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DruiilteniiesH, or l.iquor lluliil, eau bo ('iircil In Admliiisteriiii? Dr. HuintV (tildrii Npetlflo. It can be jriven in a oup of cnfiee r tea knowledge of the perano tuk lnf It, effertinji H speed y and permanent cure, wlietlier the puliciit 11 a tin i)-r;it drinker or au iilcoliolic wreek. Tliou gands of drnnkards liave heen mide températe men who have laken the Golden Spi citlc in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit ririnkinjf of their own tree will N hnnful effects result from its admlnlstration. Cures giiaranteed. Send for circular and fiill particular. Addresa in conlidtiKV Qfllden Bpecitlc Co., 185Kaee st., Cincinniiti, Oliio. In faniily governinent let tliis le alwnys remeinbered, tliat no reproof or deminciation ík so potent aa the inent influence of a gniMl exaraple. - Hosea Ballou. The fiiBt fault Is tlie rhild of simplicity, but eveiy other the offiiprtng of gnilt. - (1 iMrailth. ( iinsiiiiiptKHi ('ni-eil. An old phyglcian, retired from praetice, havinjr had placed In his hands by an Kast India niinsionary the formula of a siniile vegetable remedy for the apeedy and ermanent cure of Consuinption, Hn.Mcliiiis Catarrh, Asthma, and all throat nd lung Afiections, also a poaitive and radical cure for Xervous Debility and and all Nervous Complalnts, after having tested its wonderful curative power in Ihousands of casef, has feit t his duty to miike it known to hls siiflering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human Bufferinr. I will send free of rhartre to all who desire it, this recipe in Germán, French or Enlinh, with full dlrectii'118 for preparing and using. Sent hy mail by uddregsing with stamp, namIhl' thix paper, W. A. Noyts, 1 In I'ower's Bloeit, Kochester, N. Y. The present g nevcr the mark ot our desiK'is. We use both past and present Al our ineans and inHtruments, bnt the future only as our object and aim, - Pascal. Towns and couutries are never more ralaed than when counsel is taken from foreinerg. - Frora the Germán. i heir Business Booming. Trobably no one thlng lias eaused such h general revival of trade at Eberbach & Son'i Drujr Store as Iheir givinjr away to their customers of go many free trial 'bottles of Dr. Kinjr's New Discovery for Conüumption. Their trade is simpiy enormou in tliig very valuable article from the t.ui tliai it alwayg cures and never dlsappoint. Coughg, Colds, Astlunn, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseanes iiickly cured. You can test it before buying by gettlng a trial bottle tree, lurje size $1. Êyery bottle warranted.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News