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T gJROYAL V3&'.t jí J POWDER Absolutely Pure. TUla powdernever varíes, a marre! of puii y. M i rimi h and wboleeomeneaa. Moreeoo lomlcaj tban tbe ordtpary klndi(and oannot ,¦ aold Id OOBipetlMOQ wiili the multittule of uw isi, hiiori welffht, ti 1 11 iti or pfcraaphale towdera. 9old onlyln cana. l(oul Haklng; fom dr ' . KM Wall t.. N. Y. VMATED BLQÖD. BCR0FULA8, HfHERITEB AM CONT.(il(ls m'MOlts CUBES IV COTICURA. JiHUOl'lill medium .f OM or yonr books r.riinl 1 1troniíti Mr. Frank. 'I'. Wray, Druggln. Apollo, l'u., 1 baeame acqualated with yoai i ni i ka Ki m mik-, ind take i li opuortnnttj tu eetlf) lo yo tli it iIm-ii oee his permanently cored Be oj ooe ul worvl cae ol blood poJaoulQfl;, Id ODuecUon itii eryaipe a, taal 1 have eveí w hihI íliis aiter hartos been pronoaoceij laeanble ir aoma of tne beel pbyatclan In onr conntj i uTi-ai pleatnn In torwtrdlog toyou thii -U u H ií liy you, in ordiT tbal liben sufferlfl Irom Kiniilur mauidlet muy !¦ 80counieeil 1" vuur i itmi i;a Kntultí u trlul r. . W .1 1 UNliER, I cnbnrg, I-a. Rateenea: Frank P. Wa, Drngtlat, Ap.iln P sruoFLLors uloers. J,imo8 B. Rtcbardaon, Cmtom HueiNewO¦ana, ontli saya: "In 1870 Scroiuia I Icen broi.e ool un my bmly initil I ral u M of cumip ion. Evervihini; known t" Ib inrüical faculty was trit'd in vmn. 1 bacann u marewreck. Ai iiu - could not lift my hundí tu my huad, could not turo íd bad i mi In coutant paiu, and looked upun Ufe a a cuna. Nu relief or cure in tea jmrt. (a 1890 1 beard ol tLMMMBtm ii-'d tbem, iiul perfect y cared" Bwora (o oelbro 0. 8. Coiu. J. 1). Cbahtohd. ONK OF THE WOHST CSKS. Wehavclii.'M MlliDH ooi Cuiicnvti BMWiAh yeiiiK, and lmvt. iliu firpl cumplaiut jet t" recclve liom a paren iMr. One ol tbe worm of cr.'fun I ever aaw wai enred by the naeol i1t botileaoi Vuücura CulUura, Outicura ¦oilj. l'hc hcilu lak ¦! ll.u " ukc " llore a a medicinal i-cap. i AVl.UKít TAVI.iiK, DrafgM, Krank lort, kan. SÍROVIMMS, IMIKKITKD, And ('unta ¦lou lliimorH, wiih Lon of II iir, and Bruptloni 'if ibe ski.i, are uoíltvely enred ly Uvn(¦mu and Cutieura Soap eztemally, and Vutteura ni iDlamally, arben all utbet medií inta raí . Meud ior I'mplilet. BBVGGIST8 USE TMKM. v' Imve obtalned aatlifíctory retnlti Irom tbe of ihcCiiticnr Kemediee in our own laully, and reconmend tbem beyuod any otber remedlid rordlaeiaee "i Ibeakla -md blood. Thedmaud ior tbem rrowi tbelí menta become known. MMMII.I.AN A Of)., Urujtgftt, I.itrobi', Pa. CUTICUIÍA KIMKDIIS are sold pvi-rywhcrc. Prlce: ('htutiu. tbe Oreat skin ('un', N Oenii CvTOUR Uop, an Kxqilisit.' lirauülier, 2'ctí; CirririH Kkmoi.vknt, ihenewHool PnriAer, íl.ix). i'icpirocl by Puttkk [)i:i(i am) OhbmoaIi Üo.. Boatou. T5T1TIMJ'-S' Blackheada, skm biemlibea, and 1 IIVI Bab] Hmnora, oae Calicara Soap. CH0KI1TG CATAREH. Hav.' yon awakeaed froni a MatortMd sleep with ill Iba liorriWf aaaaatloaa of an ana-fin cluicliins your Ihroat and praatlin tlu: lile-lircaüi Irom yonr UgManed eheat! Hae ftm netHed Hie langour aaddebmtjrtbattaceaed thc i-ifiri lo Naryoar tiiro.u aod baad of tblí tatanbal natter I Wbat a depresíing Inflame it exi'rlw upon the mind, cluadlng the memory and fllling the head witli painn and ntrange DOlaei I Bo dlfflcoll tt i- to rld the natml paaaaffn, Uiroai and lanffi if thli poisonoue mucun all can teatUy who are alilict d wn'i catarrh. IIow protad tbenretem agataal its furthur progreei towarrii the lung-, liv -r and kidni'ys, all uhyaiclan will admit. H rrlble dlaauet and cric out for relief and c re. Tbr remarkable rurativp powers. when all nther remedlei ntterly rail, of SaruffonTt, Badicai are aitcHttd hy thonsands who ratetullv recour iik-iii! it t. N-llow-utV'TiTFi. No etfttiDent íh made ni; inlinií it that cannot li mbtaiitlated hy tbe inohi reapectable and rellable referenee. ejtK ch DKrki-t conuini one bottle oí tho RaD] i u. l'riM, one box ol' CATABBBAL BOLVKMT, andan Imi'huvi:u I n ii a i.i k. wiili treatlM aad diri-ctioim, and la told liy all druKKl'U for 1.00. PO TKK 1)UI O AM) ('HKM lí A!, ('l., BlISlOn. HOW MY SIDE ACHÊS _ Pruni thebeneo tna tht coooter, irm jlk "' toon mul sewtDg nmriiuit' goet op fcl y the cry Of puin and wrakue.--. Achlog CDaMaW Nld1 '1IJ1 Kack, Kldncy and rierinu wLCI PíiiiiH, Straiiif Jind Wt'ükiH- f , Conche, liV („i, !tn,j ChfWt lJain, aml tverv l'aiu and Achtíof d;itly tol] relltpved in oh minut- t.v the 'iitl'tira nil-l':iln Flmoler. elwfvnl timi lOfalliblu. AtJlragfcUUi tóc . fiv for $l.L,or of TotU-r Drng nml ('tinniral Ci ., BOflOD. WatchsprinG (0OCCXOO0OOCO0OO0CO0OO0OOOOi O oOo o jq OQo - 6QO O !30OC30OOOO0COOOOO3Ci0Ob0OOOOyJ Oflo-"- - 0fl Witli slidlng: Dctacbablc Sprints. CfBcttcr tlian VIalcloiie or Ilorn,3 and guaranteed ncvcr to break. Price, $1.25. For tale by lcadicg wholcsale aad retall cstablishiaeats. MAYER,STROUSE&CO. 412 Broadway, N. Y., Manufacturers. ASTHMA CURED GERMÁN ASTHMA CURE Inrtnntiy h'Uhtmh tba mot vi].Mit atUck. and SSnrw ooSïïubta úmp ? waitisíj fr hbil l is.lteinK utMMlby inUniation. itn action ímmmmirnto, dnwt nnl crrlíUn, and a cure u too reriult in uil oufaIiIh cano. A mnao tnal rnnvincea th mout nk. Prioa Wto and Ql.M uf an driitfihMt, or fiy .SnniplH lreí fur


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