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The Old Fourth Michigan Infantry

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The atlention t the good peopte of Aun Arlnir is a!iiiu ciIIimI to the tacl tlmt Uw inemhers of the oKl Fourth Michigan Infanlry have been iuvlted to holtl their uextcouucil at tliis place. The regiment was remarknble for the aiuouot of service pcrforineU. It wus in every movemeiit of the Army of the PotolBM, trom the tirst bultle of linll Hun in 18C1 to Petersburg in 1864, having artieipated in over fifty battk-s and skirmiolir.i, and was nlways true to its trust. It was twice choseu froiu the whole army to perform au Important service. Once as McClellan's army reaclied the Chickaliiiniiny river in front of Kichmond l was the regiment chosen, under the coinmand of Col. D. A. Woodbury, to make the tirst crosslug by wading the river and attacking the eiieniy in the face of a deadly lire, at New Brtdfl on Muy Mtk, 1862. Aain, after the battle of Antietant (In1 regiment undei' the command of J. W. Childs, was selected to make tlie tirst crossing of the Potomuc after Oen. Lee, Sept. 19, 1862. The task was u iK-rilons one, but they drove the enemy froni Sheppardstowu and cuptured severul pieces of artillery, and in both it was speoially coniplimented by the coniniaiiding general. The regiment had til ree colonels killed in battle, and the per cent&ge of killed and wounded was amnng the Urgest in the service. Sume of the distingulsheil menibcrs of the regiment who are expeotfld to be present are Generáis O. C. Doollttle, of Toledo, Geo. Spaulding, of Monroe, J. M. Oliver; Colonels W. VV. Dullleld. of De trolt, J. W. Childs, of Wusliington ; M. W. Chapín, C. A. Janes, ol Hillsdale. pust department commmider, M. A. Merrilield, Geo. L. Maltz, State Treasuier, L. H. Saulsbury, of Adrián, and several others of distlnction. Company D was raised in Ann Arbor, called the Barry Gunrds, and inany will retnember the enthusiastn then niunifested by our citizens, wheu they sent forth thls, their tirat three years couipany, to tbc wiir. 'l'his is the liit and it m.iy bs the last opportunity that you will have to meet and congratúlate these men vrhoni you cheered ou in (bOM dark days to take their chances upon the nation'8 altar. There Is but a fragment of the regiment left. Citizens of Ann Arbor will you now show yiur appreciation of their services by givlng them a reception and banquet. Welch Post, G. A. R., and the cominon council of the city, havt each endorsed tlie invltation, and a local coininittee will be appolnted to make suitable arranjieniriits and solicit your aid in making the occasion a memorable one.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News