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HlOl IHKKCTOIIÏ. . „„ akhokOovmandkry, No. 13 meet flrst fuwiday of eaeu inouth, W. 0 l'oty. E. C; vy. a.. ToleharJ. Recorder. IV HH ruvvw OHAPTBB, HO, 11, II A. M.- M"t. tlrst Ifonday eaeb month. lxaae Handy, H P-; Himlli, Seeretury. ""business cards. DEAl.KK IN CLOTI CASKETS, METALIC And Comraon ('offlns. Calla atteiitoJ to DM r NlKtit. Kinlmlmlng a ¦peoUIty. BtO' room on E. Washington streel. Raaldeooa Cor. Liberty aod Klflh. W. II. .1 V'K.O, DüEHITüTüXII SUTIL OITFICK. : OTr Bach & Abel's Dry ood Store. Eiitraiice next to N:ition:il Bank. WILLIA1M HEKZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! PaperliK Glazini;, Cilding, and Calcimlnlne, and w.)rk oi eerj aacriptloii done in the tx!8t style. ud wwrantvd to nive ístlefiietion. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor, W W. & A C. I'HOI, IDETlTISTS. Rooms Over Anii ArUor Snviiiifs Huiik, Maoiiif 'IVinplo Block. OlSorVITALIZED AIR . t.Ti-cl Ur ri1lf"l tretlMl "f leelh. "ge-Tthe best FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secnrlty held tur tfc iinm-ction of the poHcj christÏIn mack BeDreent ihe followlne flrt-cla-x crnnpnnie h, of oe n xty-i ve yearg : .tna,of Hartfor.l # 9,192,644 Franklin ot PhiladelphU :i,l ls,71;' Germ.nii. N. Y 8,700,729 Oi-riiiHM American, N. Y 4,060,968 {fondón A.sur;inoe, Loarton... 1,416,788 Mehijnn F. & M., Detroit.. . 387.608 N. V. (Jnderwritem N. Y 2,896,679 National, Hartford I.774.60B Phcenix, Bronklyn 8. 769.086 I-ossi-i liberally adjusted aiul prnnipllv ul. PolicicH issueil at the lowent ratcs of prcmiuin. llt)ltf LUMBER! LUMBEU! LUMBER! It "" eontemplate liulliliiifr, eall at FERDON Lnltr Yard ! Orner Pourlh ainl Depot 8ts., aml ;re OOI figures for all kiuils of LUMBER! We mntuifaeture ovir own Lamber aml KiianntM AERY LOW PRICES O-Uivc us a cali nd we will makt it to your Interest, as our lárice and well iraded stock fully usUins our sserticm Telephone Conncctions rith OHice. r. I. KKSCH Supt. JAVESTOLBERT, Prop A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Píate GHass Insurance, Stearn Boiler INSURANCE! líOwest Rates, Honorable Ailjiislineiits mi Losse l'romptly l'aid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attention oivknto OoiXBCTTOH " Rknts and Manaokmknt ok Ukaj. Hstate intkrksts kok ncin-kksi hknth. k.jTIBE HATISKACTIllN TI) O TW Klt.S GlAKANTIKU. A. DeTOKï:s'l' llíllll """¦'' '"""y llm" Hl aiiytlilui4elscl)T tak 111 I V '" " -'¦ -y fr '"' 'k'"1 'IIíijk 1""1'ff I i out. Beginne aucrvcl giandly. Noik ml fall Term frce. Hai.i.ktt Book Co., Portland, Malne. PENNYROYAL' WAFERS. tPrecription of a physiclan who has had a Ufe long experience Ín truating feínale discanta. la uscd monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladus. Pleatant, safe, effectuaL Ladies askyour drugRtet for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no Bubstitute, op tnclcfte postBEreforíealed particular!. Sofd by all drueplsts, 1 per box. Addross THE KUKEKA C'HEMIC'AU CO.. DrnioiT. Mica. S ild tu .uní Atiur, Mich., h jr Khe rhach & Sun un-fBea I ' í T ('n 'Iveat home .and make more money a I I I w"rlí '"' " ''"" "' 11Tl.VIIn"t-' 'Iré in thU wil W"rM. Capital nol needed ; yoa are atañed Tren. Both hcx.b ; all aKex. An oue can do thü work. Iarf aajrolnffi fron lKttart. Cwiy outllt IM term free. BetU uot delity . Coftin you nolhinK to aend uh your ud drm and nrd ote if yciu nre vine you will do BO at ouce. U. IUllktt A Co.. Portland, Malne. y? KlaHf,, rij.l.,,, fTT. ¦imaP fi L j 8ë far circuiKv J. KNOWLTON. Ann Artoor. MIcK A COHPI.KTK AKItANliKMKM KoR Phjsiciis ni Fililíes, Veiter andZCheape A Ml HO CONVENXENT THT A. HTATIONARY BTH TUH, WIT1 No KXPKNSE OF IUTH BOOVI AND FIXTUH 31- SUBSCRIBE POR The Ann Arbor Courier.


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