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Ugrly and Hateful, but I coaldn't help t. Everytliinj,' went wrunjj witli me, and I tlioulit I badu't a fnend in Ibe world; dyspepsia cauted tiiU, umi tot mom lis I couidn't ent nnviliiiifi, Mtdjnst suliered In misery till I ns'ed SulpbUl Uitteis. Three boltles en red me - U. Luw is, 2 Bowdoiu strt-ct, Uoston. Mhm. Nu mail prenchei his sermón well to otlier.s if lie iloes not ürst prcuch il to lii.ovvn liearl. Of nll the rlches that we huji, of uil the pleusuii's wo enjoy, we cuii cariy Ba more out of tliis world tim:i out ut a dreun). Uucklcii's Árnica Salve. The Best Salye in tlie world for Cnts, Hniiscs, Sores, llccis, Salt Klieiim, Fever Sore8,Tetter, Clnijiped Hands, Chilblains, Coroi, and uil iSkin ErupUorM, and positively cures Tiles, or no ]my réqolred. lt Is vWnuiteed to glve perfect sutist'uetion, or nioney retmuled. l'rice 2." cenls per box. For Sule by Eberbuch & Son. Tlie worst prlson is not of stouo. It is of u throbblnjf heart, OQtr&gad liy au infii mous lif'e. For chrouiccatarrli, iiiduced bjr n tcroCulons tuint, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the true temedy. It stops catarrlnil dUeharfies, removes the sickeninir odor, and liever f.ills to thoroughly erailicale Uforj Iraee of tlie dlsease trom the blood. Bold ly all dealers in medici i-.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News