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I). Ilenning hr.s been in the city tlie past week. Miss S. E. Tiercé, of Chicago, is visitiiifr In the city. Miss Mary Hutchinson is back la Ann Arbor on a visit. Louis 1). Taylor was ia the city over Sunday ind Monday. John Ferdon Is liomc from St. Paul, Minn. fora few days. Peter DeMill of Detroit, was n town Satimlay on business. Chas. Huuiplirey and wlfe of Adrián MN in town last week. Mrs. L. I). Liesenier has rcturned from a viit at Delaware, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Israel Hall and Mrs. Phillips are visiüng in Chicago. Win. Bartig, of Kalamo, Eaton Co., has been visiting (riends la the city. Mrs. J. H. Howell and son Master Hiram, of Caro, are in the city to -ilay. Mrs.W. O. Doty bas been visiting friends in Manchester durinjt the past week. Henry Peters, of Kansns, formerly of Scio, is visiting friends In these parts. Rosey and his bicycle are quite a common spectacle to the surrounding farmers. John Miilhollam), of Bay City, spent Sunday and Monday with his mothcrand sisters. t Mrs. Wheat, of Kansas, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Clemente onS. State et. Mrs. Martha Beal aiul daiighter Minnie are visiting relatives and friendshere and in Dexter. Chas. Gruner, lit. '76, of Delaware, Ohio, is in the city for a few days visiting his mothcr. W. Tremaine is to leave here thls week on u prospeeting tour through Kansas and other western states. Dr. John Atabaster of Trinity M. E. Cliiirch, CbtcagOi sailed for a six month's trip to Europe last 8aturday. Miss Mabel Maltz, of Ajpena, diiughter of St;ite Treasurer Maltz, is in the city, the guest of Miss Kitty Morse. The Misses vValker, aecompanied by Mr. D. Havenport lelt Thnrsdayto ppend M e morial Day in St. Johns, Mich. Mrs. Jas. Nowland, of Stillwater, N. Y , has been visiting friends hcre during the week, for the flrst time in 21 years. A I irge reception was given Kriday ereninf by Dr. and Mr. Bieakey In honor of liie retors of their daughter May. Mr. K'tr, of New York bM been visitlng for the past week, bis danahter, Mr'. Prof. Jones and Mrs Prof Pattengil!. Mr. Moore, senior p irtner of the law tirm of Moore ft Moore, Detroit, with hls wife, drove in from Uomiilus last Satarday. Fred Corseliu?, of Midland, is in the city. willed lieir, by tlie serious illness of his motlier. Mr. (iro. (' 'itherby has been seriously ill wilh pneumonía, hut his many triemls are glad tfl W he is able to bc out Hgain. Mits Orace Scrafford assistcd in enter tainiiiL' tlie pertfile ut t'ie May festival f the ïoum People' Society of tlie M. E. ehlircb, Ypsilanti. lust evetiing. C. S. Tiitth-, of Chicago, w:is home over Snndiiy nd Ifonda; with his parents. ¦(Jlit-l" reportseveryl'.in-; in priinecondllkn in the windy western city. B. J. Jolmson was taken ill with a slight stroke of paralysis Monday evcninir, on retuininf; from Dnndeo, on the T. i A. A. cars. a ld hail to be lielped home. The Alilfys leave for Toledo, Ohio. to take lip rhelr reldenc tln-re Mis Asliter wlll re-i Ie with Mrs. Pi of. Dewey wliile coin pleting her eoufW in the University. I, W. üii'jjs s In the eity to-il;iy visitiiij; f rit ml-, a'nl reeoinitinif the many s i r 1 1 1 K ml scènes viewed hy hiin in his recen I very piras int journey to the Pacl tir enast. Miss Louie Cral;.', Of División st. left on Moiulay for Europe. She joins a comprnj- of ten Cincinnati young ladles and tojfethcr they wlll revel ;imiil tlie plensures of European s-itiht-seeing until next October. Gen. O. B VVillcox and family sall trom N'i w York, mi " Rliinel:iiid," June 4, urrirtug In Antwarp on the Uth. They wlll mnke their tirst slay at Hanovpr, and .o tr.Mii tlientv to allil Ilaly. The lengt II Cri llieir trip is indetinlle bilt M. O. 1Í. Wiilcox, Jr. to lYtUIII to ooiloge by Octoher 1888. Frank Olis is visith'g his motlier, Mra Aretut Duim, mi Wwhlngton at. Mr. O. caine noitli last spring ftftar havinji sailed for m:iny years as flrtt mate onone of the Morjfan line of oeean steamers, and engaged as captain to run steutner on the lakes, hut not likinji this cold cliniate he will return agaln Ui liis soutliern oeean home.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News