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Chelsea lias souie new stock yards. Saline yearns for ajstreet sprinkler. The Saline Baptist ('üiucli is beinp repainted. Miss Ella Freer, of Lima, lias gone to New York. Müan now mourns the loss of the Penteco9t bami. And now Mfl&n praposesto investígate the gas business. The MancLester En terurlse ischoek full of gas literature now-a-days. Cvnrad Neninann is the roorganizer of the Manchester coruet band. The Wabash Wlbi special rale tickets to all the league ball games at Detroit. II. A. Jewett bas been janitor of the Saline high school building ten years. The Saline fbllu tulk of organlllng a stock co b pa n j to eularge iheirrniage cemetery. The Chelse Ilerald thinks prospeets for h!I kinds of fruit nmcli Injnred by the spring drouth. Hev. J. M. Oetchell delivers the baccalaureate address before the Manchester graduuting d .--. The Ob8erver asserts Ihat more building is belug done in Saline thtl year than for niaiiy years previous. There are 25 wool buyers in Chelsea. One ought to be able to get the wool pulled over bis eyes easlly there. A social is to be held at the residenceof Nathan Phillips to-day for the benefit of the Mooreville M. E. (Jhurch. The Young People's Society of the Saline Presbyterian Church hold a strawberry etc. festival Friday eveuiii" at the Rev. M. Caldwell's. The growing wheat will not be inucb over one-half of last year's erop in this locality. The Insect and drouth diil the work. - Chelsea Ilerald. Many f rom Cheltea nul other places have been lishing this week. Only one accident, two were capsized. The bottle was saved. - Xortli Lake item In Chelsea Ilerald. There was no decoratlon of graves in this vicinity. The men wbose graves all would like to decórate the best are not quite dead yet. - North Lake cor. Chelsea Herald. Geo. W. Burnham it ia said wants $50,000 damages from the VVabash road for injuries received by bis fatlier a few weeks since, iu {{etting off the train at the coal chutes at Milan. Chester Parsons, whose funeral was held last Wednesdny bad been a resident of Saline township about GO years. Ho had been postmaster at Benton 50 years, or until the olliee was suspended. A Lima youth with more brains than enftrpy has Invented a windmill with saw attachment, and when the oíd folks come out and blow about tuere being no wood for the kitclien stove he turns on the fans and sets the thing a buzzing. The seniors, in compauy with the superintendent and his wife, and the preeeptress.made a visit to Ami Arborlas-t Satnrday. They spent a portion of the day at the unlversity and report a very enjoyable time. - Manchester Knterprise. An Ohio editor has just invented au infernal machine which he places in an envelope and seuds it to those who " retase" th' paper nfter five years trial. It explodes and killji tlie whole family and the fragmente that fall in the yard klll the dog. - Slanchester Enterprise. A young man claiming to represent a largCommUku house, has been throiib the eounty telling (armera that lic will pay them 00 and M cents for tlieir wool, aud advining them to hold it. Local buyers say it is not worth over 28 cents, and tlmt the fellow is cither demented, or is working soiue Bohème. - Manchester Knterprise. The animal election of ollicers of the Germán VVorkiiiKmen's Society, was In 1 1 Monday evening last, and ratuited as tol lows: Prealdeut- John Frank. Vlce-pres.- Chas. Uross. Kred Welssltuer. Treas - O. A. Lliuluuscliiiildt. Boelet; doctor. - Dr. L'liitndler. TruHteeB- Johu l'iKik, M. Sveger, John I'eurbaclier, Adam Huur, Oeo. lOhuis. -Salluo Ubserver. Herbert Lindsley h:id an cncountir with a tootpad, Tuesday ui{ht about 10:30 o'clock, while on hls way home from town. A man juniped out from tlte .-iile of the road and ooiiiiüaiuled biin to stop or he would shoot, but Herb. was not stopping just then, and itrikiBB the hoi' tluse witli whip soon leftthe hlghway robber behiiul iu the dust. The lellow shot twioe at Lindsley, one of the balie wMatllBg uncomfiirtably close to bis head. The object of the footpad was undoubtedly robbery, and Herbert thiuks he had a narrow escape from a too intímate aciuaintance


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