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Postmaster Duffy has rcccived I DB truc tlon from Washington to get ready for the great evont of free deliyery iu this city. II s instructions carne Motuiay The first start olV is frora the Postmaster General to the lst assistant P. AI., and renda as follows: Washington, Juue 4, '87. Okdeubd: - Establinh the Free Deliver; system In Ann Arbor, wlth 4 corriera at Jiuk each per annum. Furnlsh the neccssury s.iL chels, buxes, books, blank. This order to take eftect July 1, 1887. (slgned) Wm. V. Vilas, l'ostmuster General Then comes the order of the lst Assistant P. M. G. to P. M. Dufly, reading as follows: Washington, June 4, '87. snt: RnolOMd llinl copy of an order of the P. M. Gen. establlshlng the Free Dellverj system in your city. You w 1 1 1 piense select i Intelligent, healthy añil active men for the service, of eood repu tatlon for iodustry, honesty and sobrli'ty and well fltted In every respect, and nonii nate them to tliis oftlce(on blunkslurnlslud for appolutineut In araple tlrae for t hem to procure uniform and begin on the lst day of July next. il wlll ulso nomínate on a xepftrtite hlank for appolntinent oueor morasultable persona tn net iis mbatltata carriers to serve the routes of absent carriers. Substitutos servIng forcarrlerN ou vacatlou wlll recelve pay at tbe rate of tiiOO per aunam. In all otnei cases they wlll reoeiye the pay of the carriers wliose routes they serve. The neoessmry hozi-fl.satchels.books.blanks, etc, wlth iustructions what to pay for thoix wlll be sent you. In eRtttbllshliig the serrice you wlll be careful not to undertake moro frequent (lelivorles, or to extend the service over more terrltory thau the carriers can efflclently serve. You wlll be In readlness to begin tho Rervloe on the day named iu the order, aud alm to make lt prompt, rellable and satlsfnctory to the cltlzens. Very respectfully, A. E. 8TBVKNSON, lst Asst. 1'. M. Oen. Postmaster Dutfy is in commiinic.Uion with the departinent, with a. view of increasing the nuiabcr of carriers, m Iu1 b!ieves satisfaction ('nnnot be given the citizens of Ann Arbor with four carriers. He having gone over the ground With the inspector who made the survey of die city, and arranged the dlstricts, recorainenling to tb departinent tiveoanicis ft this service. Holmes & Judson, of (Jhelea, and the Pinckney agent of Star & Co., of Kulamazoo, are going tlirough the northwcst towns of Waslitenaw Co., and the southwcst towns of Livingston Co., and buyiug up tlie wool of farmers pretty niuch as it runs for 30 cents per lb., pa.viug each man $.5 down on liis clip. Kepreseiitiitive Manly says Luco wonld OOt allow the TJniversity bill to conu; Into liis hands until alter he had signed the aricuUural colicúo bill. Wliat sort of business is that Mr. Luce ? Retter trade pluoes witli youi' Canipbell and done with it.


Ann Arbor Courier
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