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s. B. Wation, law 'sT wai In M 10 ciiy l'ri luy. l'rof. GrüUii dellvered hls lust. leeture Thnrsday, June 9. Tlie riiarmic alumni bare tfcelr banquet June29 at l2:.iO. William Clapp, "1 of Dolroit was with tho D. K. E.'b Saturday. D. Havenport left for lus home at Helena, Mout., last Saturday. Kobert, tlicjanitor, wül dcliver lila last lecture 10 tlie lawi on Tuesctay. W. II. TiOveland, 'SJ, and wlfe were In town Frlday on their wtddlag trip. T. .T. Balltaffftr and F. W. Hawkei rusticated at St. Clair a few days last week. F. K. Fernald, 79, of Adrián, Mica., iiuulc liis Sig. fiiends a short visit last Thursday. L. L. Kcmblc. ïncdic '89, left for his home at Stone Itidge, N. Y. on Saturday mornin. O. H. Coe, medie. '88, left for the past Saturday, intendlng to spend the summer on the sea shore. All things nround tlio University are at a stand standstill awsiting tlie developements in Limsing. It has at last been decided that Millcr and Gale are winners of the doubles in tli; tennis tournament. A. G. Newcomer, '87, was successful over forty competltora in obtaining a scholarshipin Greek at Cornell. Miss Satia Hyde will soon leave for Jacksonville, III., to accept a position in tbs hih scliool of that city. McEnany, '87, will exercii-e his oratorical powers in the shape of a Fourth of July oration at Manchester, Iowa. F. Mehlhop, '88, leaves for Europe iu July. He will ratnalu a year in Germany and enter one of the universifics to continue li is study of the languages. On Monday mornlng, Librarían Vanee of the Law Dept., was presented vvlth a hanilsome chair, Prof. Bntchim with two bouquets, and Kobert, the janltor, with a box of cigars. S. A. Moran has had 100 students durIng tlie year in lus shortliand classes, dl vvhoin '2" have taken typpwriting. His suecess warrants the establishment of a school during the summer. At last rcports there was only one person who was Inrelgled lato svnding two dollars to the New York Advertising Afreney tn reeeive a Miar; of $50 per montb. It sulttces tn say that he was a sophouiore. Miss Archer of Lunsing who was called home to attend the funeral of her mother haR returned home for a few days and will fve iip all furtlier work in the Tuiversity. Slie ha? aecepted a position in one of the state offices at Lanslng, The comniencement exercises of the Orehard Like Oadets take plftoe Juni' III ut Wliitc's opera house at Detroit. The Xrnriuiiting class numhers T .iirainst 19 of last year, but this Uoes not lniply tliat the school lias not its usual quota in nuinbers. About 700 alumn.p are expected to atteud the celebratlon and that niunber of platel is to he provided for hy Wm. H uiirsterfer of Detroit, the caterer for the occasion. If more than 700 oome ¦ome ilirtl 'iilty will be P'icounteied In seeing that all are KCOomodated. At a meeting of the senior class on Satunlay morniog it was decided to purchase a portrait of Prof. Olney as a memorial oí the clasa to be placed in the library. It is the work of Morgan and is pronos nced hy all to he an excellent likeness. The price paid was $100. The load trom Whitinore Lake to this city is not easily detected. Two couples BÚaguided by the darkness of theevcninsf reeen tly made a short visit to Dexter while on tlieir return from a dav's pleasure at the Mu and returned home just in time to prevent the pending out of a relief party for tlieir discovery. A litlle waif of the colored persuasión entertalned inany students about the vcisity last Tliiirsiliiy. Hisentire unconcioaanesa and happy heart, wbloh iTot and anon broke out In song seemed to .uld a oh mn to the life of :i boótblack In the miiids of tliose who saw hun, and he was rewarded uitli liberal oontribatlonn for the pUuare he alturded them. A contributiou is being taken up for diverse b8ts and statuary for Room 21. Prol'. Dewey, in a touching appeal toliis class in logic, who have not the picasure of occupyiiifj that room, Informad them, that in coaalderation of the Tact that Rome dttj they mijihi luiré occisión to recite in lioom Jl tliut all who were so dlspnaed coiild oflR'r their llttle mlte to tliis iood cause. Miuiy iiavc aralled themaelvea of this unlooked for opportunlty, Mpeclnlly beinir inllucnci'il b Prof, Dewey's inturanee that tlnir approprlatloo would not be Vetoed. The Giinina Phi Hitas had their annual Icinqnet Saturday evening. Ainung the toast! the hit of the occasion was made by Miss Randolph, who in her response to '¦ The Song Book" wliicli the local cbaptar bad been edhing, suddunly produced the ncw book still damp from the preM, to the surprise and dellgbt of all, since thcy liad not expected it so 90011. This Song book, from The Coukikk prisscs, is one the Sorority niay wcll feel proml of, for it is the firt booh of the kind ever gotten nut by a collégfl sperct society so soon after its organizition. It embraces songs with nuisic, la li'iiulsninely priuted on cream tinted papar, and houml in cloth of their I luso sotiffs wete eomposed by their own incinhers, and the credit of the large amonni of work to eollatc, arrange and edil siicii a book is doe tu the commlttee consUtlngof Kiaaet üuth Qoppjr, Violet D. J.iyne and Sonta li. .Smalley. The Univcrslty Dramatic Club under the (lireetion of Prof. P. H. DePont is iiinv rehranlng the "Ladies Battle," which has been revised and iinprovcd in uiany respi-cts. The cast wil] be the same as bcfore in their respective roles and will 2 - - - - - r - . - f ¦ ¦ ¦ tem] to make the entertainment one of tlie mostpleasing amateur performances ever produced in Ann Arbor. In addition to the " Ladlei Battle " will be given a farco "Wbii'li shall she Marry ?' This] witty littlc comedy is pronounced by all tobe one of the brlghteit, iharpeat representationsof life In onr own times, parkling witb fun, overllowinjj witli humor, irkOM deptb is not so great but that every one may appreelate It Itshould be borne in ininil Unit tliis prodiiction given by thp Dramatic Club is the first thing on the program for Commenoement Week, tlms maklng Moiulay night one of the most en}oyable occasions among the world of gayeties wbich will follow. The literary Adelphi liuvi; olccted the toUowIng ofltoen for tha emolng yeiir : l'n -i.lcnt - Miss Willoughby ; Vici! pres. - W. A. Iioyle; Sec'y.- H. Uemington; Ticas. - J. C. Severance. The fact tliat a lady lias been placed in the executive office of this society gives conclusive evidence that cocdncation. is playing an important part in thls unlversity and especially in the orirar.izations connected wlth it. Tlm s UM Inl tiiiK' tlint lailii's liavc occupled prominent pösitions in the Adclphi. but it is now itfl pui-pose to oonttnne doiag so and institute a custom that will in time tx-cimm tinif honored. The laok of active Interest Miown by many of its memben made t reorfanlzatloii neoaatarr, and it was effected, the contémplate rêlolt bei n tr to reduce the membership to UlOM wlio are willing to takean active interest in all builneu. Plye memben treraaxpelled who gtyt palpable cvldence of tlieir lack ol Interest but tlie forty who remaln intend to pusb matten and j)lace the Adelphi on a secure basis. liRK BAI.T,. And ijjain the farmers have beulen us. Ueluctantly muit t h is grcat IgiUtatlnn acknowled_re wc are far iufetior lo Gov. Luce's pfOCeges, the Agricultura! Cnll noOutpluyed in ewrj polnt tlie LTnlvergltle were defeated ly a score of 1 1 to h Maoralllan did the fiíing for the lióme team but was wild and seemed lo lose all control ol the ball and hls temper, glflog seven men bases 011 batís and hitling two other men. DfcDonnell nipporttd htoi Snely, Ui the exception ofmae excusable paned baila. Qale, n new mau wu giren a tiial on tliird basu and did well contiderlag ihe novelty ot tfte Slitndlon and want ni' practico, bal liiJ inalillity to hit the ball al critical pcihils v ís uafortUnak'. Ilibburd in lelt lielil droppcd a lorg (ly but rtdeemed btmaclf by making a beautil'ul tbrow borne cutting nil'a man at tlic plato and sliowinj; liis ability at least, to tbrow. Wilkinson scoied the hit of the day 11 tlie simpe of a lug drive to centre yicldlng him three bases brinjiiiig in an earned run. The slight ekange In playing position inay have lmil it ert'ect in the defeat bal the palpable reason was want of previous iraclce and inability to bat. Yeikes and Smith did excellent work for the Lanslng boys, strikinj; out nine men. The umpire, Hemple, of Ypsilanti liad no judgment wbatsoever of baila and strikes, and his ignorance oí the rules causcd some tliscontent aniong tho playón and spectators. The Lansing boys wanted to stop at tlie end of seventh innings to catch the. live o'clock train but were persuaded to reinuiu and trust to Providence in getting honie. Below is tlie score by nnitifrs: Innlngs- 123456789 Uulverslty 0 2000600 1-9 Lansing .0 3 0 2 ü 4 0 0 1-11 Three buso hits- Wllklnson, Lnwson. Miller, Bales, Yerkes. Two base MU- Lawson, Yerket. Baae bita- Uolr. 14. I.HiisIngló Errors-Unlv.7, Lansing B. Umpire- Heinplr. About six Lansing boys itcwinpanted tlieir team on tlielr trip. A Unen dtuter and a plug lint vvere COnspienoui abont their persons. TIIH OI1EAT MISK AI. IKSTI VA I.. The worU-:i-d:iy and student public are perhaps not aware of the quict but exlensive preparitions wlilch are making for the musical festival at the oomlng commenocnicnt. 'J'he Choral Union nninliering tliis year one hundred and iitiy voicef, lias been slowly inastering the diliicult score of Mendelssohn's master-picco, the Oratorio of ' Elijali," and are now nearly ready to give the final ichearsals of the firt art of that inost interesting work. Far fnnn belng a tama substituto for a stage and scenic presentation of a dramatic situation, the oratorio oll'ers the ojipoitunity for perliiips :i higher order of art than the opera, In that tlie material, realistic eleincm-, are reduced to tlie minimuin. lïuth urtist and public are reijuired, or perhaps we sliould say are pnvileged, to supply by the iinaination all details of action and secure au individuality, and ;ive themselvps up to the spiritual power of nuisicand lyric poetry. ïhis requirement would indeed be a tus-k li the iiiciileiits and churactera rere not as familiar to us as the Korte of cbildhood. Who, lor hwtance, wonld flnd it diffieult to Mncferm In mind a body of sintreri like the Clioral Union Into the whole Jewlgh natioii, ramlahedaminady to perish umler the merited displeasuu of theirGod? Andas for reallzlng tbe wonderful scones wliore the prophet nvakcs the tire of hoaven on bis 8:icrifice and the tloods of waters to lave the thirsty land, notliing iKed be addcd to Mendelssohn's musio to depict the ezdteinellt and uwe of the fralghUQed mnliitude orthe tutnultuons rush of tlie furious rainstorm. This masturly work vvill form the lirst ptrt of the prográmale and the second part wlll be composcd of about four numbers g;iven by Miss Mary L. Wood :md Mi-s Julia L. C.n nthcrs piii.it8ts, and the Ampliion and l'nivcrsity Glee Clubs in comuction with a laige Orchestru froin Detroit. The orchestrul ¦oeorapAnlauati to the oratorio wili ba ¦ feature surely npprecialed by all rho 1 uu ril the peiformnnce ot' tlie Mewlah laat yi'.ir. Tlie oomtniUucs are preparing musical (rent witlt inurli care and no Illtlc expetlM and they sbould Dot lic idilcd n tlii-ir itlcmpl to provlde fnr t the largeti coiicerl tadlence that hui 1.VC1 Mseinbted In CTrtlterglty Hill.


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