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That our readers niay know Ihat tlic feelingajfainat Mr. Luce forhis inexcusable veto of the University appropriation bül is uot "confined to Aun Arbor papers" as some of the aour top atlherents to the grangerand bU private sccretary nllirni, we add to the articlcs quoted last week the followiiifr, and they are only n small portion of tliose notcd in our state exchanges: Lansing Kepublican: "Uov. Luce gave Senators Sharp and Babcock the chance lo smash his veto all into smithereens, and they were just the roosters to improvc the opporlunity. East Sagiuaw Herald: "Gov. Luce's ad visera are eviileutly narrow mlnded men. They don't appenr to know the dift'ereiice between the high school and Michigan' grent rniversity." Tecumseli Herald: '-The welfare of tne State University and its future u-e fulness are trembling in the balance. Now is the time for the members of the lcfiislatuie to display a Üttle courage and back bone. Let tliem pass the appropriation bill over the veto." Reed Cily Clarion: " Oov. Luce, with the hol pof his private secretary, played the veto act on the University Appropriation bill, in consequencc of which the priviito secietary - Alilo D Campbell - and the oue armed papt. Manly bad a knock-down with bare knuckles. The pugilist8 were parted, however, alter the p. 8. bas been struck betwten the eyes. In hoc signo vinees."1 From an extended aiticle in the Monroe Commercial : " It may be that the appropriatious are unnecesaarily hirgc, but at this late day of the sessiou the veto is extremely unwisc. It is charged that the governor's private secretary luis liad a i;ihmI deal to do with the business, and it looks a little that way. The govertior sigued an appropriation bill fur the Agricultural College providing a large suin to build cottages for its professors, aud this is now thrown up to hiin with ajgood deulof approprlnteneaf." Allegan Journal and Tribune, (Don Heuderson's paper): The University, under Hepublican sway, has risen to the highe8t rank. We feel justly proud of our (.Tc.-it University as we do of Miehigan's excellent free school system. Gov. Luce, in vetoing bilis for the perpetuation of Michlgau's grand school, represents but a small minority of our people, wliile commendations from sucu reckleta newspapeis will not save him from the odium of the Intelligent people of our fiourishinc; commonwealth." Gjv. Luce has agaiu demonstrated his narrow mindedness by his action on the University appropriation bill. He secinx to have struck an económica! Itrmk comes to the surface just wliere it will be the most haimful to the state of Michigan. He lias seen several large appropriations ni ale for other instilutions in the state without a murmur, but when it comes to the university, in his great wisdom it is time to cali a halt. A progressive state has little use for a thrower of cold water in the guberuatorial chair. - Fenton Independent. Eaton Rápida Journal: "Aiiother '"penny wise and poiuul foolish " inove of tlie tarmer Governor of Michigan, was bis veto of last week of tlic University Appropriation bill, thereby strlking the hardest blow to this, one of the greatest instltntions of our country, that it lias ever liad. The governor ownf that he was sorry to take the course he did; but was influenced to do so from the faet that whD the bill was tirst brought up in the house he requested that it be recalled and as it was not, his consistent course lay in vetoing it on the saine gnninils on wliich he founded his request for it recall." Gratiot Journal: "Abolish tlie uuiversity entirely, or else extend it suffieient ustenance to keep pace with the gieat march of improveiaent. Who would hink of conductinj; a common school hese ilays in the snnie maiiner in yogue wenty years ugo? Imagine our deur srovernor stoeking his Gilead faun with he snipe-iioscd ho;s sten less tlian a uarterofa century Hgo, or even iisinir ihe plowor drag in use when he was 'a boy. No, governor, you are clearly beliind he times in thii:kinr the university should not keep up witli the car of progres. Adopt your narrow ideas and you might just a, well abolish the institution, because science, art, education eveiything in fact under the tuu are moving ouward and upward. So must the university, ele it will surely fall into nothingness and deserved decay Why didn't Gov. Luce's spasm of economv seize him before he signed the appiopriation bill of $10,0()0 lor residences for professors at the state agricullural college? St. Jo. Couuty Republicau: "The veto ing of the appropriation blU for the Michigan Univcrsity, hag been a very prominent topic oí conversation among all classes during the past few daysMen have different views upon the subject the same thit they d. upon any other. The Kepublican beüeves tliat it was unwise in Gov. Luce to veto this bill, althoiigh it may have seemed a üttle In exeess. It is far better to make too íniich of au appropriation for edncational purposes for this far-famed Micliigan instituüon of leariiingthan lo provide too little. Surely the men at the head of the institution ought to be much better informeü as to its needs tlian Gov. Luce, or any one ele tliut is not familiar with ils entlre details. It requires a larg-e outlay of money to keep ilgoing, andas a credit to the State oujrht to be well sustained, and not hampered by the narrowness orsliortsightea-uess of any one individual. Our educational institutions are the mlnsprings of continiied progression and enlightment and It would be uuinently better to urlail come other State expenses and give to the University of MicliifraTi what the cause of education i fully entitled to, and demanda at the hunds of the people of the State. The legialalure's ht-ad was more leve!, in this matter, thau was tliat of Gov. Luce. Hilledale Leader : The general public wil), at lirst thought, enc'orse the goverDor's view and say "tliat is riglit - cut down expenst-s." This is the popular siüe unquestionably, until one takes the trouble to carefully investígate, and but a few wlll do this. We re all proud of' the University imd proud of the work if, has done and ia iloinfr. No one feels like ei i]Iiií i in tliis work. The nmount asked for looks like a very lurye siiin, as it 8, but we sbould not forget tbat the oflicers of the institution, the rejjents to Ilústrate, have been selected and elected by the people on account of their known proven ability and clear judgment, hs business men. Hod. E. O. Grosvenor ot this county and one of the regents, is a fair type of the men Mms selected ; bis ability and good judgment are unquestioned. Now these tnen together wlth the faculty, with a full knowledjre anti understanding of the necessities and (Iemands of the case, caretully make up items which the legislature is afterwards asked to ullow. This is one of their duties and we elect them for tbat purpose. With tliis superior knowledge of wbiit will insure the greattst eftlciency and best work, shall we cast their judgment aside and deny what they ask ? We believe in careful work and would strongly condemn any and all extravagance, but at the iame time, we would deprécate any crippliug of our grand and growing University, Michigan's prille and glory.


Ann Arbor Courier
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