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WHO !S UNACQUAINTED WITH TKE CEOCRAHY OF TH18 COUNTRY. VUL. EE BY EXAHttlNi'íC TKÍ8 MAP, THmT THd ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ , . -¦- . hÍf3'Aír,''V & Arfe' CHICAGO, ROCK ISl.AND & PACIFIC R'Y By reaaon of it" oont-al positfon, closo relatlon to principal lines East of Chicapo and continuous linea at turmiual poiiits West, Northwest aud is tne nly ti"uo iniddlo-link in that transcontinental syatem "which invites and facil' itares travel and traflflo in either direction between the Atlantic and Pa;ilic. The Rock lsland miiin line and branches include Chica(ro,Joliet, Ottawa, La 3 i!'. .Pcoi ia, Oneae-o, Moline and Rock lsland, in Illinois; Davenport, MuBcati ïo, washingrton, Fp.ufteld, Ottnmwa, Oskaloosa, West LibertyIowa City, Des ,iei, liidianola, Winteret Atlantic, Kuoxviile, Audubon, Harían, Guthvie (; 'a and Conncil El.ifl's, in Icwa; Oallatin, Trenton, St. Joseph, Cameron u i .a3 City, in Miajo ri; Loavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert loa, "' ; : ïcapolis and St. Paul, !n ÏZinnesota; "Watertown in Dakota, and hundrodu ot . itciniediate citics, towns aiid villag-es. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Gunrautecs Speed, Comfort nnd Safety to those who travel over it. Itsroadbcd ij Uioro-iiKhly ballasted. lia track is of heavy etcel. It: bridares nro solicl Btructurcs of otone and iron. lts stock is perfect as human skill can malie it. It has all the safety appliances that mechanica! grüiiúia has invonted qaq i xperience proyod valuable. ïts practical operatiou is conservativo and methedt :al- its discipline sh-ict and exactiiifr. The luxury of its asseugor accommodauons is uneaualed in the West un3urpassnd in the world. ALL EXPRESS TEAINS between Chicago aad the Kissouri Iliver consist jf corafovtable DAY COACHES, magnificant PULLMAN PALACE PARLOll and SLSEP1NO CABS, elegant DININQ CARS providintr excellent nieals, and - botween Chicago, St. Josepli, Atchison and L.anaas City- restful R.ECLINING CHAIK CAR'i. THE AMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Ia t'.Lj direct., favorito lino botween Chicae-o and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Over tía.; i'outs eoJid Fat Express Traius run dtúly to tho ciunmer rouortü, picturcüuuü localitieB and huntini; and flshmir prounda of Iowa a-id Mijmosota. Iho ïic'i ¦whoat Helde and erazin laads of interior Dakota ure roachod via Watertown. A short aesLvaDlc route, vir Sc-necaandKankalcoi:, offers superior iiiuc . to travelei-n botwoou Cinoinnati, Iidianu.polis, Lafnyette and CouncU B] Jocoph, Atchiüon, jLeavenonu, Kaujui City, Hiuneapolis, St. Puul oud intuimochato pointe. All classes of patrons, especially fr.nuliüs. lcidiea and cliiliren, roceive fioiu omciaLi and aaijployeB uf j.iock I-land trtuiu ¦ . respootfal ooartee: i d kindly attontion. I'or ïickuts. Mans, Folders - obtainable ut ivli iriacip;U xicket Glauca la U, 0nikOd Stace# and Canada - er any üjsixöd úiforAiiuzion, uddress, R. R. CABLE, E. 3T. JOHN, íwldsnt and General Manager, Chicago. Gcnerjl Tick I lat CKoMI


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