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pcB"ftT fes; J j, I flavorihW QWDC" ; L fer--_ --Ici Ji NATURAL FRUIT MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared vii,h atrlctrpffardtoPnritv, Strnpth, nl Ht'altbfulmts. Dr. Price'e Baking rowder coaUine no AniHonia,LI Die. Aluin or Phosphatea. Dr. Prieel Extracta, Y anilla, Leiuon, etc, üavor deliciously. irf&NEY f El 8EE THAT THE :'¦ - "" O 2 O & EXACT LAOLE IS ON fc ft EACH OH'WNE1' AS g S ÏQ ƒ- SHOWN IN PICTURE. " J J PAT-OCT-SOTH-leff M NUFACTURED ONLY S!Y geoAmagbeth&eo. WITTSHURGH PA) FiDR saltBkjiealers jybn' where. C.ÏÏ.St.CLATR&SONS MANUKACTURKRS OF ScllÖÈllJCllllFCll FURNnUKE. III'MI 1 IIIILSi: Ml 1IKS AND WIND-MILLS. Are now prspMWd (O mannfaoture School anil CbDTOb Furnlluie, and Open House Cbatrm, Luwn Betteee, Camp Tables and the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL riieibest aud b mplest and most rellablc in use. Hepalrlng ilone on short uotlce. AUo dealers In PUMPS, CTLIKDBRS, PIPES, ETC. TANKS MADE TO OBDER. LA.DDKKS, I-KAC'H 15OXKS, BEBBT CUATES, Jn lact, any arllcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANX ARBOB, MICH. FOR DYSPKPSÏI MENTAL ANÜ physical: exhaustion, nervousness, weakened.enercy, indicestion, etc, etc. f m tiorstöré ACIDPHOSPHATE. A llquid preparation or Uta plmsphntes nd acid. Itecommended ly l'hjhlclans. It makes a delicloun drink. I ii viL'i.ritt Imh and HtruntjllK'tiin. Tamph et free. TOB BALE I!Y ALL DEA I.KKS. Rumford Chemical Works, l'im iilinci', ¦ ¦ liluKli' Isi.iikI. ISrBKWAUE OF IMITATIONS. béalëETaie insüranbe" agengy. j. o. a. sessions, ATTOHNEY AND NOTAKY PUBLIC Real Eslate sold or renled and n-nls on reasonuble terms. None hut old ind flrst-claas Iusurance (Rómpanles repreeented - with Insurance rnpItal of f 10,0K' hoi. H:iteH as low as any other Insurance company and lnsses promjptly pald. Ofllce over Amerlcau Kzpreus ornee, Main street. nn Arbor. Mlch. T=L TT IE T XJ FL JU. tEGAN'B IMPERIAL TBTJB8. Splral Hpriug, graded from 1 to 6 pounds in pressnre. W0B1Ï DAT AND NIGHT, by an lnfant a week old, oran adultdO years. I.iiilli-H TrusRPS a perfectlon. Enclose tarops for testimoniáis of cares, etc. EGAN IMPERIAL TRUS8 CO., Ann Akbok, Micn. INSURANCE AL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Partle deslrlng to buy or sell Real lístate wlll tlinl it to thelr advantage to cali on me. I represant 15flrst-class Flre Insurance Corapanies, havlng an aggregate capital over 130,1)00,000. Ratea Low. Losse liberal ly adjusted and promptly pald. I also Issue Life and lnvcstment Pollcles In the New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetts, 175,000.00. I'crwms deslring Accident Insurance, can have yearly polldM wrltten for tuem orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets Insnt'd at Low rates. Money to Loan at Current Kates. Office hours from 8 a. in. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. m. ÜALKX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block.


Ann Arbor Courier
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