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lo'edo, An„ Ajjrjifcrti TIMK HOIIBDULg. To take effect at 12 o'olock, noon on S (lay, May 22(1, issr. Tralni. run by Standard Time. OOIWUNOHTI.. ySüii TTlr";SU U L8T -á$i l _? " ' " ï i ; r..r u. A.M.Lve. Arve Tr- - -Í I 6 15 Toledo V-i i?" 6 W 3 20 ft 20 Manh'in June í ', "' - 6 60 8 25 5 30 Alexf, , Jï 8 í 7 10 3 4(1 ft 4S Samarla 8 fin ii W 7 SR 8 86 H OS ?!? 8i6 4 88 S8K Mllan 7 2 o i! 7 ?' 8 5(1 4 451 fíM Urania 7 3? í? 2í' T 0(1 4 63 7 I PlltoHeld 7 il ? " IS ft 16 S Hl 7 10 Ann Arbor 7 in L : S l 7 80 Uland 5? 5 5 7 48 Whltm're I.'kc }i 6 ¦ ... e bso noHi ::.: i 7 20 9 30 Durtnd 'S 53) 7 9 fft forunna 4 7 5B 10 01 Owomo 8 10 10 0R Owuwo ,J„nc 9 15 11 16 Itbai, ï 0! 9.13 11 85 Br. Loul. 1 2 941! 11 42 Atel S 2 F. m, 10 30 lü 80 Mt. Hlm,ant 'V J j Soiith Ljra Krancli. NORTHBOUND. STATIONS. SOUTH BOr-n Train 6 Tr.i , ' 9 50 Lv. Leiand Ar il 10 00 Ar. Worden. Ar S 1 2" Ar South Lyon Lv. L, Connectlonn: At Toledo, wlth rllroad. ïh Inp; at Manhattan Junctlon, wlth wiuLu"' ¦ K. K.; a. Atal. J'.ncno'jf H. K., L. S. & M. 8. Rjr. and F. A j u R S Monroe Junctinn. wlth L. S. & M. S "r. . ,', ,;;" dee, wlth L. 8. & M. 8. Kv., M. & OKy'?i Jnnctlon. wlth Wahanh, St. I.„ul 4 fcf. u at I'itt-tleld,wlthL.S.4 M. S. Ky atAnïi ,! with Michigan Central R. K., and "at Sootï wlth Detroit, Lan.iI1K & Northe? , H. Í L!5 Mlch. A. I.. Div. of Grand Trnnk I(j AtB.T bure wlth M. A.Um División Orand Trnnk b' At lowell wlth Detroit. L-.D.ID A Ñor fr' kÍ' At Durand wllh Ch cago & OraSd Trui.k H' . '' Detroit, Grand Haven Milwukec R aViw ' .clunctH.n with l),.troit, .rand Haven Mijl kee RV and M -clilirmi Central R. R. AÏSt " ' wllh Detroit, Lanninif Northern K li ¦ My:illejrA8t.U)nl.H'y. At Alm. ï, Nv.ll.BEHNr,rMI'KYót4rrerOeuM.PMl.B.ATtcket Agent. ' ' LwalXgeot, TüE ÁNN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK ANN AKBOK. HICBICUH, Transacts General Banking Business capitalT$80,ooo. Oritanized onder the General Banklne Um thlx Siate, 8tockh„laors Indlvlilnally i,w for an ailditlonal amount equal to the stock heldbi them. Ihureliy creatina a Uonrute Fundluriti' beneltt of Depoeltnra of $1OO,)OO.OO. Three per cení Interept l8 allowsd on all Btvta Uepoíltí of one dollar and npwarde. aeoerdbitb "" '"lf' "'""¦ "ank ai.d Intereít cumu-BuM cml-anuuallt titmuf te l-mn oa rahicnmtwnd real estale and othi-r nood security. DIKKCTORS: HIIISTIAN MACK. Wm. 1. BARKIMU W. W WINK.S. DANll-,1. H18COCI WII.1.IAM DKUUKL, WIULAKO B. MWIl'ïi DAV11I KINHKV. OFFICKR8: (MVIACK. l'ren. W. W. WINKS 'ce-fn, i. K. HIS('C)fK.Mshler.' rlnKe' il li emplo) meol at home, Ibe wliolr nf tbi time, or for t elr Mjmre liu-'fneyfi new llelii "'! proilia !.¦ l'.-,,„ ()r ellber ¦ uní imm 50to (.ï.ou pi-r BTenlng, umi ppn ilonal slim by devutini; all their time to lie. and irirl earn earn nearly w mnrb . men. That all who 'e thln may enil thclr d di-eBt, and teur the boatneMlwe Duke m Tu uch as are not well satli-fied we wlll sena une dollar lo iay fia the t.-oulile ol rMw, Knll psrt ciilurn and imttit free. Addra% Okoki.k min 'W A Co. Portland Malne. ÊTTBE OHLY TRUB ZgflRON BTONIC ZH Will urifr thA BLOOO rrolat ¦ ¦¦ the LIVER and KlDNEYS T JK Kkhtobe tlit HEALTHaadVIO VJ 1 OR of YOUTH I)yi# pni.WHt ,t B K oiAppetit, Iiui:Kestion.Lackor ¦1 Strentrth and Tired Feelingut iS iwlutely cured: Bonen, nw H L clea and nérveo receive new k force. Enlivens the miod ik and snpplie Hrain Power L AlllFR Jinr to their (ex wilftin.ÜLDH. LMUIkW HARTEKB IRON TONIC i afe, fipeedr cure. fliv n clonr, healthr complex ion AU ftttmptt at countfrfeiting only adda to lUPOpi lariij. Do not experiment- tiet Original and Kj ¦: (Dr. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS k Cure Constlpatlon.Liver Complalnt andSichl Hdache. Sample Dose and Dream Bookl malled on reoelpt of twocenti In poitag. f THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS, NQ Tutt's Pi allmnlate the torpld llver, treneili. en r li. .llii.ilx , ,,rUaiiN. reit iilulnllt '"'N. umi uu. i,n a. , UH „„ ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICI In malaria! Astricta Ilieir Irtneon Mialely i a ag Blaad. mm the) i nllu. .r.,., r(i. s in rr.iiiic Ui,. ..((¦ front Hun i.oison. Elesaallj kiiiu cualed. Iom niiiuII. Hri-e, asol. Sold EveryFhere. Oflice,44 Murray St., Nw Vork JESS. ABENTS WANTED K % FOR THE jÈÊP, LIFEOFLOGAN tí LyBfcX withlntmluetloillll mL EËm NIRS. LOCAH Thls BlonraphT ha heen mnre that t" preiaratlon. den. liKnn liiiiiaelf furiilnh! U data to the author Urn. l'ranrli lia .';' Inttmate rriend and asocíate: and heture bln t;= be read all but the closinif ehaptertt nf tbe wort - K-ive it hla unqualitieil ndoraament, Mr, u" tates trils In the IntnKluction. A mllllon ' ¦ilrrn ot the deail Chleftaln nanl Ihli Ihrllllu ¦ tory nf hla friHl nirrrr In priice aau ¦ Splenilldly Illuntrateil wllh iiortralls an.i t" ?cent-a. Heiul ciiiU'k 11 for outüt and gel CM" Kirntury. Address C. B. II t: Al il A O.. liti-uïo. I !l AN' ARBOR, MICHIGAJi. Man tl facturera of ASH, CHERRÏ, OiK, ilWB WALNUT BED ROOM SUITS. Bttlwrooni nt NO. 52, 8OUTH MAIN St UCNMM& ronnnNsloiKT-' Noflce. (JI'ATünPMU HIOAN.Cp'int) olWuüh 0 hikI.tMí.mi.'.í havliu h, ¦¦¦„ ppoln'jj " ' frobnt.'C.iiirl (' 'mi"!-"1 rec.-iv.-. Biarolue ani ailju-t all Wmiiii" ml .il all permina L-aiust iie i-Um ' N1 late ..f aid .onty.deea.ed he ihiit-ixm.iiitl.i dK are allowed, lï ''' ald Conrt,fv to l1"',1"'11',',,,; claim ataliiit the eute ol eald d-e:iíel. " ¦ rhcltv of A.n Aor, in wld cmnty, iUy, 7th day of June, and on lllT,';t , Tlli day of Sej.lenher n.'Xl, ' ' 'TZid V nl eiicli of aid ilayi, U rmvive, xaww ¦ nal aaid claim-. Dat ed. March '61887. , .lullN Bl'Kli. M'ominlfil! WILI.lAM N.STEVKS8. f OTATR OP MICHKMN. The ClwwlgJ i lïr Ui.. Unniiy of Waibi.naw, m "" Kinnm HUI. t ¦..mplalimnl. I Krneiit I)ay Hll. Defendanl.l It atlaáotorllv PPMrln M.fS'ÍÍ' the defextKlit. Kin.-t I i H I ? ''' ,„ il.-nt.if Idlsütale, luit resl.! Bt ', (irlnU'i theatatof Illinois, on mot on . ( ' ,„. Wiiiner. aolloltura tor ¦ üered hal the iald deHeodanlj- Min .lo otune hla uppearance t '',, ,iti IbUqjttM Wlthln four i.n M froi ' )iiM) 01 thli t.r.ler, to wit : on or ';'f''" " , jrfaoll ..f Annust, A. 1) 18. '""',""' tlii.irui the ulll of oomplalDl In ",?,,. taMn aa coDfenawl b) n.e m.i-i ¦ll;" "a Btod, Aun Albor, April -t, Wgjj YNi IW.1U8-6I OrouUJ


Ann Arbor Courier
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