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Common Council Proceedings

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Lnst Wedne8(lay eveninj; the Conimon Council had a special session, anti it was a very special session, tno, la-tin;; until ¦tor midniglit, with considerable contention, mticli wrangling and ill-feeling. The b;ll was set rolling by the mayor, lio at the opening made a personal explanation In reference to liis action in ordering a suit against Millman & Collins for violation of the liquor law discontinued, for the reason thttt they had pbdged themselves to bita to do better in the future. Aid. Kaam moved that the action of the Jlayor in refereuce to tlie prosecution ot this case be approved. Aid. Ware moved as an amendment that if one ca?e bedismissed all similar cases be dismissed. Aid. Allmendinger moved usan amendment that all three cases be dismifsed if all made the same promises. After considerable discussion, Aid. Allmendinger agaiu moved, as a substitute for all the above motions the cases of Walsh & Gibney aud Fred Brown, be placed upon the sarae fooling as the case of Millman & Oollins. This motion prevailcd. Aid. Allmendinger, fruin the special committce to whoni was referred the ordinance grauting the Washtenaw Fuel Gas inatural) Co., presented the Mme, ntld il was read and adopted sectinn by ¦ectton. It gives to the conipany the rihi (o lav plpei upon the streets and supply our cltlMM w ith natural gas (or mineral water) in the event of its discovery by them, the coni any is to give a bnnd in the sum of $10,000 to keep the city harmless Ir m damagesj The slim of $120 was voted to OOVM the expense of putting a wall uuder Dr. Uerdman's barn, one-half froni 'd ward and 'tother hall f rom general street lund. The same to be given to the Doctor and he to relieve the city trom all further hotlier in the matter, and he delivering dfed of gtreet (E. Washington) to city. Ou motion of Aid. Ware, Win, Bldert was appoiult'd depuly marshal to serve at the Michigan Central depot without expense to the city. On motion of Aid. Wines the sum of $200 was appr.ipriated f rom the contingent fuud to be expended by the Mayor and Recorder in removing the bodies in the old Ceinetery on the line of E. Hulon sli'eet and opening said Street east tlirough the cemetery. On moti.Mi of the Recorder, Sec'yJ. II. Wade was aulhoilzrd to move the gas lamp post at tlie intersectioii of S. Thayer and H. University avenue to near the presIdent'l hou.-e. The Kecorder moved that t he Electric Light Lamp at the corner of N. Ingalls and North streets be not removed until the ground had been inspected by the council. Carried Aid. Swift moved that the suit against G. J. Schiappacasse for disregarding the Sunday law be dis-contlmied. This stirred up the dogs of war, and the strife was Herce and terrible for an liour or more. Three councllinen speaklog not mach Itw than ;i dozen times on the .same subject, and the roll being called near the same number of times. It was tinally decicted that it was no worse to sell pe inuU on Sunday than to keep saloons open and the two ela-ses of 0MM Were lut on the same footlng. On motiou of Aid. Switt, the Kicorder was instructed to draw a warrant each month for $S in favor of John Klynn aud $V in favor Of Mr. Evans, commencing with this council year - the same being for poor aid. The city attoiney was instructed to dralt anieiHliueuts lo the city charter covering the lollowing : The Mayor lo recelvo a ulary of 8800 por ytai-. He is Lu bc presldiug ofilcer ui uie oounell but lo volo only iu chüb ol u tie, aud and lo imve Uib velo power, lurm ol olllce lo Ijk Iwo years aller April lsl, issa. Tue Kecorder to rucclvo&jju per yuar ; hl Ui in ot i.tlH-e lo be Iwo year baimller ; lo bü daprlvad of a vote In ILe uounvll ; lo be clerk oi all LMiu.uiiU'i's uud h-ciii'iui uilllly muil. Kuch uldoriuHii Lo receive Í00 per year. Tliuaiuouiii in Ihegeneial lund wliich Uie couuuil inay be periullled lo ralue hereallcr be SS.uOU uislead ol U.UJO. iiicciiiiiiiTininiMi ultiTi'il that au ¦ manto vaeancy In aiiy wurd muy be Ulied ulier by elecilou or uppolutmuiu.


Ann Arbor Courier
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