlnK irrnijnil, on IMRknrri'x polnt near IIiIh vlllnxe 1 nnf of thp prpttlest and most romantic gpotH In ihiiIIiitii Mli'lilKan. Tlie H ihart OuiM gave a social to ts Ia-t Friday i'veninj'. TJm commiltees arti'd tli part if !ioMS and host i-S'-s n ndiiiirablv tlmt everyone Imd :i dell.rht.ful time. The Cheqnameions lurnlshed the miisic lor the dancing which took place in the parlors mul HnnstiTfër enteren to the wants of t lie Inner man with excellent tafte. Prnmptly at 11 o'cloek the cerníanles closed. The freslinian clss tielil a meeting last Saturday inorning in order to elect an Oracle board. About 70 members turued out. A tax of 10 centí was levied on each tnembcr for the foot-ball. Slxteen nominntions wereoffered tor Oracle board and froni Hiera the follow!ní were eleeted E D. Gay, L. K. Toirey. V. U. Ball, L. D. líichaídson, E. B. Conrad, 8. H. Snow, E. R. Oooüdge. E. L. Miller, Mím Damon and Miss Handolph. The universlty approprialions after beIng hunj: up a long time. were pnssed at last by the house on Wednesdiiy and concurred in by the Pénate on Friday. As p-iRRed, abont $1-1,000 were clippèd off; $5,000 of which was for a much nccclcil addition to the dental college, and $"i,(KK) for book. The poor gymnasium didn't get a cetit. The new liyyenic Uhnratory only passel by :i vote of ,'Í8 to .'(4. Uut then it 8 pasped. and the work upon it will be pushed. The seniora are buuy preparing for thi'ir re pption cnraraencemcnl week The facnlty has offered to pay half thé expenses Ir' the pavilion is built on the space immediately northeast of uiiiversity hall. The seniors who dance are to pay $13 and those wlio do not, pay $8. As everv third dance is a promenade and rrerybody is entitled to tlie use of the tlnor, il is a question how a distintió pan be made whereby everyone is entiiled ti his privileges and no moro. If this questlon ig not settled eoon trouble is apprehended. The Cleveland homeopathie hospital is probably thc largest institntion of the kind in the country, so lart;e in fact that they dvertisi sa college becaueeof theirsupposed great clinical dvantni;es, and yet out of all the Imndreds of beds in thatlnKtitution, only 15 are at the disposal of tíldenle, all of the remainder are for private patiënt. And whut is true of this hospital is true of every other hospital in tbe country. Kor iustancc, in the Providence boopital, Washington, l). C.f there ¦N only 12 out of all the beds there, at the dispos! of students. Ho the schciue to distneinber our university medical depnrt inent could not be of any jjood to the student. The Hotncop. fraihmen have das canes. Prof. Dewey went ti Itnttlf Creck to inspect schools last Kilday. '' It " is not of suffloient hanortance m; swcet Arronaut, to w?te lime in RU6M Ing. Tlie ncxt chninbor concert i to b given in Hobart Hall, Satunlny evening Juin; 4th. Fred Knbinson, of Cleveland, Oblo visited liia sister o( the dental 0part uien over Sunday. Tlie Alpha Deltas and Zeta Pais wil play n gaine of balt on the Fiiir Gronnds Thurtday, weather permlttlng. L. A. McLouth is orcanizlnK a cías who desire to r tvtored In (rcekaiu Latín during the nummer vaoatlon. Prof. Friese had a large audience l Hobart Hall Tuuraday evenlnjr, snd hi locture was of great Interetk The faoulty of Hi.rvaid uiiivcrsily linve sluit down on foot-bnll. "It is s hawkl wough don'lcher know." The Y. M. C. A. of Cornell pNQOK to e reet a $50,000 building and bas $8,00 already subscribid forthat purpose. Miss Bnrrttge, lit. '8'.), bas ocepted posición as teacher at Auttln, Texuf, aiu nis gone to ma BW the dntie thereof. Would not tlie torcb-light processio feature be (he humus of ki-cpinir man undergraduates here if II was iidopted? The lust Argonaut had a description o the lust visit of Forepaiifrh'a show to thi city, In wlilcli the student took a hand a the Iiiii. A party of Universi'y students all hail Injr trom Hastingp, numberln": twenty o moM, picknicked ut Whitmore I.ake las Saturday. The game between the Untversities aiu the Chss club was postponed on ocoun of rain. Memorial day seems to be a ba day for the Cass to have a game. The Chatauqua Lecture Association ar ailvertising for au agent to distribute cir c.ilnrs In the University. The oompen sation is a season ticket to the assembly. HASK HALL. The University Team played tlie Ath letics of Detroit at their grounds on Woodward Ave. in Detroit, Saturday th 28th. A good attendance witnessed au Inlwcttlng frame In which our boys wer victorious' by a score of 11 to ö. They played a xk1 game up to the ninth in ning when Ihree errors yieldcd a manj runs. The infield did excellent work Macmillan, Muir, aml Carpenter acquit ting themselves admirably, Macmillan' beautiful stop of a liner to rlght belng esiecially tino. The outtleld had ter chancea. Hibbnrd in left field gatherlnj in six long difrlcult flies which lookei eood torseveral bases. MoDomiell rell for support on bis tield and alloweil th hall to ba hit alten instcad of eadeavorlng to retire the batsmen on sliikes. Dwing to Mlllcr's injnry, Tray of Jackson w engaged to eatch, and lie supported Mc Doniiell very well. Followinf; Is the score by innings. 1 2 H 4 5 6 7 8 9 Uoiv. 0 14 2 0 10 0 ¦- 1 Athletics 02000010 3-6


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