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Short ailvertlsemenüi not to exceed three line, of Lost and Found, Housen for Sale or Kent, WanU, eto.. lnserted three weeks for si.% oento. Bltutlons wanted. free. WANTED- By ft Junior Llterary Student, cmployment during vacatlon. AddreM E. K.' Box 292, Ann Arbor. ¦ ¦¦ FOR SALE -At a bargaln a Toboggan 811de. Cali on or address C. N. Banks, Ann Arbor, Micn. "3 T7V3R SALE- Four tables, two comraodes, _P two carpeta, bookahelves, rubber bathtub, chlld's tryclclee, fruit eans. Enqulre Mrs. W. Boughton. SS WANTKD- To rent a house, about 5 rooms wlthln reasonable cllstance from Unlverslty. PosbmwIoii wantwl .luly lst. Keferences glveu and wanteil. Address, P. O. Box HiH. 52-5t FOR SALE.- Slx fine grade Cows all good mllkers ; alse a lot of 2 month'a old PIks. Knqulre at CherryVale Farm Bouth Ypstlantl Roail, or J. T. Jaoobs & Co. WlUfam Stralth, Manager. l rpBICYCLE FOR SALE, sultable for glrl Í. from 10 to 15 years old. Inqulreatthc Courieb Offloe. EEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.Houses and Iota valuod from 81,000 to ,l0 and contalnlng from one-flfth of an acre to twenty acres-all In the city llmlts. Housese rented on reasonable terras In central localltles. Farms exchanged for city pronerty. Enqulre of J. Q. A. Scsslons, Atlorney and Real Estáte Agent, Office over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. 51tf FOR 8 ALE OR RENT. HOUSE- No. IR, Cemctcry street. Apply at Coukikr office. F OANINQ-Money to loan on flrst-class XJ Real Kstate Mortgage at Current raten of Interest. Satlsfactory arrangements made wlth capitalista deslrlng such lnvestments. Every conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of tltles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. P. KINO. Ann Arbor. SËALËD PROPÜLS! Iwlll recelve sealed blds untll July lst, 1887, for the material of the Hlll Mansion to be taken down and removed from the premlses before Dec. lst, 1887. AUo for the barn and outbulldlngs, on the same condltlon as above. Also for the outslde or road fences. Reservlng the rlght to reject all blds. Permlsslon to remove wlll be glven on Sept. lst. Terms- cash, or approved notes. A separate bid wlll be recelved for each Item. 55-57 A. J. 8AWYER, Agent.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News