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Picase mark these words ! When the unlve...

Picase mark these words ! When the unlve... image
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Picase mark these words ! When the unlverslty and our present educational system become the foot-batl of politice, tlien good bye to both. "God uates a coward," was the remark of one ot our exemplary citizens Friday inorniiiii last :ifter raadtng the Register' editoriul upon the UDiversity question. The Quincy Herald man calla those who condcinn Governor Liice's strange " friomlship" for the University "callow yontha." That editor is probably a petrified fossil, himself. The Colribk believes In principie and ui, n of principie, and when the republican party or any other party foists upon the public a man with principies inconsistent Co tlie forward progressof the diiy, we believe in showlng Mm up. The posiüve aiinouncement of Mr. Powilerly .that he will not accept of another term as the head of the Kniglita of Labor, is a matter of regret for the people as well as the order itBelf. This ;reat force in unwise hands muy prove ilisistrous to both. Had Austin Blair or Russell A. Aljjer been govemor when that order wasissued returning the rebel flags, do yon tblnk they would have set complacently down iiiul paiil notliing? It is the general impression hereabouts that they would have been heard trom in no uninistakable torms. If Gov. Luce attends the coming Semi(Jentennial celebration of the University, as we understand he has signified his intention of doing, he can show off as tfovernor of the state, but he can not have an opportunity to study into the wants and riqiiirements of the institution has seen fit to step on. Prol'. C. B. Thomas, of East Saginaw, wlio was tendered the superintendeQcy of the ColdwatiT state school, has declined the same, after looking the ground ovit. The East Saginaw people are delighted1 Prof. ThomM was at one time Fuperlntendent of schools at Dexter, and being a gradaste of the univertlty, class ofCO, has many Wend and arquaintances here. It seems eo foreign to republicanism to oppose education and educational institutions, that we car. not understand the action ot some of our republican exchanges, at all. Of course we can fully unde-rstand liow a paper without fealty to any party can consislently work for ita doctrine of di n. Hiiinalioiiüi schools; t has a right to doso; hut the record and traditions of the refmbltoan iiarty are all a}?ainst goinff baokward iuto ignorance, and sujMjrstition. The temporalice column In the Tecumseh Heraltl says of the democratie party : "Among the foremost leaders of the party are some of ttie most corrupt, licentious, drunken and blaspheraous men tliat can be found. They are devoid of honor and wholly wanting in principie." And the same column of that same paper advocates the putting of that party In power by advisiHg the destruction and disintergaUon of the republican party. A pleasant irospect it invites us to. The Ann Arbor papers, as might Imve Iteen i sicitcl, are viclous In tlislrilenunclatlon of (civ. LaM for hls unfverslty veto. The Courm lieiid the processlou fur away In this reKard.- Adriau Times. The Times crrs as far as the Courier ig coneerneil. We have simp'y defended the uuiverslty againet a vicious governor. The course of the Times, if its turn ahall ever come (and it may) will be watched wil h snnie interest by the Ann Arbor pa]rs. We note that the Times, wtiile npholdinfr Gov. Luce's veto of the universit. deprécate his vetoing tlie f120,000 miniiig scliool npproiiriation. Soine inconsistency there. It Tvould be a Messing to the United Statis if the tiilc of emigration from the old world could be turned over to Stanley'l Congo Free State, iu África. No matter wlioit enriclies, by uil means let the people of the United States fayor It. We have recently been receiving so inaiiy of the dregs of Europe that tinless Romethlng is done to simt them off, the llbertlei of the natton are In danger. It wil) talu yoars of patiënt industry to AinirlcHnize and convert into citizens thow all ready here. If África opens a lii-l.l for thera, In the nanse of all that is iireat and good let them be induced to go there. President Cleveland, after being importuned byone Adjutant General Drum, consented a few days since to an order returnlng all the battle flag9 now in possession ot' Um overninent to the southcrn states. Well, perliaps tliat order did not litisd a cloud of indlgnation In the hearts of the loyal people of the north and wpeclally the ij. A. K. boys. So warm did It become in the nortlierD states tliat Mr. Cleveland soon concluded to take it hack. It i well lie did, for legal prooeedlDgt uould have been instituted to prerent the earryfac out of the order, and our president would have been placed in ii very uiilt:is:int predicament. He II andonbtedly le more careful how he puts his foot in at the rrquest of former rebel, tgatn.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News