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4-paw Coming!

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AFTER NINETEEN WEEKS IN NEW YORK, ; WITH a GRAND and MAGNIFICENT CONSOLIDATION of SIX NEW SHOWS, ' Three Times Larger than Ever BEFIüLD, TUK CONQÜKR1NG HEBO COMBSI : F JEPAP'S 6 CONSOLIDATED SHOWS ! UNITED WITH THE GUEAT REMODELED WILD WEST SHOW -A.ÏNTO CXTSTEE B-TTILjE -A.IDIDEID. OPKN OUT THE 8TBCCTSI MKK WW TUK TIIOHOl'ii II F Ifs - LENQTHKN THE BORDERS! BTRENOTHEN TUE STACES1 BEHOLD Vl'V.M 1NDTHE PRINCK OF TUK HOUSE (ÍK ADAM OOMBTH ! ' Afler the nioat brllllaiit and recherche eonquest ever known In Ihe Bawdnal Aunáis r the Speetaculur World, l'lilladelphla' nativo cltixcna -fatlier and son wlll mak e laelr (rana Trtumphal Kntrance lulo tliu city of AMAiS,JUNE10 WITH THREE TIMES THE GREATEST ON EARTH. A OEORQKOÜSLT NOVKI, STUUKT FAtiK.VNT. Comparecí wlth uhieh all rormer eSortl Mie anil Kl m.ner w th tfeeble ni., i nnoerUIn llghL wül ttke plaoe on FBIDA1 IT 10 O'OLOCK, the route of whlyh wlll Igpubttihed hereafter. foq maj Ml It In Ne v,.rk, publUh i In Gatn ml In the ureeu Si Kaphelon. I roeialm It (rum houw -tupa niui en,l t Joyoua newa to uttermosl paruof iii A Mod.-rnC.fcSAlt, Krotter In hit line tbn JÜLIU8 (7). huoroued the Uetropolttan Rnbli ! Rom" hu CBUKht thoplrltuf th.incunic military msuue. Uulutudei u home tndabroad bive ïmthercd the Insplr ví'Ñi' VI iTi ' v'ie"''' rolMjI1"1" vlll"r SSfii HnMMn mèta la Ham fort ui iSSorme the v, i.ii.-t. lint wlmt aiwut the Show ! At the Ml of Ttoksbarg the pabUadld aal a-k how Qnot'l soldier lm,k. il ! ¦i hit c niiiiiiiauriai held uut. He got there ! Enoufli m kim: wii.n Bherman marched to ki thè laeklwne Of the Confi-deraey n l.n.k.n ! Hall ( Netthor nlghl nol Blucher carne, luit ¦ Water loo! How ra. the vietory won f Twu limpie u t twloe t.,1,1 tale. The i'lephanti ,11,1 it. ïi„. horte! dld It. The hrlllUnt equeslrlan an.l aer,.l.allc lUra illil It. The anluiaN ,IM H Hiiunnlniuie ,ilil II Tl,,Blondín Horwdldlt. Ptoanlnn; dld It. John L. Bullirán, the Pnslilstlc Klephant, dli ii ¦ i ¦ ' , i.ieiev Knock-d Them all Out! The Qnadrilie Slephant dld It. Kven Jack. the Bomenáuli Do ,11,111 wi,,,?. the loudest applause ( next to the eleplianl) ever reoelved by uy single feature 1111,1 1,1 he Is niñón the leam i( Adam forepaunh' ureat novel utraotlOMl In woi.f. All the u rand Aggregatod it ra, 11, mis "f the Forepaufhfbiow, the lonly ecjnal of wbloh a mlUlon of New Vork pe, „in teUyou candldlj werencver batoreexhlbTtedbranrabo onearth, .11.1 It. lf only a Circuí, Hlppodrome, Menagerie, Tial, , ,1 „li nii',1 nm.Xlèd whatmay not the puiille expeol irhai r iee addïd to theïè Forepaugh", T77"IIL.ID TTT'EST1 SHOW Uraaderand mnre RenRutlonnl ttuin Iiutfnlo HUI evrr drWUDK) Of In liis fnmllfr uliilos opliy, Hlnce tl. (.11111 CUSTKH IIA1TLK IHMM.n hmi boen artiledat r - of #200,000 whlou win le reprodaood la Ihe Ule at eaoh aTid eveiy , -,t „' ,' ¦ and amwwr riimler than In New York. AMMM, Jlt.'S Mrnt appeiuiea 'i''inin.. , .,nd appewr In his Great 30-Horse Act The Climax of Multiplied Horsemanship. M. XAVIKR ORI.OKSKY and CHAS. WAI.MH. late „f the l'rusM.m and Bavarian CiilnuwIrrN nml Klm'k HoMara. In a Uro mI Sword Comlml oo Horaeback The lamoua KmlKrant Wagon, 141 yeam nld, whlcli repraaaati a " Prairie Hl uer" of the nldpn time built In I,anca8ter, i'n , exhlhlted nt the Centennliil an,l m Uie Uotton Szposlilon New "i laana, ha teen puriMianml liy Mr. KoreuauKh. It wlll appear tbr tho (lral lime In 'the creal parade. Alo, a hllorlc Harnoss, nseil bjp PrMldenl Baohanan when n boj and lv hl (randfathcr hefore hlin Ae of the harnean nol tnlly knmni Wlll tra Mon the hone aWfcMlï1 'ml' tU'U '" " rltlyus w„. i„ FOREPAUGH'S GREAT SHOW! .,,ï'or "!i' UHr,u'"lllr "'¦ Mito, proKnunineK, macaaise, ¦oatterMl tverywhere by the nllllon. Two Uraml, ruil, Th..rouKh and Completa PerformHuoe Kv.rv li.iy al Haud 8 P. 1 I 'iiltIN OpUI) Kt I ilIlM 7 P, S ADMISSIOS, 50 CENTS. CHILDHEN, DNDER MNK VKAijs, BS CEST8. (1,000 Sat. Ht-aerved Niutibered Imlr Kxlra. Kor the aecoininodallon of the puhlle who deslre to avold imw.K on tl"' grnandl Reserved Seats Can be Secured at GEORGE WAIIR'S BOOE STORE. ; AT TUK UsUAI. Sl.KIlll AlPVAM'C. l ADAM FOREPAUGH, JR., Manager. A, FOREPAUGH, Solé Proprietor. i


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