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The Acme Self-heating, Smoothing, Fluting, Polishing and Pressing Iron. It Ooes away with liot rooms, does the wort ncHtcr, nosnuUingorscorchingof clotlief, and sarei all tlie fnel. Apents wantod, addreai Lock Box 100, or cali in pcrson, 51 State street, A. H. Classen. To more accomodate tlieir ciistomers, Koch & Ilaller have decidetl to keep tlieir furniturc store open ngain af ter s!x o'clock. ACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. Tlicrc was a great r ii-Ii for Iry .mul last weck. There wlll bc inore ol' a rush IIiIn weck. ¦ t wlll pay jou to read this alt t'i-lisiiiK'iil ;n IHIIj . Simon's Hlark Gros - i.rain silk, rniirkcil down 25 cent a yard. Thcy are Ilic most durallc Black gllkl in Ilic World. Wc euarautcc tlicm In Ihc mout liberal inanncr, and In Hiín gimrantcc Ilic maker tand bcIlillil II. Quality A hitlierto #1.45 now #1.OO " B M 1.5o " " e " 1.75 " 1.50 " 1 " 2 OO " 1.75 " jt: 2.50 ' 2.00 [Down 50 cent. Onr Colorcd sm-air are vcry clicap al tl. 00. We show all Ihc dcirable colors in Pink, IJght Blue, (nam, White and M'icral hades in Tan and Liglit Brown. i beller ros-raln Colorcd iilkN in ihc world Ihan ours at #1.OO a yard. All haden of l'nii and Brown In toek this week. Excellent value in Black Watered Silks at #1.50 and #2.00. Our Li glit Pink, l.ilu Blue, V'ilc .rii, and Ileliolrophe Watcred Mik at #2.25. are vcry IiiuiiImiiiic. Io you know a bargaiu when roa cc it i Among the very Moods yon would think to bc the last to tuniblc. Scnsonable Goodn. Whcn you rcad the pricc you will want to thcni. Ten Styles or more. iiiiiiiii-r sul-, at 55 ¦¦ti i a yard, lun int'nri' 7ó, #1.00, and il. 25. Thcy are good valuc at lic old priee. Thcy are surrisc valuc iiow. Cali it Percalc or "WrllM" here's in. iwhcrn alMMil it. fough and plump :{0-inli wldc. uci;ln i trom the 'otloii in il. IIurd-lwiNlcd and lard-wown tj Ilircad of il. hi ii tl' lor hard car ir you will, vcry neai and d rcy, too, iiiikNoiik-I) prinlcd in iripc, iiaul and imirL on white .toiiikI. The pricc ha been eeatt. i liceii a livcly voer il Kiiont. Wc iiiüke il i-i i-i eiit. Take a quick glnncc at our Cotton li xiiil-. Counters tiled lnii. II will bc a craxy ¦rinklc ycar. laxt ycar tixed I. Fine, hard-tvilc4l, irreguarly woven, crinklcy, iIiíiií; on Nhouldii't iron, roiitfh-dry Iiciii in the uu. Creaiu and White arouiKl-.. A lozen slyleft, foiirorlive liiiic a many coltrinx. cc a bit, and 12c. BatlHei hcciii dainlfer than ¦ver. All on ('rcaiii srounds and plump anl wilc. Figurcd tripet sod o4d deily na. Tiiesc ire Ihc Cottoni ihai drovc out he printcd Unen l.iiun, 12 1-2 lenli' The Bnett Batíale mat I nade 12 1-2 cent. Why, use your lciurc time in )iiyiiiK material and makiiiff iiilcrncar ¦ ii ¦ - warm weathcr whcn wc can l'urnih ion witli ii -.I what you wuut and for Ick uoncy. lion'i judee our l'nIcrwcar by what you ¦ in nliir stores nor by the prieew 'ou hear quotcd. Judgc it by hc I ndcrwcar ltelf, and sce It tere. lixaminc the Mcwiiigt tlic ¦utlins, Ihc dccoralion and the tyleN. l'ou, ladicN, know the j I Trom bad. Nol u word iix.iii ihal. We ak your judgncnl, nol your favor. Trawhy I iouncinü are ¦ommoii iiioiiï h in miiuc lores Saaier lo make trashy stuff than Kood. Eakterln lace than most ;ood. Thcy ay we have the itoeal patterai and the best asorluicnts of black lace IIoiiik - ¦iï Unit you eanlind auywhere Noihiii trahy about thcin, hat's eertain. 42-liich, #2.OO, .:{..". I ill) and $5.00. nam ¦ ml White tlounciiiK 42-ineh ttc. !., 2.OO, $2.25, &2.5O and 5.OO. Wc are showing thiw weck he llucMt line of beadcd Irimalagi in the city. il you want ¦hcap i i-ifii ui we have thein f you want medium pricc trininlng we have them. lf you vaut high priced Iriininings ie have thcni. Will you examine our beadcd r i m m i ii g al -2.OO. $:t,OO l.oo, 7.OO, $10.00 and I2.OO a yard. 25 dozen Ciauze Vcsts for laiies at 25 cents. Don'i come ixpectlng lo gel the 25 dozen or 25 cents. ïu wlll bc disippointcd ifjou do.) Wc mean 25 cents cach. Ves, twcnty-flvc ents. Perfect, regular goodn, nade to sell for 40 cents. Also i't dozen l.ailio' Oauzc Tests it 5O cents caeh. Wc know of ¦ o srmcnts at all approachng ellhcr of ilicin in quality hat werc ever before ottcred il Ihc pricc. I'nlcss you know more about 'ndcrwcar Ihan Ihc Wrilcr of lii you will ay thcy are chcap. BACH & ABEL. C. H. WILLEN, NSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency iu the city. EstabllHhed ver a quarter ofu century ogo. Represeutlng he iolluwlug fliHt-class compauiea, wlth over 00,000,000 Capital and AhscU. I0ME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIttAKD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. 1UKNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MAKINE, of Boston. Ratea Low ns the I, west , Losse Liberally Adjiisted aud promptly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. ¦W" ANTED. BICYCLE AGENT. We want a Live A(?ent for Anu Arbor und vlcliilty to handle "uflL I O JLê Ij O " and other Slnger t'ycles. Liberal Discount. Sena for our Cntaloitue. DETROIT BIOYOLB OO., 8t , No. -Ml W.HKlward Ave., V " " iu tkoit, Mica Ageuls