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AnvicRi of the 7th siiy that on a Moxican ranch near Brownsvillo, Tex., six persons were struck by lightning, two of thom, Manuel Portales and hls wile, being iastantly killed. Thb thirty-eight annual session of tho Americau Medical Association oponed on the 7th at Central Music Hall, in Chicago. A locomotiye boiler explodsd on the 7th at C'hcilrr. Pa,, kültng one man and injuring a dozeu persons, some of (hem fatally. Pnor. E. 8. Cr.AHK, superintendent of public schools at Hendorson, Ky., was shot and killod on the 7th by Prof. Thomas Posey, principal of the high school. An old feud had existed between the men. An excursión train on route to San Francisco from North Adams, Mass., was wrecked on the 7th at PownaL VU, and eloven passengors wera injurod, flve seriously. Thb wheat erop of Ohio was on the 7th estimatod by the State Board of Agricultura at 804,000,000 bushels, a shortage of 6,270,000 busUels as compared with the average of tho past seven years. Thb Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers met in annual convention at Pittsburgh, Pa., on the fth. Two bots, aged respectively nine and eleven years, were arrested in New York on the 7th for the murdor of an aged Italian. Os tho 7th Cleo ánd Claudia Thorne, of Cleveland, O., sisters, were drowned iu a creek near Macon, Ga., while bathing. It was announced ou the 7th that Beaver Falls, Pa., has an electric young woman who is so highly charged with electricity that a hairpin whieh sha wore in her head all day was magnetized enough to hold sixt.v-nino necdles by their points. Dk. O. P. Wolcott, an aged and wellknown Citizen of Milwaukeo, wasswindled out of 16,575 on the 7th by confldence sharprs, who made their escape. A otclonb on the 7th thirty miles north of Jamostown, D. T., acoompanied by haiL injured live stock and damaged crops. Thb Synod of the Keformed Presbyterian Church in session on the7th at Newburgh, N. Y., passed resolutions denouncing secret societies ai immoral and unjust, and instructod the courts of the church to refuse adnussion to the church of members of such ocleties. i Editor William O'Briev was tendered a reception and banquet at New York on tbe evenlng of the 7th, after which he sailed on the steamer Adriatic for Dublin. Thr losses by flre in this country in May reached $10,636,500, being $2,500,000 greater than the figures for May during the past twelve years. During the first fiveinonths of this year the losses aggregated $51,886,500; uürresponding perlod of 18S6, $44,150,000. This does not includo tho losses from forest firos. Physicians familiar with the symptoras denied on the 7th that genuine yollow fever prevailed at Key West, Fla. Grkat damage had resulted on the 7th Trom fioods in Komerset and Cambria counties, Pa. Houses, trees, fences and live stock had been swept to destruetion and over three huudred persons were homeless. Ovrs, wbeat and grass In Northern lowa Were being burnt up on the 7th for want of rain. None had fallen for two months, and herders were suffering greatly from the drought. Thk Wisconsin Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd-Fellows, met in fortyfirst annual convention at Madison en tho 7th, and the Grand Lodge of lowa, A. F. & A. M., opened its annual commuuication at Da ven port. A firk on the 8th at Buffalo, N. Y., de¦troyed a planing-mill, iron shops and other buildings, and over one million feet of lumber. Loss, $100.000. A cyclonb of remarkable vigor visited Marshall, Mo. , on the Sth, laying wast part of the townand surrounding country. The storm coverod a space of flfty yards wide, and nothing was left standing in its path. Mob Mkadows, of Christian County, Mo., was assassmated by unknown persons whila walking through the woods near Ozark on the Sth. This was the forty-thlrd murder in Christian County sincs the war. Colored men are to be admitted to the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, from which they have Mtherto been excluded. Fübther advices of the 8th say that great floods were prevailing in portions of Bomerset and Cambria counties, Pa. Tke losses ín the immediat vicinity of Johnstown were estimated at $150,000. Two aged residente of that place dropped dead from heart-diseasa when the watLr' poured into the town. Manr families had been rendered destituta by the deluge. W. L. Washixotos (colored) was lynched on the 8th near Mansileld, La., for assaulting a white woman. Loü Ovebton, a colored boy, while "fooling" with a revolver on the Sth at Lexington, Ky., shot and killed Fanny Doyle. It was decided on the 8th by the Treasury Department, as a means of assistance in the maintenance of the quarantine against the introduction of infectious diseases, to establish by means of revenua cutters a National patrol of tho coast of tha United States. Fob the third time Frank R. Lawrence was on tha Sth unanimously elected Grand Master of the New York Free Masons. A Cunard steamthip, the Cephalonia, was on the 8th fined $1,000 for permitting a demented and penniless woman from Ireland to land at Boston. Samuel Teasdalb, hardware merchant, of Bata via, O., shot himself through thé head on the sth. Hls store burned to the ground the day before, and it wat thought the loss unsettled his mind. At Morehead, Ky., on the 8th John and William Logan, notorious desperadoes, shot and killed Marshal Mannin, who was trying to arrest them, and were at once shot dead by members of the marshal's posse. Thb tax on the passenger receipts of railway corporations now yields $700,000 annually to the Pennsylvania Btate treasury. Tha Supreme Court of the United States, in a recent decisión, holds this tax to be unconstitutional, and tha companies will hereafter refuse to pay it A MEMBBR of the Carpenters' Union at Troy, N. Y., brought suit for conspiracy on the 9th against three Knights of Labor becausa they would not work with him. An explosión of gasolina on the 9th at Chattanooga, Tenn., killed two men and probably fatally injured fourothers. Thb training ships Saratoga, Portsmouth and Jamestown left Newport, R I., on the 9th for their summer cruise in the Mediterranean waters. Thb blast furnaces and steel mili of the North Chicago Rolling Mili Company, at Bouth Chicago, were shut down on the 9th, throwing thirteen hundred men out of work. The coke famine brought about by the strikers in Pennsylvania wai the cauie. Thi Grand Led ge of Masons of New Turk ou the 8th forf eited tha warrant of Prudonco Lodge, whlch rncently admltte to membciship Jore Dnnn, Toni Oould an m other disrcputables. Mem ben o Prudence Lrxlgo who nowdesire to afnliate with ths fraternity must flrst establisl thoir Hasonic purity and worthiness. A CLOl'D burst over Nanücoko, Pa., on tbe 9th, flooding the streeta and cellar and doing dnmage os tima tod at $100,000. Teb aunual meeting of tho American Bankers' Association wlll ba held at Pittsburgh October 12 and 13 aext Tui Indian outbreak in Arizona Terri tory was assuming serieus proportions n the 9th, and ths widespread dopredation iiulii-uto'l, there were mauy savage on the war-path. Bix valuable ponies, fourhorses and sev eral trick-dogs belonging to Prof. Morris Equino and Canine show perishod in a bu r mug barn at Grand Itapids, Mich., on tho 9th. The reccipts of the postal service f or the fourth quartcr of the flscal year 1886 were $13,444,641; expenditures, $iaO29,33O. It was announced on the 9th that a new Mammoth cave had been discovered near Eminence, Ky. Tiiiibb strikers wero shot on the 9thnea Bcranton, Pa., in a conflict at a coal-mine FitoM July 1, 1887, until October 1, 1888, the Kcntucky distillers have agreed to mako no wlnsk. There are ín bond In the Blue Orass Htate 39,000,000 gallons o liquor. Sixty-ninh pauper immigrant from Ireland, who reeen tly arrived in New York, wore on the 9th ordered to be taken bacl by the Inman BteamShip Company. Bkforb the American Medical Association on the 9th in Chicago Dr. N. K. Davis, of that city, and one of the most eelebratee physicians in the country, said that aleono was a worso poison lor man than opium or arsonic. Aaron L. Btill (colorod), a famous promoter of "underground railroads"in earh days, and one of the best known colored men in Pennsylvama, died at Heading on the 9th, aged sixty-seven years. Daniel B. Alqsr died on the 9th at his home in a New York City suburb. His death was said to have been due to poison from black and gold striped stockings which he purchased in Paris. Advicks of the 9th say that Dr. C. R. Bacon, who recently committed suicide a Minneapolis, was impelled to the act by the refusal of his wife to take his medicines, she having placed herself under tbe treatment of a "Chcistian scientist." From a hundred stations In Northern Iowa, Southern Minnesota and Dakota reports on the llTth showed tht corn erop to be twenty per cent. ahead of last year. The weekly business review of a New York commercial agency, issued on the lOih, showed an improvement both in erop reporta and the financial situation, and said that but for the labor troubles and excessive speculation the outlook would be entirely satisfactory. J. Adams, a rich farmer, his wife and one child were killed y a locomotivo whicb struck their wagon as they were crossing the track at Gaüipolis, O., on the lOth. Thb main oftlca in Pittsburgh of the Western Union Telegraph Company was destroyed by Ure early on the morning of the lOth, causing a loss of $103, 000. A FniLADELrHiA judge on the lOth refused to compel the placing of a "ticker" in a "bucket-shop" in that city on the ground that it is a gambling inslitution. Thï offer of the Bricklayers' Union ol Chicago to arbítrate the existing differences was rejected on the lOth by the master niasons at a special meeting. At San Antonio, Tex., on the lOth the mayor, pólice, an ex alderman and live other prominent citizens were arrested on a United States warrant, charged with broaknig up a l'rohibitionist meeting. On the lOth 2,728 immigrants were landed at Castle Garden, New York. Tbs June returns of the Department of Agriculture at Washington show a reduction of nearly two per cent in the area of winter wheat, and an increase of aboutslx par cent. in spring wheat. The total wheat aercage was thirty-seven million acres. .lu Dm; Lawkencb, in the test case of tha New York hotel-keepers, held en the lOth that the serving of wines with meals on Bimday was in violation of the Excise law. Thkkr were 140 business failures in tha United States during the seven days ended on the lOth, against 150 the previous seven days. In the correspondence between Becretary Bayard and Mr. West, the British Minister, with reference to assisted immigrants, the former said on the lOth that the exportation hither by a foreign power of paupers, in order to get rid of the burden of their support, could scarcely be regarded as a f riendly act, nor was it in liartnony with tha laws existing between the two countries. Tuï postmaster at Chicago was instructed on the lOth to deny the facilities of the moncy-order and registered-letter departments to the Chicago Farm Journal, an alleged fraudulent enterprise. Joski'u Uudbrlb, formerly a schoolteacher of Shelby County, O., who was charged with the ruin of twenty or thirty littla girls who were under his care, was arrested on the lOth at Toledo. The National Pension Committea of the (.AR has prepared a new bill to take the place of the one vetoed by President Cleveland for the relief of the disabled and suffering veterans of the late war. At Washington on the lOth Acting Surgeon-General Btoner expressed the opinión that the yellow f ever at Key West was well under control, and that there was not much danger of lts spreading beyond it present liiuits. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Thb New York Prohibition Btata convention wlll be held at Albany August 2526. Ciiief JcsTicz Mbrccr, of the Bupreme Court of Pennsylvania, died at the residence of his son at Wallingford, Pa., on the 6th. Jacob Trcax, of Eau Claire, Wis., celebrated his niuety-ninth birthday on the 6th. The funeral of the late ex-Vice-President Wheeler was largely attended at Malone, N. Y., on the ?th. Business in the village was universally suspended during the ceremonies. Thepall-bearers were old friends and neighbors of the dead statesmen. Ex-Fresident Hayes was one of tha mourners. Tui venerable Eannibal Ham 1 in, of Maine, is the only survivingex-Vice-President of the United States. Wiluam Aimison, of NashvlUe, Tenn., was re-elected president of the International Typographical Union at it session in Buffalo, N. Y., on the 7th. Thb Iowa Republicans will meet In State convention at Des Moines August 24. Rüv. Bela Hicks, a veteran Baptist preacher and church builder, died at his home ín Sandwich, 111., os the ïth, aged ninety years. Judqe S. S. LüDDAii, prominent as an anti-slavery man during tho border troubles ín Kansas, died at Washington on the 7t h. Hoy. James G. Blaine and wife and their two daughters sailed from New York on the 8th for Europe on the steamer Ems. Colonel Dis Ricï, the veteran CinciB nati Miowman, was marriwl on Ui Sth at Schulcnburg, Tex., to Mrs. M. C. llobln¦on, a rirh widow. Thb wife of ex-President Androw D. White, of Corncll University, died rniéáeny on the 8th at Ithaca, N. Y., and the wlfo of Henry Bergh, of New York, died a Utica iiftrr a long illness. In the Massacbusotts Logislature on tho 8th the constitutional proliibitory amendment was defeated by a vote of 139 to 74. Captain John ï. Stockdalb, one of tho best known steamboat men in tho West, feil dead on the Sth at hi home in Allegheny City, Pa. Thb Pennsylvania Rpubltcan State convention has been called to moot at Harrisburg August 17. D. KBïr, editor of the Wall Strttt Ntws, died on tho 9th at Long Brauch, N. J. Major John H. Ewivo, nele of Hon. James U. Blaine, died at lus rosidonce in Washington, Pa., on the th, agod nlnaty y e ars. Lewis Aixen, a veteran of tho war ol 1312, died on the 9th at Walpolo, N. H., aged nlnety-ono year. The New Hampshire Legislatura on tho 9th elected A. B. Thompson, of Coiicord, Becretary of State; Solón A. Carter, of Concord, State Treasurer, and John B. Clark, of Manchester, State Printer. Presipbn't Cleveland returneJ to Washington on the lOth from his üshing tour iu the Adirondacks. The lllinios Legislatura on tho lOth passod a bilí prohibiting the sale of tobáceo to persons under sixteen years of age, excopt upon writton orders fromtheir parcuts or guardián. FOREIGN. A Madrid dispatch of the 6th says treasure to the value of L95,000,000 had been found m the palace of adefunct vizer at Rabat, Morocco, andsummarily eonflscated by the Sultan. Thb British steamer Tem, with her captain and four sailors, was sunk in tho English channel on the 6th by a collislon with a bark. Advicbs of the 8th say that the steamer Bir John Lawrence, carrying 780 passengers, was lost in the recent cyclona off tita coast of India, with all on board. Dispatohbs of the 6th ay the distress In Hungary, owinp to the flooda, was increasing hourly. Many lives had been lost, and it was calculated tfiat 50,000 families had been rendered homeless. A recent earthquake near St Louise, Province of Quebec, dislodged huge rocks from the mountains, which, rolling into the valley uprooted and smashed larga trees, but caused no serious accidenta. About flfty lives were lost oo the 8th by an explosión in a coal mino at QelseuKirchen, in Westphalia, 0-ormany. Thb dwelling of A. Brown, at Bedford, Can., was burned on the Sth, and four small children, all under ten years of ago, perished in the ilames. Sbvbral slight shocks of earthquake oocurred on the 8th in the City of Mexico. Hekmann, the famous prestidigitateur, died on the 8th at Carla bad, Germany.aged sixty-six years. Thb anniversary of Garibaldi's death attractod great numbers of people to Caprera on the Sth. The patriot's tomb wu profusely decorated with flowers. Rbports of the 9th from the llooded districts in Uungary sbowed no change in th situation. Despair and distress prevailed everywhero. A park of ninety-two crea has been serured on the shore of Lake Ontario, near Niágara, for a "Canadian Chautauqua." William O'Brib.n's paper and Mr. Parneli's organ-in-chief, United Irtland, denounces the people who advocate retaliation for Ireland's wrongs, and says ther are undoing the work of Mr. Parnell and Mr. Glad tona. Thb house of James Edwards, of Meneta. Man., was burned on the lOth, and three childrea, aged seven, twelve and iourteen year, were burned to death. Adtices of the lOth say that Vernome, a city in Turkestan, Asia, had been almost ivholly dostroyed by earthquakes, and that 130 persons were killed and 125 injured. A FAMiNi was imminent on the lOth throughout the Persian province of Khoraasau. LATER NEWS. Thb record of the base-ball clubs in the National League for the week endod on the llth was as folio ws: Detroit (gamet won), 25; Boston, 24; New York, 21; Philadelphla, 17; Chicago, 18; Pittsburgh, 13; Washington, 12; IndianapoUs, 8. Ei-Sbcrktart Mansino arrived at New York on tho llth from Kurope in greatly improTed health. Dispatchbs of the 12tb from Arizona report that the Apache treubles had assumed the dimensions of a general uprising. Tho KottU-rs apprehended a bloody time, and troops were being hurried totheirdefense. Further eartbquake shocks were reported on the 12th in Turkestan with adilitioüal lose of Ufe. Thb exchanges at twenty-otx leading clearing-houses in the United States during the week ended on the llth aggregated l,016,628,767, against $916,764,056, the previous week. As compared with the corresponding week of 1SS6, the increase amounts to 15.7 per cent. BixTT-rouK cadets wore graduated from tho Military Acadcmy at West Point on the llth. A FiRB on the ll'.h at Green Point, L. 1 , destroyed the Havemeyer sugar refinery, causing a loss of about $1,500,000. Tuk total circulation - coin and currencjr -of the United States, May 31, 1887, was $1,297,256.560, an increase of $58,506,545 as compared with the circulation May 31, 1886. Thb great strike of coke-workers in Pennsylvania ended on the llth in a viotory for the men, and operation in all tbs -H-orki would be resumed at once. Advices of the llth say that the evlction war still continued in Irelaod, hundreds of tenant being thrown on Uie roadaide daily. An epidemie of cholera was making havoc among the French troeps at Tonquia on the llth. TwENTT-FrvB THocsAND square miles of and were inundated in Hungary on the llth. Cardinal Gibbons preached his flrst Bermon since his return from Europe at Baltimore on the 12th. During the discoursa he said that American worklngmen were better housed, better clothed and had better prospects than any others on the globe, and denounced the Nihilista and Anarchists. Prof. H. C. Hardt, of Kokomo, Ind., was on the llth soa te a eed to seventeen jears in State prison for assaulting an eight-year-old child. Bishop Stevens, of the Episcopaldiocese of Pennsylvania, diod at Philadelphia on the lltb, aged seventy-two years. On the llth Captain A. J. Landman was murdered near Tozoo City, Miss., by Walr Collura because of an old feud, Peter Setters killed Mrs. Martha Thomas, a widow, near Xenia, O., Lewis Baker murlerod Richard Workman near Owensboro, S.J., Jasper Rhodes killed U. N. Scurlock at Savannah, Ma, and J. T. AUIson shot and killed hit son-in-law, Uenry Hcott, at Deleon, Tez.


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