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HEutn NO FEE!! I KsTiBLisniD mi. Merril UNTILBEnER ƒ DETROIT.MICH. ƒ Block j LZñüT The Begular, Old-EstiulUhed Lj; PHYSICIAN & SURGEOBi W SKILL AND SUCCESS 7 V--A-Xj IjYOUÑG MEN, MIDDLE-AGED MEN and all persons who by thcirown acts of Imprttdi'iicf or l'olly at any period of life have brtmht uprjii thcmselves, the evil effects following closely upon the heels of tTan ¦fftM.on of the laws of nature, should consult the cclchritetl Dr.C!arke at once. Remeinberl Norvo ui diaeneft(with 01 without dreams) or debllity and loss of nerve power treated scicntifically by new mettwH.s with never f ni Hngr success. 44U makes no dinertDCC ivhut uu have taken or who has fatled to cure you. jfS" terrible poUmit of SyphllU and al! bad blood and skin dUetues, completely cradicated without mercury, Bmember that thisone horrible din e ase, if neglccted or Ifltpropcrly treated, curses the present and coming gencrations -All unnatural discharges cured pramptty Mtliout hindrance to biislncu. No experiments. Koth hcxes consult rontid iitlally. Age and experience important. A written ennrantee of cure Klvt'ii in cvery case undertaken. A7"Sufferers f rom any chronlc dlsease wrïte Hisi.iry and Symptoms of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which others have failed to cure. !r7"Send two stamps for erlrbrated works on Chronlc, Nervons and Delicate Disvases. You have .m exhaustivo symptouiatology by which to study your own case. Consultation, pcrsonally or by letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Tlioiiftnnds cured. Oflioes and parlora private. You sec no onc but the Poctor. ïïcfore conndtnff your case consult DU. CLAUKK. A friendly letter or cali may save future suffering and shamc and add golden ycars to lite. Medicines sent evervwhere secure from xposure, Hours, bto 8; Smidays, 9 to ia. Addrt -., F. O. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlch CURES üoughs,Colds,Asthma,Tickling in the Throat, Whooping Cough, Quiniy, Sore Throat, Con. sumption, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonary Diseases. Í YOUNCTS Í i Co u G Hj f Howell, Mich , All, li, 1H74. - (. 2K, JK74. -I 1 Rttacked 1 t $ have trled Dr. E. with a levere' P t A.Younjr's Coitgh OOM and ihreat-5 and Lun Syrup eneil with lunK t m m for more than % Ii-mt wbflfl on h I mV f yenr, as I had oc% i-ii to 1 1 11 Kim, ! W i a remeMich., about a f dy for ("olds and month uko, so I f Coutbs, mnd muota no that I ! 1 f.uinii ttarellablo was mabta to nll m medicine. 1 have uu itpimintment f 1 used hls Anun to preuct) un Bk land LI ver Myrup Motrant ol m inmy fitmlly witii euufihliiK. ¦ I the bost of iuc t'iit inananüd to ! ï ceB, curlng 111 - Kt hotne.and ¦ ¦ j mother iwhose rnf rouiili lelt ruc ¦ ! eve and Ague. a Hoon u 1 f. ¦ V ! 'ter the Becond intT 1 lukirik: it, Ê f chili and fevcr. hikI I tlml tl take pleasure nent relief when : in reni[iendlnK I mi Httaoked ¦ the abure remeby ru 11 k ii orj Jjdtea to all whu lunii oomiiUInt. ¦¦¦ n need them. RV. UOBT. I RïV. S. B. KlMHCLL. Sold by all drueglBU. Prlce, 25c., SOc. and J1.00. J-are bittleft sent free on receipl of prlce W.JOHNSTON&CO.. "ROIT, MICHIGAN, RINSEY & SEA3OLTS BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. u ¦ k"'ep funetauily on it uni, IJUEAI), CRACKKKS. CAKES, KTC, K.r '1 mul Kitnll ' de. Wka alao kaap a Kopply or siviFT & DBUBKL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Oi'lln rioiir, lty- l'loiir, ItiK'k ulital l'lour, rn llcal. rrtê, Kif.. A t Vh')lii!-!iit' and Kttfttl, i LrtierAl xtork (il &ROCERIES and PROVISIuNS ('oncta' t!y nu hand, vvlncti wil] tie S)(1 on iiu raaaooabia tarm an at nny (thrr boOM In lhiJ cit. . Cash pa'd for BUTTKR, EGG-, and l'OPNTKY l'KoDUCK (,'em'rally (ood d'livered tn any nr the i ny wilhunt extra charKi'. KIXSEY &SEABOLT. MortgaifP Sale. DEFAULX iinviiiK i n nada !¦ UMeaodltluua of eartatn Mortgaga whereby Ihe powar iherelii roMtnined to ell haH be comeoperatlve) i'xeculed by Janus 11 Hopklim, of Lymlou, WiuihteiiKW county, Mtohl gan, to John Saruison, of Unadlllii. I.lvlngston i 'o tint y, h'liiííiui, iliited the first day of I N-rtMiiher, A. ï. lïiïS, and rerorili'il on the Illth diiy or Muy. A. 1) 1STU in the oftlee of the lieRlaterof 1im-i1s lor said oounty nf Washtenaw In Llber ol mui immrs on paga une hu tul red aiul slxly tliereof.whlch mortLage maön Ibe loortaenlb day of Decemiier, . IJ. ISsi duly assl'iieJ by the siild John Snr;son, roorMpigoa, to Surah Sari:lson,of Unadllla. LlTlnalou oounty, Mleblgan and wiiloh assiLiiiment whs rerorded In I he olïlce of sald lleglsterof dtcd, on the twelfth day of July. A.l. lS.w(i, In Liltfi1 of asslnnu-iils of mortuales on pafe atsty-ona Itaereof, and wlilrli inortKaKe was afterwaril on eluhlh iIhv of July, A. 1). lSstt, duly aadgpaU by ihe s:ihl Sarah Sargiaoa to Willuun SniKun, ot Marios, lilvlngHton OOBiity, MU-IiIkoii, and whlch oulgnmeat was reoorasd In tiie offloe of sald Kelster of Depds. on the twelfth dxy of July. A. I). lHsw in I.llier nlue ot ailgDnientsofniortKaKes.on ungeslxtytwo tbaraof; npon whloh morttface there laolajmad to te at the date of thls nottee the suni of Ihree hundred and hve dollars and forty-flve cenlH (i-Say 15). and nosnlt or prooaadfoga at law havlng been ItiHlIt uti-tl to nvovi-i Ihe deht now rernalning securiMl by sald UOrtgttf OT any part thcTi'of: Notloala tboraforanereb; L'lven, that on Thuisday. the secoiul ihty ot Jone, A. l I987,at ona reloek in lbefteriii) m of i-aid day. at the front door of the Courl Haute p plly ui Anu Arbor, in sal i OOUDly of Waslili'njt v, t hat beun the plaea ot huid nu Ibe Pi reu II i:ourt wlthln thecounly In whlcli lln' mortuaued pretaèfl to be sold are xlluated), the saul iiuirtüttue wlll ha foreoloaed by ife m public renque to the htgheut hlddar, of the preittlsaa oontalnad lu Bald noorlgaica [or lo mnoli thereof as may be neoi t'ssiiry to satlsty the ainount due on said mortgaga with lntereats and it-cal ihat Is to say : All thul i-erlnin and pieei' and paroel ol land lumiwli in tbe Inwoaklp or Ijyndon, in the rouniy of Waahtanaw anti state of Michigan known and dVaoribad aa followt, to-wit: Theeast part of the southe:ist rnotlooal qoartar of laotKwi number one 1 lu tnwnahip number one (I), soulh ol ranu;e number three !i easi, and liounded on tbe wem by the oullet ol Blind I.ake, and rontalnlnii forty aeres of land more oi less. Daled Miireh I. A. l 1S87. S 1LLIAM BAROrSON, Asalgiiee of Mortünge. 1.1 (, I S. NIciN I MJt'K, Uoratf fir Asslgnee of Moilgage. Estáte of Imj W. S. MorgAn, STATU UK MICHIGAN, County or VaaMauw. M. At a laarioa of the Probate (ourt for the County ol Waahtenaw, holden at the Probnte OBlce, lo the city of Ann Arbor, on Moiuluy, tbc twenty-thlrd day ol M.iy. in the yuar one thoutHnd elght hiliulud and olifhty aeven. l'resonl, William 1). llarriinan, .linl:;u Próbatfl la the niattur of the ette of I.ury V. S. Morgao. duceavadi n ruadlnu and ftnujt the peil II l"l.v verul -d, of Krunklln L. Parker pnylnf Uut n lertaln Instramant now on Die In thm rouit P riiortiii tobe the last wlll and testament of -aid iaoeaMd, may be adinPted tn probate, and thai he aml oti C. JobDKUl and K tunri! D. Kiune ui ly ba apuciinted szenion ifaeraof. Ttaeraopon it li urderad, that Monday, the twen tlath day of .luue next, at ten o'clock iu the lorenoon, he axulrnod for the hearlui; ofBald petitiou, and that the devUee, h'x&te, and helrw al law ol K:iHl daaaaaed and all other pernona Inieri-Hted in nald estáte, are riipiii iil lo nppear al a xesílon ol atil eoart, thon tu be holden at the I'rolu.- Offlru. lu the city of Ann Arbor, tn naid couuty and Bhow cause, ir any there be, why the prayer of the petltloaer (naald not begranted And it Is furiher ordered, that sald petiiloner (tve notlce to tho personn Interested in said estáte, of the pendency of aid petitlou. and the hearing tnerapf. by Gaaiing u copy of thl order to be pubIllaed lu the Ann Arbor Vourirr, n newnpaper printeil aml rin ulatinir In sald county, three ucCMIlV iraakl prTiou to snid day n) hearlui; WILl.IAM D. HAKK1MAN. (A trne copy.) .Indïeof Prol.a'e W.M. (. DoTY, Probate Résister. 1-186 TJSK. Í1 A T Tl BeM" " ¦¦"¦¦ bo ! lo writ b I I I I I Suiiionir.. .ruill.nd, Mllot.will reolr. I f I I II f"e, full infurinMioD bout wort bieb I I lli7 cao do. auJ llr l lumn.lli.l wlll D4j XJ AJ tbem from fs lo 2S pr dy. Bon bar rood ortr $A0 lo dfty Eltbar !, youug orold. Capital Dot rcqulred. Toa tr itartao titm Tbo wbo ttftrt ftt uuc anabtoluuljiiutufuaicUultfortiuiw. illkui


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