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Common Council Proceedings

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The regular gathering of the board of ouncllmen convened Mouday evening, Uere being a full board n attendance. rKK8ENTATION OF PETIT10NS. Of John W. Thompson and nine otlirs asking for a sidewalk on the east 8de f 5th street between Paokard and Madton streets, and on the north 8ide of Cadtaeo street, bftveu Packard and th streets. Keferred to Sidewalk comïlttee. Of Chas. Dietas and four others askiug or the gnding and lnylng of a sidewalk n Nortb 2d street, between Catharine ml North streets Hrferred to Sidewalk oinmlttee. Communieation in referenco to the llapldated condition of sidewalk o;i east ide of N. Ingalls street, north of the University Hospital. A reflection on the .ite chainnan of the sidewalk committee aused this petition to be summarily leked out of the meeting by the Mayor. Of E. J. Knowlton, A. Kearney, '. W. Wliedon :,m F. Eugene Yale, asking liu council to lay tile or pave the glitter i front of tueir residenci'8 on N. State t-eet, between E Catharine and Luwdie streets. Keferred to 4th ward Idermeii. A communieation froui Albert Sorg, hief of fire ilepai nneiit, asking that the ïembers of the steamer company, whieh s now of no lurther use, be transferred o the hook and lnddcr truck, with the unies of Larry Duun, John Burns, "rank Campion, John Kinncy, Win. veunedy aud Saín McLaren added. lleerred to Fire Department committee. Of Win. Kleteher and C. A. Kdwards, notifylug the council of the formatioB f a hook and 1 ulde.r coinpany, with ight members, and asking that the Mme ie received by the council, and that the LA L. Trucks and other utensils be urned over to thein togetber wllh a uew rubber coat for each member. Keferred to Fire Department committee. A communieation from Paul Schall, tendering his rcsigiiation as constiible of the 2d ward. Ou motion of Aid. lle.rz the resignation was accepted. A communieation from the pastor, deacons, trustees and congregation of Bethleheni church, askiug the council to use its influence with llie officials of the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. Co., to have the lierce whistling between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock a. in. Sundays, near the toot of Washington street stopped, as it e.inses great annoyance to their divine ironhtp. Iteferred to City Marshal to confer with sald authorities. A communieation to the Mayor from J. ü. Davis, inlorining the council that he had secured H. E. Whittaker, corner E. Ann and N. Thayer slreets to act as city engineer during his absence from the city was received, read and oidered liled. Communieation from State board of lnallh reeeived and ordered Blad. The legular annual report of the board of Health for the past year to April lst was received, read and ord red placed on file. The mortalily was as follow9: Oíd Age 15 Chol'ra Infantiiin 7 l'iieurnonla 1 liralu Ulseano 6 Uoiisuinptlou 13 Heurt l)leae (ancers 11 Peritonitis ¦) Dropsy 7 KrlRht'8 UlseaHe. i Iilphlheriu 7 Rheuniatlsin 2 InlanoyandsllllTousolill 2 boro 6 Measles And In other disease8 one each. The report very respectfully urged the couucil to tlx somc adequate comieiisation for the liealtli otlicer. UPORTg OF COMMITTEES Aid. Swift, fr.)in Kimince committee, ir, sented the rearular mouthly report of expi'iidituri's, as follows : Ut ward finid J JA f ¦¦ ' ".'........ M M j7, .. - ' 280 Ki " .. ¦¦..: ios 9i l .. .. Ut H Ueneral street'lund '' ' Qenanl fund... J CoDtlngenl rund - ¦ '' City Cemetery fund wi in Total i2-571 A l)ill ot CUrlsHan Koth tor me minung oí h slone arcli cnlvert 011 V. 3d utrcet, $:ii!l.(HI, wiih nlsn allowed, and Keeorder aulliorized bu ilruw warrant for the sanie Aid. Allmendinííor froin thé U ener I Futid couiinittee reromnieiuUd that tlie Il.alth offlcer be allowed $50 per year salary hcroalter. Keport adopted. Aid. Allmrncliner, froin same commitIm reportad apon eleetrlc lilits, recommendiiifr tlie putting i f NW lijjht as follows : Atine córner of Mnin and Hurón treetH. Oornerol Flfth and Aun. l'iirin-rof Klrstanil Hurón ic.riierof Wlllard and Forest ave. The reiiueHt for a lllit ni the córner of N. Tlrnyer and Ijiwrence BtreeU granted by cliuiiL'lnK the I lulit Hiérete now located attlie corimr of Nortli and N. iDgalh) streets. Tue lixlii ai the córner or División and Aun street not gruuUsU. lint vlgorous truu Irliummi; In ttial sectlon ftdvlseu. Therequest for llu'hta on tlie Rlver Komi and on South Yusllautl lluad lalil over unlll the new arraugomeut of llghU was tested to Mee If they were neceRsftry or not. ChanKes recoinineiided as follows: I liíl.l at córner of Hurón and M sleöts changed to córner of 2d aud Waslilnglon "V.lthl on 4thBtrect placed nearer Pontlac "'ÏÏglit at M. C R. R. bridge ohauged nearer or upon the bridge. I,iLht comer State and North 8treet8 placed a few feet íurllier nortli. l.lKht córner of Wall and Itroadway 8treeta rhauíced l" swing over Wiill Htreet iil.liílit Córner H. Ingallsand Monroe streets "laniíed to H. Tliayer and Mouroe HtreeU. Llght comer S. Tliayer and 11111 street clianned lo ¦ Innulls and HUÍ slreet. Uxliton WHHhleiiawavnuiiu ni-ar (¦inetrry struet changel to college iilreel, ouejsiiuare from the Medica College. I,lght comer Waslilenaw avenoe and Orltnns street obanged by a few feet, and more tree trlminliiK urgeutly requested ; also on Mlller avenue, 3d ward.and In olher uart of llie ilty. On inotion the report was accepte( and adopted. Aid. Allmendlnger, from same com mlttee, to wliom tlie matter of a public drlnking fountuln was referretl, reported tlmt mmiy designs bad been presented, but reconimended that A. Eisele furnish a stoiio trougli to be placed upon a stone foundation, at a coet of $2;, to be placed outeide the siilewulk for watering liorses. Witliin the walk a fuuntaln for people, costing abotit $55, to be furninhed by latee] & Co., of iion, to be bronzed. Which report was adopted. Aid. Allmendinger, from same commitee, reported three bids on lighting the clock tower, as follows: Ann Arbor Qa Llgtit Co., wlth a Sugg's Ar:and buruer - the same as uow used in Ibe ower- from suuset to 12 oVlock, for tS:3U per Aon tb. TQoniHon-Haston Electric LIght Co. A 65 milt! power Incandescent lamp, (5.00 per iiDii tli. Or uu are lamp for 81 per montli . The Edison Incandescent Electric Llght Co., wlth four 16 candle power lamps, each week day niglit, $5.00 per month. No recomraendiitlon was made and the ommitlee was granted further time. Aid. Kearns, from General Street committee, reported verbally, stating that an agreement had been made with Dr. lerdman to put a wall onder liis bar, rovidlng he deeded the land to the city or the W. Washington Street extensión, equii'ing an expenditure of about $100, and recommendcd that the sanie be done. On motion of Aid. Wines the report was aecepted and adopted, on the condilon that Dr. Herdman execute a deed of the street to the city and place the ame in the hands of the city attorney. Aid Kennis, from same comtnittee, reconimended the building of a bridge on Ylch street over the mi II race to cost lot to exeeed $225. Aid. Allniendinger noved as a subtitule that thf matter e referred back to the street oommlttee, o report at next meeting. Oarrled. Ex-May( r Koblson, by permission, ddlMWid theouncil iu refiTence to the ;rade on N. Main street near his proprt}', and asked thiit the street be brought lown (o the grade cstablished by the city engineer. Aid. Herz, from sidewalk comniiltee, illVn-i] resolutions for the building of idewalks as follows: On Brown street, in Iront of tho proporty of Fred. Watil and l'lnllp Slefrted. On Washington streel, in fruut uf property of Mrs. Borden. On Thoinpson 8lreet In front of property of Eilen O'Brlen and Auastatla Fohey. On First street in front uf property of Est. A. Blrk. On motion the rcsolutions were adopted, and walks ordercd. Aid. Neithanimer, from Fire Departnent eommittee, reeouimended that the etitition of Messrs. Deun & Co. for the erectlon of iron oil-t.inks be grauted; hut the tire department ofücers as re orted to the council be conlirmed and that the petition of B. Oreen for ereoting a new front to hls building on 4th street je not allowed. Keport adopted. Aid. Allmendinger from committee on bonds reported favorably on two druggists and four liquor bonds and the same were approved. Mayor Smltli cnlled the attention of the council to the fact that some of the saloon men had failtd to pay thclr tax, and Aid. Allmendiuger offered the following: tetolved, That the Marshal notlfy saloon keepers in arrears in puylng thelr lux to pay up. Indelaultof whlch he stiall al once ooopérate wlth the Prosecutlng attoruey in brluging sult aguinst them. KEPOUTS OF CITY OFFICER8. City Treasurer Sorg reported the following balances on hand : Contingent fnud, on hand S 8.Ï84 03 Ueueral Fuud, overdran. 122 10 Ueueral street fund, ou hand 750 74 ll waiü t'und ou hund _ l.iwii (K) 2d " " ¦' " 1,088 92 3d 1,034 70 4th " " " " 3Ö6 21 Stil " " " " S8 86 .iu 214 üly l'einetery fd, on hand V-lr "0 Dog tnx fund on hand 2a5 tü) Water WorkH lund ou Uand 3,at8 33 u-liniiui-ni tax, overdrafl l,a5 07 Court House Aid Bonds - 2.1 00 PontiM Street Bridge Fuud 2,500 00 ToUl UfMS8 i)l City Marshal Siplay reported the folUiwin expendltures of the poor fund for the month : lst wuni. „ -..$ 6 32 2d " 5 40 W " 43 97 4ih ;t4 14 5th " .'W 5S (ilh 8 50 Total IW 1 He also reponed three arrests duiing the month. MOTION8 ANU RESOLLTION8. By Aid. Ware: Resolved. That the Mlduwulk eommittee be matiui it il to purcliase a íew pluukM to be plaoed ut the criHUlug of the stretjt where the ezoavMlou for the Curey property ia made. Carried. By Aid. Wines: Ueulreit, That E. 1!. (lilley he udded to the iKMird ui liealtli for the present year. Whlch Itl iiirrled. By Aid. Allmendinger: Rtsohed, Thut the City Attorney be roqoeated to prepare a form tor the uotlces to be erved by the as reqnired by the new sldewalk ordlnaiice. Uurricd. By Aid. Allmendinger: Resolved, That the Marshal bc lnslrueted to inspeel all of the sldewalks in the city. The Inspectlon to be made as early 11 posllile and that be proeeed under Ihe new ordlmtneu aguinst all persous whose wulks ueed repalre. CarrGd. liy Aid. AllinendlngiT : Retolvfd, Tliat the Sldewulk conimlttee take ueiion luward seeuiluK a sldewalk to the Toledo Itallroad Depot, reoortl uk on the miineat the uextCouncll meeting. Carried. By Aid. Wlnai i Resolved Thai Mr. l'rcttyman be allowed to ent down a tree In front of hls property on north Uulverslty Ave. Carried. The matter of changes In the city charter was brought up, and a coiumittee of three, consisting of Aids. Allmendiuger Kennis and Hammond, were ftppoluted to report the changes desirable at a meeting to be held next Wednesday i-veiling. 15v Aid. Allmendinger : Retolved, That a commltlee of three of whoni the illy Altorney be one conslder thu ïntitterof the Natural Gas Co. franchise and report ut n special meeting to be held WedneH iluy evenlug. Catriuil and Aids. Allmendinger, Wines and the city attorney were appoinied as such eommittee. At this point a tlow of eloquence was inilulged In on the Sunday closing resolutlon and the miüslon of the reporter endt-.l.


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