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Enjoy LiTe. Wiuit atruly baaatlful worid wt live tul Nature jrivcs iis grandeur OÍ mountalns, ilcns and iKcuiis, and LbODMndfof means i en j.iytiictit. We chii di'sire no botter vii mi n perfrct lic.iitli; but howoftendo In' in ¦ijoi-lty of peopk feei (tivlnR it ipdlsbe&rtened.dlscouraged mul worn out vith dlaeate, when Uiere ia o accMton or this feellng, asevery gutturer can easlY ohtuin satisfuctory pniof lliut Ortên't ¦Uiguit Fluwer, will make ttiein tree lroiu llteace. as wlien bom. Dypepta wid Livcr ('ompliiiut are tlie direct causes of seventy-tive per ccut. of sucli imiladies as SUIoasneM) lodlgewlon, Siok Headaclie, JostiveneHK, Nervous Prosiration, DizziicbsoI Ihe Head, Palpitation of the Seart, and otlier dUtreMtng sympioins. Tlitee OM of fr'lmrer will pnivc its wonlerful effect. Sample bottl, 10 cents. l'ry it. ________ For Moiiiiiiiin or Soa-sliore. Tliose wlio spend the siimiiier numttis .it iiimuuiiln, lake or siasiilc re.-ortf, ol'ten teel Ih need of B supplv of music- soiiffH, piano-pieceü, ete., - wlierewitli to wliile away the howrs of a rainy dy, or toenliven au evening party. Thelt) ire loiue new books dow ready whieti seein lo upply the want. "(Jood OKI BoHg" i-; i r:m; book: "Bmenon'l Part Bmigi aml l'.u t (ilecs" la anothcr; '"Song Classics" and "Piano Classics" are eücli splcii(Std booka. Any of thM meiitloned cost only a dollar eacli. Then there is tliat new book known aa "American Piano Cillcctlon," price only r0 cents. The boÖkS Will lic sent to any add rM Ou ncelpt of prtoe, ¦ Ollrer Dlton & Co Boston, Mass. I et Me Mm Voii wlnil ii saving I have made duriiiff lh las vear by belng my own doctor. Last yen I paid out $06.25 for doctors nnd thci uicilieine; tliis year I paid ü.00 for six boules of Sulphur Hitter!-, and they have kept heallh in my whole fainily. The; an the best and purest medicine eve made. -Charles Kiug, 00 Temple Street Boston, Mass. Boil-s pimples, hive, ringworm, tetter and all otlier manlfestatlons of lmpur hlciiid are cured ly Hood'sSaraaparilla.


Ann Arbor Courier
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