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Campbell's Spleen

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"Do you koow wiiv thé Qorernor'a private tooretnry, Mr. Campbell, U 10 icrrihly down on tlie Uuiversity t " lald a prominent Yp.sil.mtuu to your leportcr y este relay. "No. But knowin that soine men are born with 'pon cussednees' 118 a predomnatiiiir eharacleiistic, wc bad given lnin credit for not being ithle to help it." "Well, tliere muy besoniethiug in tliat. But 1 cim teil you a story M rclaleil to me by one of our city boys, recently, whicli muy throw some light apon il. I give it to yon as I heard t. ()f conrse it Ís only hoarsiiy evidence, but yon know rcltoolboy prankK linter in tradition a Ion}; time in communities wliere they oocur. "Tliis is tlie way tlu1 story goes. Ciiiiipbcll was n student at the Normal School In 1875. At tlutt time (hs they do now) University stndents frequently came down to our city, and had a good time. They occnsionnlly attended debates and more ol'ten the partieg and socials. Oue prcjiossessing younif fellow took (juite a fnney to a yoang lady with whom Campbell was liiinsril smittcn, and over which Campbcll was iiiíanely jealous. The jronag lady ratlier encourafred the University student, audso Campbell planned reveiit-. With two or three chums he proposed layin in wait for hls rival and taking liim to tlie jiump on the Normal grounds, there to perlom the then quite popular cereinony among students of "pumping liini," wliicb coii8isted in holding eaeh pant leg up to the spout and pumplnx it full of water. Hut the young lady in some way heiird of the schenio, and like a truo girl that she was, wrote immediately to her college udmirer. So the next party he omm to at 'i, he npparcntly carne alone; had h delightful tinu-, and ttarted out for his rig, to all appearunces anconidnai of the dire attempt to be made opon bis happineás. Se had not gone over half a block befonCampbell and UU two friends were after him. The '"varsity" boy dldn't run miicli but gave the peculiar ooilege ytll of those days and in a liiiH a wliole score of boys huil surroniuled the party. They wei students from Ann Arbor; they took the whola tfaree, bandaged their mmiths to keep the evening air from lujurian thelr Iuiijís. tleil thelr hands wiih conl broughl kou for the piirposi, lielped tliern into -;irriajíes in ttuldiig, brouglit tliein to Ann Arbor, and going to the Mineral Springs creek, ju8t west of the city, gavd the tliree wouldbe puinpers 8 thorough bath, clothes and all, in the waters of that soniewhat oderiferou rivulet. (Ypsilanti had no mineral spring at that time.) Thisdone they allowtd the thice diseonsolate biithers todepart in pwee. As tlie three pa?seil tin campus on their -Jitmp and dij-plritiii); loot joiuncv honifwuid, it is said that Cainpbell shook his Hst at the U iversity (lome and svore a horiid oath that the day wouhl come w ben he would make the l'i.ivtiity of Michigan pay tor his Ireatnionl that ulght, "Well, the story was too gnoá lo be kept long a secret. It soon leaked out, and it is saul tliat (' impbcll shortly aftcrwanl left BChoolj the trirl married the univeisity student and U t.-day a happy wife of a prominent ('hiuago citl.en." 'Thls Is the story ti I heard it, whctliir true nr iiot I do not know, hut I do knnw that tliere wrai plenty of tlnit sort of deviltiy golllg on ahout tlmt linie." If this story be true Prlrate Secretar? Campbell s not only rerkinfr liis nvenge upon the Uulvenlly tor bit chool-dayi ilucking, l)nt upou the wliole state as well. It Is Dot surprisinjí tht íltdl h man wonkl cali a one-uruieil soldier a liar and tlieti strike htm. ThoM terrible 'forciirn stiulenlM," Oov. Luce, have done more to jrive this stale rank than all the Immigrant Oliio al least haa ever si'iit ns.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News