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A Western Union Change

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Hilo 8. Pulcipher, becauseof III bealtb, resigned his position as manager of the Western Union TetogMpk ofllce in this city some time since, and W. W. Williams, of Wyandotte, has been detatled to take tlie potition, the change takinj; effect next Wedncsday. Mr. l'ulcipher lias been manager of this office for about twenty years, and lias been one of the most pleasant and gentlcmanly offlclnll Ann Arbor tías ever li:ui in any position. It is to be regretted that be deemi t atsolutely essential to his healtli to give up the position. In Kepplflg out ftf the oflice Mr. Pulcipher has the following complimentary letter from the superintendent ol this district, which embraces Michigan, Ohio, Iiuliana and a poition of New York : Western U.niün Tei.eoraph Co., ) Sll'l KIN I l.SDi.N I'-, I IKKH-. V Cleveland, Ohio, June 10, 1887. ) M. S. Ptildpher, Manager, Ann Arbor, Michigan : Yours of Iune9th at hand. I regret Hint the state of your heallh I such as to conipel yini tu i'i.'siüii your potltloo. Tour maoagument of Ann Arlorofllce luis been v, ry utIsfactory tn the company, and ao far as r cun learn U the cltlzeim ƒ Ann Arbor. In s.ik Ingotheremployinent you are at llborly la refer to me In case you desiri' to. Honing you wlll meet wl' li MOMM In whatcver you underlake In the future, I remain, Yours truly, K. P. WRIGHT, Suh't. Since liaving charge of thisofflee, Mr. Pulcipher has taught a large number of Ann Arbor boys telegraphy, most of whom are now occupying mpoBriMe position?, among them bcing the following : Chas. A. ElBter, ARSlstant Chlef In the Western Uulon office at Detroit. Chas. Hlcks, train üispatcher of the M. C. U. H., at Buy Ulty. .1 oh 11 li f 1 1 1 I i't t n1rat arrart t ,, i, . I , i A_ M. C. H. R., at Aun Arbor. W. A. Huuting, ticket agent and operator, ¦ M. C. R. R., at Monroe. Oeo. O'Hearu, operator In tralu-inaster's, ¦ office, M. C. R. R., Detroit. j Frank Woodruff. operator and Kantte clork, Slip Doek office, M. ('. R.H. Detroit 1 Fenton Norton, operator, M.C. R. R., MarkInaa city. "en7 Deugler, operator, Western Union . Office, Detroit. John Hoft'ütettpr, ticket agent and opera tor, M. 8. 4 Lake Sliore R. R. ut Kalmmtzuu. Jay McOulre, operator and ticket atieut. M . 1 C. R. R. at Hamlniis. Habln Felch, nlght operator, same office. Jogeph Rellley, extra operator, M. C. R R Cnaa. Uunson, lu Western Union uMlciCleveland, uhlo. Death lias clalmed four of hls hoys, vlz ¦ Fred Handiil), JoHeph Dounelly, James Coyle and Frank Lawson. AU of these were Aun Albor boys, anü it will be a matter of interest to matiy to know where they are locateil. Mr. Pulciplier on or abont the lst of July will leave tbr 8t. Louis, Mo., and enter the service of the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texa8R. H.Co., but iust where le will be located he does not yet know. (15 the way, Chas. D. Drake, the treasurer of this road is an oíd Aun Arbor boy, and well known to many liere. Although but 30years oíd lie holds a very responsible position). He bopea by a change of climate to build up aconstitution soinewhat kaplred by too close attention to btisinese, and too much confinetneut in-doors. Everybody in Aun Arbor, almost without exception, wil wisti liim tlie best of succeas. On the outlook of the wool market the Michigan Farmer remarks: "So f ir as the (i.-isiLTii markets are concenicd there is little new or interesting to note. In fact, stocks there are in bad eliape, and manufacturera are not takinr more tlian enough to meet ordiimry v;int.s. For For what they do tako formor prices are paid, and some of the commercial press argue f rom this that wool does not show any dlsposltlon to deprédate In price. but the fact is botli dealers and niatuifacturers are waiting for the new clip to appear, am! until it beins to go forward, in sufücient quantities to test valué?, western markets will set priet-8. Already it is stated that maonfaoturen are not able to pay above present prices for w ooi because the goods will not warrant it."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News