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Short ulvortlsemenls not to exoeod three anea, of Lost and Found, Houses for Saleo Keut, Wants, etc.. lnserted three weeks fo 5 cents. Sltnatlons wanted, free. FOR RENT.- The flrst floorwith cellar, of furnlslii'il house. Imiulro at 35 K. DlvlH Ion st. AirANTED- To Kxchange my resldeuco a Saline, fora DwoIUdr orother proper t y In or mur Ann Arbor. Adüress A. M. ClraK .-.allne Mlch. Wa8 TTVASTED- By a Junior Literary student YV employment durlng vacatlou. Addres B. K.' Box 292, Ann Arbor. 55-47 FOR SALE -At a bargaln a Tobpggan Bilde. Cali on or address U. N. Bank, Ann Arbor, Mlch. ¦ IJHJB SALE- Four tables, two oommodes, two oarpets, bookstielvcs, rubber bathtub, chlld's tryclclee, fruit cans. Enqnlre Mrs. W. Boughton. tTTANTED-To rent ahoue, about 5 rooms M wltliln reasonable dlstanoe from Unlvorslty. Possesslon wanted July lst. Keferencos givon and wanted. Address, P. O. Box MH o M FOR SALE.-Slx fine grade Cows all good milkeis ; alse a lot of 2 month's o d PIks. Enaulre at Chorry Vale Farm Sonll. Ynsllantl Rond, or J. T. Jacobs & Co. Wllllam sliullh, Manager. . TRICYCLE FOU SALE, imitable for Rlrl 1 from 10 lo 15 years old. Inqulre at tluCooitiEuOtüce. E E AL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.11,. uses nnd lots valued from $1,0(10 to H.00O and conUliilnii from one-tifth of au acre to twenty iicres-ttll In the city llmits. Bomssa rented on reonable terms In oentrui localltles. Karms exchanged for city property. Eiuiulreor J. ({. A. Sesslons, Attorney nc Ral BMta Acnt, Office over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. 51tf LOANINQ-Money to loan on nrst-clasa Ileal Kstate Mortgage at Curreut rates of nterest, Hatlsfactory arrangements raade wltb capitalista deslrlng Buch lnvestments. , v. rv i-oiivpyance and transaction In abst nota of tltles carefully exnmlned as to legal ,.l,.,t Z. F. KINU. Ann Arbor. üirppus! IWlU recelve sealetl blds untll July lst,1887, for the material of the Hill Munslon to be takeo down and removed from thepremlses before Dec. lst. 18S7. .. Also for the barn and outbuildlngs, on the saine conditlons as above. Also for the out¦Ide or road fenoM. Reservlng the rlght to rejoct all lilils. l'ermlsslon to remove wlll be elven on 8ept. lst, Terms- cash, or approved notes. A separate bid will be recelved for ea'"'UA. J. SAWYEB, Agent.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News