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iMcEAM r [DRPRICES SíL SPECIAL SL J lAV0RIIi AKlNg [ Í5S --ïc , NATURAL FRUIT gQjjÑjylfrcASlgy "-AV0Ra MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared wiih strict rosard to Pnrlty, Strcnuth, nul HeuthfulneM. ]r l'rii ' Balein-; Powcier tontaina noAiuuionia.I.Imp.AluniorPhoRphates. Dr.Prlce' Extracis, V anilla, Lemen, etc., flavor deliciouely. PfICr BiKINS POWDCR CO. _CwctL&ML_SrLlou, MAY I.AMP CHTMOT3Y8 AÜB oiVored for Bale representad na ffooA as the FauHNM PEARL TOP BIT TUF. Y ARE NOT! And like all CountrrfritN lark il o Kcniarkablo LASTI!VC Qualitlo OF THE C;F.MI.K. ASK FOK THE: PEARLTOP And Insist yL ïV TUIS "'"'" gSwBW0k Exact havixg pHiPHroj '¦ l B ¦ ' them E 9$UfgP on Each witb B&y CHIMXEY Pat.Oct. 30,ls:}. The PEARL TOP is 'l;i mili, i in, ,l OM.V by GtO, A, MACBTH & C0„ PITT8BURÖH, PA. C.H.St.CLAIR&SOÑS MANÜFACTURERS OF SclooMCllull FÜRNITURE. iii'i:ii i mu m; m mus AND WIND-MILLS. Are now prppnred to manufactare School hik! Chorch Kiirniture, and Opera House Cliiurs, Lawn Settees, Camp Tailles and the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL flie'test nnd s'mplegt and most rellable tri use. Kepalring done on Bliort notlce. AIbo dealers In PUMPS, CYLINDERS, PIPKS, ETC. TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, PBACH ÜOXKS. BF.KKV CUATES, In fnot, any artlcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANX ARBOE, MICII. FOR DYSPEPSIA. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL '. EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNE8S, WEAKENEDENERCY, INDICESTION, ETC, ETC. u wrs3rd& ACIDPHOSPHATE. A Uqulii preparatlon of Hip phosplmtp nd phosphorlo acid. Baeommended by PhysIHan. It makes :i delletam drink. l uk aml ItfaDithOQlDg. I'amphet free. FOR SALK BY AI.L DEALEItS. Rumford Chemical Works, Proyitlpncp, - - Ithode Isiand. ¦BEWARE OF IMITATIO.VS. JiEAL EHÍA.1E INSURANCE" AGEN6Y. op J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNKY AND NOTAHY PUBLIC Real Estnte soid or rented and rents colleoted on rensoimble term. None but old nnd flrst-ohiss Insurance CompaDles represented - wtth lnKunmce enpital of 81D,iN)ii,ii. ifMtt'H km low as iiny otlier InmmiMM oompaaynd loKeH proropUy pald. Olllceuver Amerlciui Express offlee, Mullí I street. nn Arbor. Mlch. R.TJF TU FL JES. tKOAN'S IMPERIAL THIJK. Rpiral SprliiK, graded froni 1 to poundR in presaure. WORN DAY AM) NIGHT, by an lnfant a week old. oran ndult HO yearw. [,:hIi-h TruKses a perfeetlon. EucloKe Htamps for testimonial of cures, etc. EUAN IMPERIAL TRÜS CO.. Ann Arhuk. Mioii. INSURANCE 4AL ESTÁTE wd LOAN ACENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. ü, First Floor, Hamllton Block. PartlesdeRiriiif; to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll flnd lt to thelr ailviintage to cali on me. I represent 15 flrst-clnss Insurance Companies, bavlng an asiljregate capital over f.di,IHXI.OOO. Ituti'M l.ow. IiOsseH llberally adjusted and promptly pald. I also Issue Mfe nnd livestment Folíeles In tbe New York Mutual I.lfe Insurance Company, AssetU, $75,000.00. Persons deslrlng Accident Inmirance, can llave yearly pnli.l.s wrltten for tlicm or Traveler'8 Coupon Insurance Tickets issucil at l.ow raten. Money to I.cmn iit Ourrenl linie. Offlce boura froin Na. in. Ut 11 ni. "ii'l 1 1" B I1 i. I LX. W. HAMILTON, IHaiuilton l'.liK'k.


Ann Arbor Courier
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