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('oiuuion couucil again to-night. See University items ou 4th page. Ann Arbor real estáte is i good demand. Councll proceedingsand otlier local on lst page. There are three saloons in the city that have fatled as yet to pay their tax. Next Sunday the T. A. A. & N. R. R., will run a special train to Detroit by way of Milun. The report that H. W. Rogers had purchased the property on North strect, was premature. The Chequamegons furnish music for the high school senior Class Day exercises at Whitmore Lake. June 22d. The Detroit High School boys were defeated by the Ann Arbor High School boys Saturday aftemoon. Score, 8 to 5. The local Bicycle club meet to-ulght at their rooms to discuss the entertainment of the approaching Meet of Wheelmen in this city. Ann Arbor needn't feel 80 proud, Battle Creek gets a $30,000 depot from the M. C'. R. K. Co. without giving a cent or shutting up a street. Aid. Kearns, ofthe 3d ward, threatens to resign his office to-night, btit it is hoped he may reconsider, as he is one of our best counci luien. John C. Bird who died so suddenly this week was the ñrst to plant a peach orchard.with Judgo Lawrence in this vicinity, over twenty years ago. At a meeting of the school board last evening it was decided to receive bids from the various banks of the city for the deposit of the school district funds. Elder Davis is getting along quite comfortably, though slowly. E. J. Johnson, who is also suffering from a paralytic stroke, is also recovering very slowly. The non est probate judge of Grand Rapids, Lyman D. Follett, is a former Ypsilanti boy. And while a resident of this county was a very popular fellow. Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern railway local oñicials are negotiating for a ball game between Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor, to be played :it Whitmore Lake next Sunday. Flower thieves are again troubling Borne of the yards about the city, and not content with iteaHng Bowert they ofteti pull the plants up by the roots. A contemptible thing to do. A state convention of Qermau Work1 iguien's Associations is to be held at Ypsihmtt next Mk, cominenciiiif Tuesday, and lastlng for tliree days. Delegates to tiie number of liiO are expected. Monday evening, June Gth, at the residence of Willitm Kiggs, E;q., by Rev. W. H. Ryder, Dr. Harry A. Mareh, of Kridgewater, Nova Scotia, and Miss Dotte B. Cooke, of Ann Arbor, were united in marriage. The Omega, the High School publication, wel) under way, and the boys exject to have it i sale by June 23i'. There is some jfood work being put on it this year, and it will be a puhlication of un usual excellence. The annual social given by the members of St. Thomas Church to the pastoi occurred last evening, at Fr. Kierle's residence on North street, the proceeds to be giv i) to the school fund. It was a highly eiljoyble atlair. The managers of the Washtenaw Couuty Agricultura! and Hortivultural society will hold a meeting in the basement of the court house on Saturday afternoon nexl, at 2 o'clock. Everyboly oordially invited to particípate. Chief Sipley dcsiies us to give notice that there is an ordinance agiiost the 1I iyiiig of ball on the st reets and that he pfopoan to enforpe it too. There hits been several cases of horeea hulng scared, and of children and people being injured. One of the old maples ou the north rida of the puurt hou-e ,-quarc, that was Ulied by the drouth last summer, bas been eut down and converted loto wood, Horry to see any ot them die out. Would it not be wise to have a few more trees planted in the square? The fruit yield in every line will be tremendous heraabouta. But Dftroit people will prob:ibly be beneñted thereby more tlian lióme fulks. Detroit dealers often buy our berties for three c.nts per quart, while consumers here at home will have to pay ten conu per qtiart or yo without berries. John C'. Bird, who lived just west of the city, died Sunday night aged 00 years. Mr. Bird had been prominent in the fruit growing business for a number of years, and was generally known and greatly resprcted He carne to tliis county 55 y,?ars afo, and was among the best known of the pioneeri of the county. Paris Banfield 1 has bouglit one of the lots recently purchased by Nelson J. Kyer on Depot st., and will erect a house tUereon. Mr. Kyer will put up two houses. These added to the three that Mr. Htecock is putting up makes quite a building boom in tliat part of the town. The Michigan División of the League of American Wheelmen will meet in Ann Arbor, July 8lh. It will bring together several hundred wheelmen from nl! over the state and lesides the parade there will be a hill-climbing contest, a rare araand theCHinpis, OtloearoUDd "'llieTiianjile," and a rec-ption in the eveninjf. Next day they will wheel to Detroit. Burglars Voke into the residence of Rcv. H. F. eiser, nu Spriur Bt., lugt MoiiUuy nigli and atole the clothes of Mr. Belser ar his young son. After rifling the pookt,, of 80me $5 or fj „ money they duiuel] saa clothes into the wash tub of the „eighbor living next door. They dld teir work 8O quietly Unit no inmate of ve house knew anyUiinK of t uu til they woke n tlie uiorning and found the cU]leg gone. The Hobart Guild hj a meetlnjr last Tlmreday at the hall. lt was decided to set apart the gymnnsiu for tne use of the ludk'8 011 Wednes., an() Frlday afternoons. The Bmhoireportei, that ?500 had recently been gln for tie purchase ol books for librarjmakinj? llie total endowment $2,500. -j g_ j;. Eirp sustgeHted that all n.noers who werti absent fmiii tWO conse tve meetinga of the Qulld without gj excuso should ie impended frotn Pnege8 of the Ouild, bul the mollon wag t was decided to open the parlo,,' ' llse oTmemlMn (Ml Sunday afterno! An other sucirtl wm annouiiced to ". „v,n through the courtesy of a friend time before Oonimeiicemeiil. Judge Joslyn ailjourucd court on Monday to the 13th. Too much rala now will be detrimental to the wheat erop. There has been pald into tbe county treasury $20,5:5 liquor tax. Tlicre are seven less saloons in tbe city now tban last year, tbe number now being 31. A young man has been arrestad in this city for 8ending obscene literature tbro' the mails. At Dexter there are two tirrai buylng wool, viz: C. S. Gregory, Son & Co., and Birkett, Briggs & Co. Second annual exhlbition of the Art Club at tbe Ladies' Library building next Tuesday and Wednesday. The Ladies Library of 8t. Johns, Mich., anticípate giviug an exevrsion to Anti Ai'bor in tbe near future. The old board of directora were reelected by the Farmer's & Mechanic's Bank stockholders Monday. People sleeping in lower rooms should be a trifle cautlous about leaving windows up without any alarm attached. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Ann Albor Savings Bank last Monday the old directora were re-elected. The amount of liquor tax coming to the city, of the money alrcady paid in, is $7,893.87. About $4,000 less than last year. A social will be given to the congregation of St. Andrew's church by the Rev. Samuel Harp, at the Hobait Hall next Thureday evening. Frank L. York internis to go to Europe this surunier to study the Cathedral Muslc of Kngland, France and Germany. He aceompanies Batchelder the celebrated organist. At the M . E. quarterly meeting Monday evening, Dwight Ramsdell and Henry Shier applied for authority to preach. They passed good examinations and were lieensed. Is this the man, Mr. State Oil Inspector Platt, tbat yon lashed all of tbe Washtenaw delegates Into line for at Grand Rapids? Is this the way he pays off Washteuaw county for its support? There was a meeting held at K. of L. hall last Friday evening to Inaugúrate a movement for the celebrution of Fourth of July. There will be another meeting next Sunday p. in. for the game purpose. W. G. Doty went lo Northville yesterl.-iy to be present in his official capacity as Grand Captain General of the Grand Commandery of the state, at the consecration of Northville Commandery No. 39, Knights Templar. The A. M. E. Church propose to paint, paper, and repair their church this surnnier and have nppointed as a soliciting committee Mrs. E. Thomas, Mrs. E. Lucas, L. Edwards, Mrs. J. Crump, Mrs. E. T. Jacobs, Mrs. S. Cox. Will B. Cady, of the "Soo" ruahed into town Monday nlght and out again ruesday. He is oonsidering the propoliiion to iiccept the cshierslil of a new bank to be started at S.iult Ste. Marie, rtitli a capital of a $100,000. The Episcopal Convention of the Diocese of Ea.-teru Michigan will be held at Christ's Church, Detroit, to-day and Thursday. Messrs. J. M. Wheeler, C. H. Kichmond and H. J. Brown are the Jelegates frooi 8t. Audrew's parish. 'l'he Lapeer Business Men '8 Assoclation lias takeu up the subject of roads and proposes to boum that city by building roads ulo it from every direction that will be good all times of year. Tbe Lapeer boomers have struck the righl key. The following persons have aided the iewing school the past moiith : Mrs. W'illard Koster, Mrs. Steele and Mr. Sohalrer. ÜDiuitions of money, material for garments, needies and pins ahvays acceptable. Donations eau be lefl with Miss Haralng, Huron St., or Miss M. Brown, Superintendent. There have been over 4,000 semi-centennial cireulars sent out from the steward's oftlce. The mailing committee have t'iideavored to reach every gradúate nf all the departments; and if any gradúate has failed to receive a opy of the circular, the committee will glailly supply liiin on application. Married, .(une 4th at the residence of thehride's mother In Macon, Mich., Hllda A. Pennington and Dr. A. G. Oven of Petoskey. The bridal party left the 8'ime eveninjr for Petoskey their future home. The Dr. has many friends in Ann Arbor who will send greetings of great joy to li i n i on this occasion. The concert glven by the Detroit Pliilharmonic Club, assisted by Miss Muy Whedon, at Hobart Hall last Saturday evening, was attended by a very select and appreciative audience. Every piece rendered was fully appreciated, and the aiidlrnee only regretted that the program was so short. Miss Whedon's singing, sweet and delightful as It always Is, was even better thau ever. The number of strangers who will attend llie exercises of Commencement week is likely to be greater than ever before; and largely to exceed the capacity of the hotels. Any, therefore, who can offer rooms or board or both for that week ut reasonable prices are requested to Infnrm Steward J. H. Wade or Prof. E. L. Wulter of tbat fact, that strangers may be helped in finding quartero. "Il isn't vory often thnt Ypsilantians get inad over anything that effects Ann Arbor people in a serious way," said J. Willard Babbitt, yesterday in conversation, "hut I teil you they are hot over ttiis veto of Gov. Luce. They do not believe that the university belongs to Ann Arbor any more than to them and what effects it interest is the concern of all good people of the state." The second exhibit of drawiogg done in the public schools will be made at the Tappan school building on Friday and Saturday the 17th and 18th Inst The exhibit will consist of drawings from objects, working drawings, original designs, and blackboard sketches. There will also be asmall collection of objects modeled in clay, and other kindergarten work, from tbe priiniirjr gradi-g. The public are cordially invited to inspect the exhibit. An interesting social event last week was the marriage, on Thursday evening, June 2d, of Miss Mary D. Ferdon, daughter of Mr. John Ferdon, to Mr. Charles D. Bently of St. Paul, Minn. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Benjamin D, by Rev. W. W. Ramsay, D. 1)., in accordance with the impressive ritual of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The wi'ililiug was a quiet one, only relatives and a few intimate friends being [HiMiit. Among the guests from out of town were Mrs. Clarence Hickenbaugh of Titlln, O.; Miss Berkey of Grand Kapids; Mr. John Ferdon of St. Paul, Minn.; and Mr. Will Uraham of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Bentley left immediately for Sault Ste Marie, whei e they will spend the summer.