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HIMOMIC IRECTOUÏ. FiíemUy of each moiiiii. W. U Dol. B.C.; W. - Tolelmrü, Reoordr, iKUMfUl I'HAITKK, No. li, II A. M.- MM ftnt Mo.nliiv tob month. Isaac Haudy, H 1'.; ¦ ftoath, Beoretary. CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Co timan OoSU. Calis atteiited loUaj roomoa E. Washington streel. taMNM Oor. fjberty anil Klfth. W. II. JACkSON, D I E3'.l rsrilTIIXIISüTII. OITITICK : Orer Kach & Abel's Dry (Jood Store. Botrance next to Kattonal Bank. WILLlin IIERZ, House, Sig-n, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Knuprl ,i, UlwInK. IMMlug, nd a'clrotutDii, a.! irork ' -very d.t-criutio i donu la the MM -tilt. uil warraiued to glvu MtfefiiettuB. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Anr, Arbor, W V & A C. IC:HOI, DE1TTISTS. Hmhii ()v.t Aun Arhnr Smiiii Hank, M.i-oiiic Temple Btoet. 1 VSor VITilLIZED A.IR I ii: ,i-: ' ¦ r 'h ¦ i'n 'I QST THE BEST FiaE INSURANCE! $29,000.000. iecuritT hvld K.r lh,' pr . .1 eet ion ihe .ir CHRISTIAN MACK B„preenti Ita MtoirtM flt-c.U-. cnmi. i-''[ wtllch une, th ftU, ' 1W l'"1 ?S''!'.''01' "re os.-. in itiy-1l i ¦¦"" ¦ .Etn. of HnrtfoH ,M,4I Kr-uikiin ol PhUh"lthl 3,118,718 QeruiHBU, X. V 2,700.739 Germán A.uierf.n, N Y t,08S,968 fjOiitloii A-winner, L'0'lon... 1.416,788 Micliiann V. M , l) . . 287.608 N T. Dnderwrlt, N. Y 2,5,e7 Nationtl, Hrrffrd 1,774,505 Phoenix, Bnklvii 3.7."9.08(! Lo8es liberally adjusled and promptly piid. Policies isaucd at the lowu-t rltu-i "I prentnai uuur LIJM BE R! LTJMBfiïl! IíTTM BER! f you contempluU' liillliUofc Pall t FERDON Lito Yarfl ! U rner Fourlh aihI Depot Sts.. anti ge oitr tigures for all kimls of LUMBER! We manufacture our own I,umber and guarHiitee AERY LOW PRICES tGivc us a cali and wc will rnake it to vmr interest, as our large and well t;ruded stock fully uuins our assertioo. Telephone Conncctiuns with Office. CUKttECHSupt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Glass Insurance, Steam Roiler INSURANCE ! Ixiwcst Ilutes, Honorable Atljiistments and Losses Promptly l'aid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS SPKI'IAI, ATTKNTION GIVR.STO COLLKI'TIIIN T RK!fTS AND MAHAUKMKNT IK RBAJi t-STATK INTKRK.SÏS KOU IÍKSI DK.M s. K-STIBB SATlSKACriON TO OWNKKH Ol'AKANTBKD. A. DePOBKST. III I M milri! noney than at anythlnK elae hy tak 11 I V InR an gency furtbo hBt selllDf; book ¦ uut. Hilnoura eucreed grimdly. None ' "¦LI fitl. Tertns free. Hai.lktt Book Co., Portland, Malne. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. affl Prescription of s physician who Éjfj4fX, ba .at a le Ion? experience ia ¦BjGS'i'T treatinf? feniale diseast-s. Iaused BOt xnonthly with perfect 8uccea by af over 10,000 ladu s. I'leatant, safe, E 3 effectual. Ladiefl askyour drug_T_ Rist for Pennyroyal Wafers and 2BHL$ take no substituto, or ineloee poBtIHWrsaKe forsalftd particular. Bofd by ¦WvV all drupKistH, t per box. Addreas THE EUREKA. CHEMIUAL. CO.. 1ïuoit. Olea. Sold 1 ti Aun Aibor, Mich , by Khe rbach & 8on 1S0S-1M0 1 r14IT ran veat home. and make more money at I II I "rk u" "' ''"" "' a"'tiini! cli-i' in MiIh lllllwdrM. Capital mt nei'ded ; you are " " etariedfree. Both exe ; all aeei-, Any one can do the work. Larj;e iMruliiL'K urn frorn OrttUrt. Oaatljf outfit and tfrm frue. Bnter notdelxy. Coe'Bynu nothini? t end at your adurem and dr.d out; if you ure wlse yon w'lll do no at ouc. H. Hallktt Jt Co.. Portland, Malne. ifl p. MIVÜRSAl %LL m L-"L% Z h Cramnift) Awiu-d, {JpK-Jpát- ÍJ m miJt A lUuitt. U OU Blhi RenewH. P f Aá fer cirruurt. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbof, Mlch. A l'DM IM.KTK AKKANftKM K N I' FOK Payiiciw'wi familie,,! KeiterIand2Cheaper A NI) KOU CONVENIENT THAT A 8TATIONAUY BAT TUB, WITH HO KXl'KNSK OF BATB UOUM AND KIXTUItKS. üï-KI SUBSCRIBE FOK The Ann Arbor Courier.


Ann Arbor Courier
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