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Aü explosión on the 23J in a saw-mül li Canyon Largo, N. XI., instan tly killed six men. An actual count of all tho money in the United State Treasury incident to the transier of that office f rom Mr. Jordán ti Mr. Hyatt, and which will occupy two iiionths, ras commenced on the 23d. A beati wind-torra on the 24th at Opelika, Ala., unroofed scveral buildings and uprooted a largc number ol trees. Thb animal festival of tho New En gland Woman's Suffragc Association was held in Boston on the !Mth. A nio flow of natural gas was truck on the 24th near Norfolk, O., at a depth of one hundred and sixty feet. Tuk National Baptist convention openec at Minneapolis, Miau., on the 24th with a large attendance. John Vakdinkurgii was shot and killed in the courthouse at Hockville, Ma, on the 'MÜ by Lint Andernon for the bctraya of the latter's sister. Qeneiiai. Crook on the 24th ordered Company K, Ninth Cavalry (coloreil), to Gheyennp, for tho purpose of rnforclngtho orders of tho Interior Department to teai down tho fences on tho public doniam in Wyoming. Tue Ohio Association of Mexican Veterans held their thirteenth animal reunión at Toledo on the 24th. Kaïn feil on the 34th throughnut the Upper Michigan península, quonching the forest lires. Tue Butchers' National Protective AsBeciation of America met in second annuul sesion on the !iüx in Chicago. At Dexter, Mo., six porsons ware struck hy lightuing on tho 24th whilo returning from prayer-meeting, and one of them was iostantly killed. Thb Exeeutive Committce of tho National Association of Buildera, which had been in Chicago three days investigating the labor question which had disruptod the buiding trades, concluded its labora on the 24th and lssued a proclamation doclarlag that the employers had acted rightly Ín ordering tho lock-out, and saying that human nature could no longer enduro the dictatlon of the various unions. The Right Worthy Grand Lodgo of Good Templara commenced its thirty-thlrd hnnual gessioa at Saratog.i Springs, N. Y., on tho 'th. Marcom L. Seoiim, manager of the Philadelphia {Va.) Umbrella Company, fled on the 24th, leavmg a shortage of t85,OÜÜ in hU accounts. Suroeon-Genf.ral Hámiltox expressod tho opinión on the 34th that the yellow ferer at Koy West, Fra., would be confiud within its present limits. 8i Charlks Tf pper, the Canadian Minister of Finance, ui au interview at New York on the 24th exprossed regret at tho violenco offered Mr. O'Brien at Toronto and other Dominion cities, while deprecating the agitator's mission to Canada. James Bmith and Jamei Thompson were killed by a pack of wolvos on the ÍMth in Kulton Coiinty, Ark. Dirixo the month of April 7S.107 immigrants arrived iti this country, againsl 4'.t,158 in April, 18S6. Durino a thumlpr-storm on the 24th flfteen head of valuable cattle were killed by a lightning stroke on the farm of J. J. Ferguson, in Pettis Countr, Kan. Miciiaki. Frais. an old messenger in the Treasury at Washington, fainted on tho iMth and feit sixty-five feot down a stairrell, striking his head on the marblo and dying instan tly. The barn of Mary J. Gunning, near Shelbyville, 111., was sot on lire and burned on the 34th, with four uoraos and one thousand bushels of corn. At Minneapolis on the 25th Mrs. J. N. Crouse, oí Chicago, was re-eleeted president of tho V omau's Uome Missiou Society of the Baptist Church. Tuk parade of the varlous military organizations in camp at Washington on the ÍÍSth was an unqualifled succass. The President reviewed tho troops f rom a stand in front of the White House. President Cleveland on the 25th pardoned Lars Christianson, convictod in Utah of polygamy. Thk various railroad eompanies whose line termínate at Jersey City were on the 25th said to be consicjering a project for tunneling under the Hudso river to Washington square, in New York, where lepots, etc., would be established. Il was reported on the 25 th that a scheme was on foot to consolídate all the cattle interests of the Northwest into a single Corporation, that would control abou $15,000,000 worth of cattle and grazin lands. Skven hundbkd employés of the Hall Safe and Lock Company at Cincinnati went out o strike on the 25th for a reduction of hours f rom ten to uine anü a Saturday half-holiday. Strikes indifferent parts of the country have injured business more or less, but it vrs believed on the 25th that the aggregate trade of the United States was at least ten per cent, greater than a year ago. Br an explosión of natural gas on the 25th at New Cumberland, W. Va., ten persons were terribly burued, several oí whom would die. A DiSASTKors storm visited San Angelo Tex., on the 25th, dima.!;iiig business property and suburban residences to tho extent of 150, 00J. C.'iiAiti.ns Danseiqer, of Cantón, O., a bricklayer, killed his wife on the 25th because she joined the Salvation Army. The offlcers in New York of the White Star Line said on the 25th the loss caused by the recent Celtic-Britaunic collision would be about $120,000. The United States Brewers Association opened their twenty-seventh aunual convention on the 25th at Baltimore. Bek Hong, of Union City, Ind., a Chinese laundryman, killed Cliang, his partner, with a hatchet on the 25th and then cut his own throat. Sixtt thoüsnd school children paraded at Brooklyn, N. Y., on the 25th in celebration of the fifty-eighth anniversary of the Brooklyn Sunday -school Union. A jukt was obtained on the 25th for the trial of tb$ Cook County (111.) boodier cases, and General Stiles opened tho case tor the State. Two me.n and a little girl ato someitrawberries at Westvillo, Va., on the Ü5th, and were fatally poisoned by paris green whioh had been sprinklcd on the fruit to kill vermin. A boat containing John Thomson, his wife, his sister-in-law and three children capsized on the 25th off Hamilton, Ont., and all were drowned. Durino a storm on tho L5th at McDonald, Pa., lightning struck a French boarding-house and instantly killed two boarders who were asleep in bed. H. M. Kinney and his two boys wero struck by lightning on the Ï5th near Evansville, Ind. One of the boys was killed and the others were fatally injured. Advices of the 25th say that Prof. Klein, the astronomer at Hartford, Ky., has sighted the reappearance of tho Star of Bethlehem. lt is quito brilliant and is now in the north western heavens. This heavenly visitor inakes its appoarance about eva I rythreo huudred yoar, and astronomnrs everywhere hav beon looking for it for ¦orno timo. A btatu to tho luto Ucneral Steedtnan ("Old Cliickamaua") was unvailcd at Toledo, O., on the 'Jüth. Tur twenty-ninth General Assembly of the United Prosbytorian Church of North America opened in Philadelphia on the 26tl. J'iin.MiKi.riin stone-cutters truck on the UtHh on account of the employment of non-union men in some of the yards. Tramps set fire to an elovator on the '28th at Windom, Minn., and over ilfty thousand bushels of wlioat wcre destroyed. explosión of gas on the 26th in a mine at Nantiooku, Pa., caused tho doatli of thrce miners. Tnn stables of the Belt Line Street Ruilway Company In New York City were destroyeü by üre on the night of the 36th, and sixteen hundred horses were burned to death and nearly all the cars in the building wcro destroyed. Sevcnty-five dweil ings, mostly frame tenementa, inhabited by f oor peoplo, a soap factocy and a brewery were also burned. The loss wonW aggrogate over f1,000,000. It was feared that several persons were burned to doatli. Dr. 8. H. Lindley, a prominent phyician of Minneapolw, committed suicide on the 2Tth with a razor. Th act was attributed to grief at the death of a sistor. Thk bark McLeod, which arrlved at Philadelphia on tho 20th f rom Buenos Ayres, brought word that the cholera was killing off people liko sheep in that city and its suburbs. Marv SiiiTn, an aged widow, was accidentally shot and killed at Benwood, Ind., on the 'Jtlth, the fatal ballet being flred by an unknown meniber of a shooting party. One Hinden, a cigar-maker, recently from New York, died at Key West, Fla., on the 36th of yellow fever. This made finir coses and three dcaths. Jobv Fall and hls wife, of Jefferson townsliip, Muhaska County, Ia., were murdored early on the morning of the 2Cth, the unknown aaassin theu firing the premises, Fall's remains being burnod alinost boyond recognition. Robbery was the supposed cause. Tns Wisconsin Central road decided on tho 26th to lósate its hops in North St. Paul. It WUI erect buildings coating 3J0, - ÖOO and employ one thousan 1 men. Tuk National oonvention of Brewers conclwled its sessions at Baltimone, Md., on the 26th. William A. Miles, of New York, wa elected president Thirteen thousand dollurs was votol the brewers of Michigan, Texas and Tennesseo to aid in Üghting the Prohibitionists. Mr. Colmax, Unitod States Commissionor of Agriculturo, on the 36th declared a rtgid quaranttno agamst Cook County, 111. A rnEíonT train on the Northorn Pacific road was wrecked near Minot, D. T. , on the 36th, the engincer and a brakeman being instantly killed. Ths Treasury Department at Washington on the 26th forbid the importation of meat cattle or Iheir hides from Scotland uutil further notice, owin? to the prevalenco of pleuro-pneumonia in that country. Advices oí the 27th place the loss by the recent burning of the street-car barns and tenement houses in New York City at $1,325,000. More than one hundred families were hommess and over twelv hundred horaes were roasted to death. Burglars causod a fire in the dry-goods establishment of H. P. Wasson & Ca, at Indianapolis, Ind., on the 2Tth, eutailing a loss of {50,000. Koor blocks of buildings at Jefferson, La., wore destroyed by fire oa the 27tb. causing a loss of fSOO.Om Tnu trottlng stallion J. w. South, valuod at $10,000, and owned by Nat Bruen, of Burlington, Ia., died on the 27th from the eflects of poison given him by some ono unknown to prevent his winning a race. A CAREFtM. estímate on the 27th placed the total loss by the recen t f orest flres in Northern Michigan at $7,000,000, iucluding $3,500,OUO cuused by the destruetiou of the town of Lake Linden. Only eight lives were positively known to have been lost. Great destitutiou prevailed throughout the burnt district. A MT9TEIUOU9 epidemie was on the 27th carrying off children at Oxford, lud. Tiïerk wcre 153 business failures in the United States during the seven days ended on the 27tu, agaiust 1 the previous seveu days. The condition of the wheat erop in tbe Northwest had on the 27th been greatly improved by the recent rains, and the prospecta wure highly encouraging. Tintr.K of the bell-boy3 employod at the United States Hotel in Boston wero arrested on the L7th on s charge of lareeny, and a large amount of stolen property was found In their rooms. Tui! Right Worthy Grand Lodge of Good Templars closed its annual session at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., on the 27th. John Kinch, of Evanston, HL, was re-elected Kight Worthy Good Templar. Fivb Ht'NDKED coal-miners at Sandford & Co. 's Essen and Tom's Run (Pa. ) mines struck on the 27th for semi-monthly pay. The mines were closed down. Thr general assembly of the United Presbyterian Church of North America assembled at Philadelphia on the _'7th. A fast train on the Pennsylvania road was wrocked on the 27th by a collision with a freight-train, and four men on the express train were killed and eight othur passengors were seriously injured. The Confedérate cemetery near Spring field, Mo., was dedicated on the 27th, and the graves of 537 victims of the battle of Wilsou's Creek wero deeorated. TnE Milwaukee brewere disposed o 1,217,175 barrels of beer, valued at $9,737, 400, during the twelvemonths ended May 1. In a weekly trade review issued on the 27th by a New York commercial agency a general improvement In erop prospects throughout the country was uoted. Railroad earnings were also said to bo large and encouraging, and trade in most lines of merchandise was active. Dispatches of the 27th aunounco the loss of the ship St Stephens on the roefs at Cape Cook, W. T., with her crew of thirty men. A odard quelled a mutiny in a Kentucky convict camp on the 27th by liring a load of burkshot at the mutineers. One was shot dead and two others were fatally inured. The Tammany Society at Ifew York on ,he 27th passé J resolutions denouncing the treatmont accorded William O'Brieu n Canada. Ox the 27th a live-stock train on the 'ennsylvania road was wreeked at Pavonia, N. Y., and over thirty head of cattle and two hundred chickens wore killed. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL, Mr. Htatt, the new United States Treasurrr, took charge of his oflica on the 24ÜL Geniral Abram S. Dcryea, the old Zouave commander, was stricken with paralysis on the 24th at New York. The third annual convention of the Ohio Womans' Suffrage conventiou eommsneed in Cleveland on the 24th. The Virginia Legislature adjourued tiite dit on the 24th. Richard Newtom, a distinguished Protestant Episcopal clergyman of Philadelphia, died on thu 35th, aged neventytour vears. Onb thootant pron attondfd to AnU-Saloon República meoting atth Cooper Union In New York on the ovening of th 25th. Prominent speakers were present, who dcclared that the party must divorca ilsi'li froui support of the liquor oviL Colonbl J. B. Herrick. a pioneer journalist and a personal friend of General Uarflold, expired on the 125th at hii home in Cincinnati. President Ci.evelasd and wife, aocotnpanied by Colonol Lamont and wife, lefl Washington on the 26th for ton days' recreation in the Adirondacks. Tuk New York Legislatura adjournsi Mint die on the 2Otii. President Cmtbmhb on the 26th appointed L. W. Reid, of Virginia, to ba Assistant Register of the Treasury. Amy Avante (colorod), of Clarendon, 8. C, who had attained to the remarkable age of 123 years. dicd on th 36th. Commodore W. F. Davidson expired on the 26th at Bt. Paul, Minn. His estáte was figured at $1,000.000. Db. E. L. MiNSFiELn, ono of the oldest phyeicians of Cedar Rapids, Ia., dled on tho 36th of apoplexy while seated in his He ll!ld been a prcticing doctor thore over forty years. Whil.8 arguing a caso in court at Minnespolis, Minn., on the aCth General Wadsworth, of Maysville, Ky., feil unconsclous, and was with difllcult remiscitated. Captain W. B. White, editor of the Wichita (Kan.) JleaeoH, dïed on the 27th. He was married to his betrothod an hur bef ore his death. Mr. Asdtirt (eolored) was on the 27th elected commonwealth'a attorney at Norfolk, Va -the flrst time in the history of the SUt that a negro has boen elecUd to tho position. FOREIGN. A Ketot at Calcutta sbot ten persons oa tbc 23d and thtm committed suicide. LlBCTBNANT-GOVERWOR MASO, Of Quebee, tendercd hls resignatien on tho 234 on account of ill-health. Th sixty-elghth anniversary of Quoen Victoria's birthday was celebrated in many plac in Europa on th 24tu. Thb great strike of the Nortlmmbcrland (Eng.) minera onded n ths 2ttli, the mea in'coptint; tbe rodwetion in wages. On to 24th fl"atkors Ryan and Slattery, who wen imprisoned in Ireland for refusing to give testúnoay in relation to tha "plan of campaign," were released. Riotino and bloodshed were reported on the 24th from Kolgiuin, whore the great strikes were in progress. Thkrb were live hnndrad cases of small pox in Santiago do Cuba on the 24th. J. Joseph & Bon, morebants, of Birmingham. Eng., failed oa the 2öta with liabilitios of $500,00'! ADTICE3 of the 25th from Panama sy that some of the largest cuts made for tha De Lesseps canal have been Ulied with earth washed from tho mountalns. Woik that cost many millions of dollars is thui virtually destroyed. Thk Opera Comique, the oldest theater in Paris, took flre on the evening of tha 25th whila a performance was in progress and was entirely destroyed. Nineteea persons woro known to bo dcad and fortythree wero reported injured. BMALL-rox was prevailing on the 25tli along the Amazon river iu Ecuador and Southern Colombia, and the lndians wera said to be perishing in great numbers. Josepu CiiAMBKRi.Aiy wamcd the supporters of the Kritish Government's Irisa policy on the liSth that unlesa they wei-e thoroughly organiied defeat was certain. A conspibacy to orerthrow tho Sultan of ïurkey was unearthod on the 26th. Ir was announced on the Liitli that tha loss of lifo at the burning of the Opera Comique, in Paris, was greater tlian flrst reports representod. Filty-three bodies had been recovered, and over oue hundred were still missing. Factoriks in Beigium were compello 1 on the 26th to use Gterman coal ou account of the miners' strikes, and tho railroads would soon be obliged to do likewisa if the strikes continued. Wii.liam O'Brien, the Irish agitator, at a meeting in Montreal on the evening of the 27th announced the close of his Can adían mission, which he doclared was more successful tban hoeven hoped. LATER NEWS. The record of the baseball clubs in the National League for the week euded on the 28th was as follows: Detroit (games won), 20; Boston, 17; New York, 15; Philadelphla, 13; Pittsburgh, 9; Chicago, 9; Washington, 7; Iudianapolis, 5. Violent earthquake shocks were experiencod on the 29th in Mexico, but no fatalties were reported. Major Bbs: Perlet Pooke, the veteran journalist, died in Washington at 12:30 o'clock on the morning of the 29th, at tho age of sixty-seven years. Bevbxty-five bodies hai been recovered on the i8th from the ruins of tha Opera Com que at Paris. The number of victima was placed at one hundred and fifty. TitK Lorin M. Palmer cooperage factory in Willlamsburg, N. ., was destroyed by flre on the 2Sth. Loss, $300,000. Two men at Indianapolis, lnd., three at Utica, N. Y., and live at Montreal, Can., were drowned on the 29th by the capsizing of pleasure boats. ïim total amount subscribed for tha benefit of Mrs. John A. Logan was on the 2Sth reported to be 163,034. 45 Dambl PADRicKdiad on the 28that Shelbyville, lnd., aged 102 years. He had been married four times and was the father of twonty children and fifty-six grandchililreu. Sxow feil on the 28th tothednpth of half an inch near Middletown, N. Y. A snANTY at the ne' f aqueduct near New York was burned on the night of the 28th, and two men perished in the flamea and two others were shockingly burned. By the explosión o-f a boiler on the 28th in a Natchez (Miss.) cotton factory flve pei-son3 were instantly killed and a large number wounded, several of whom would die. The winter wheat prospecta have been greatly improved in Indiana and Ohio by the recent rains. Kom shocks of earthquake, one of thetn quite violent, were feit on the 29th at Tisi, Italy. Several slight shocks were also fait at Anconio. The exchanges at twenty-six leadln clearing -houses in the United States durintr the week ended on the 28th aggregated 1927,127,888, against 11,101, 232, 9Ü5 the previous week. As oompared with the corresponding week of 1886, the Increase amounU tu 0.8 per cent. An explosión of gas on the 28th in a coal mine at Blastyre, Scotland, imprisoned over one hundred men, and seventy were roported as having lost their lives. TnE exodus of tourists from this country to Europe was largor during the week ended on the 28th than the i'orresponding week of many previous years. There was no material change on the 2Sth in tho labor situation in Chicago. Tho mastor niasons wero still lirm and i-onlldent ot winning. Many ef them reported that they had work going on under tha conditions agreed upon, and that applications for work from the strikers wore geW ting more nunierous evory day.


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