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The Semi-centennial

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Sunday, Junr J!,- 7.S0 P. M , Unlverslty Hall, : i ¦ 1 1 ¦-.-.-. by I'rofessor Henry 8. Frleze, IL. I)., apon "The Keliillon of tliu Unlverslty ti Religión." Monday, June 27,-10 A. M., Unlversity Hall, ('laasfday of the depurtment f medicine :i int surgery. ratlou-By Wllllam Henry WliiRlo ; I'oiin- By Arthur H. Hrowinll, A. B.; i hiss lllstory- By Frederlck Charles Thompson ; Class Prophecy- By Walter Armstrong l'owle; Address- Ily the class presideut. Miles Hartson CUrk, A. 1!. AtS P. M., Ín Unlverslty Hall. OlMI day of tlio department of law. Aitdress- By tlie class president, Fdward Davlson Black ; Poom- By Mrs. Margaret Lyons Wllcox, A. 1!; Orallon- By Webster Wllllam Davls; Clau lllstory- By Ahsalom Rosen berger, A. B. Oían Prophecy - By Kdward I.everelt Curtís; Consolatiou- I)y John VlnccDt Mheellllll. Tundau, Juiu 2S,- 10 A. M., in Unlvorslty Hall. Class day of the deparment of literature, sclence and the arta. ration - By Thos. Frank Moran; Poem- By Alpbonn Oeralil Nowcomer. 2 P. M.- Under theTappan OaU. Class Hlstory- By Arthur Grabara Hall; Class Prophecy- By Antolnette Brown ; Addri'ss- Bjr the clans president. 8muel Komp Plttman. 8.. P. M.- lo the Pavllion. (Jlass Receptlon. At !!.) A. tí. at Míe dental college. Ctom d:iy of tbe di'pitrtment oí Dental Burgery. :it 9:80 A. M., at the Dental Collase. oratUm i:. cillbort KUCorhin, M. D, Clas II ist.ny - By Patrlck .lames Sullvan ; ('lasa Propheoy - By Wllllam Arthur Power ; Pocín- By Kred Wllllam Gordon Address- By tbu c la President, Willlam Daniel Sauuders. W'dnttday, June 29. - Aluml Day, departniint ofíilteratare, Science and the Arts, 8:80 A. M. in the ('hapel.- Business meeting of tbe iloparimont oí Literatura, Sotenos and theAris. 9 A. M., In the AuoolBtlon Roora - Meetlnu of the Alumni of the Btndents' Cbrlstlan AstoclaUon. 10 A. M.. in l'nlvc rslly Hall-Address by Professor Jobn M. II. Bill, principal i siate Normal school, on bcbalf of the Stato Teachers' Assoclatlou ; Ail.lns liy Ihc Hon. Austln Illair. nn lii'lüilf of tbe Board of KoRonts. 'i I'. M, in Room K, meettnc of the woinon graduates of tiie Lltenuy department. 4. P. M., In Unlverslly Hall- Addn-ss iiy Cluurlai v. Noble, olaasof 'W, president of tbe Alumni Aetoclatton; Oration by tbc Hon. Thomas W. Palmer, class of 'W. United .States Senator froin MlobÍLran ; special reunión of the classes of 'tï7, '72, 7:!, '7. 7ii. '84, knd 'Sö. Department of Medicine and Surgery. 1:30 P. M., In UM I.ower I.ecturo Hoorn of the Medical Collage- Business meeting of the Alumni of tbe department of Medicine and Surgery; Addreea by Wllllam Henry Daly, M. !., clii.-s, iif'iie, a vlcc president ol the International Medical Cougress. Department of I,aw. 8 A. M., In the Iecture lioora - Business meeting of the Alumni of Department of I,aw. '2. P. M.,iu I'nivenilty Hall - Address by Mr. .lustice Samuel V. Miller, of the l'nlted States Supreme i'om t, before thestudents and Alumni oitlic l.a Departninii. Department of Pharmacy. In Hoorn IJt of Chemical Laboratory, 11 A. M.- Business meeting of tbe Alumni of the School of Pharmacy ; 12:;)- DInner of the Alumni, followed by an addressby Fred F. Prentice. class of '74. president of the WIsconsin Pharmaceutlcal Assoclatlon. Department of Dental Surgery. 11 A. M.. In tbe IjOcture Koom of the Dental College - Address by Mrs. Kate C. Moody, D. D. S., class of of '82, Homceopathlc Medical Department. 10 A. M., class day, In room 3t, Unlverslty Hall. Oration- By Melanctbon B. Snyder, A. 1!. ; Poem- By Mrs. Sarah Idella Lee; Class Hlstory- By Mrs. Sue McUlatiKlilin Snyder; Class Prophecy- By Arabella Merrill; Address- By the class presi-leitt, Samuel tjeorge Mllner, A. M. 3 P. M.. In the Homwopath'lc College- Address by Dr. John W. Coolldge, class of '7!i. 7:30 F. M. Grand Concert In Universlty Hall. Pari I.,- First part of Mendelsnohn'8 Oratorio of ven by Lh6 Choral Union and full orchestra. Part II.,- Mlscelliint muis programme by the Orchestra, Amphlon Club aml Ulee Club. Doors open at 6:45: concert begint at 7:30; doora will be ciosed during each nuraber. Tickets fltty cents, lncludln reseivod Itiatn, Boards opon Saturdny, 10 A. M. 0 P. M., in theChapel- Untversity Sennte Reception for gradúa tos, former student iiud frlends of the Universlty. Thuraday, June 30. Coinmemoration day and Commencement ExerclseH. AH invited guests are requested to meet in the Law l.ibrury ut S:;0 A. M. for a social conference. The procession wilt form at 9 A. M. as follows; Alumni, Delegates, invited guests, the Facultles and üeents of the Universlty, in front of the Law building and Unlversily hall ; studentsof thfl dilli-rent depurtments, iccordlng to dlrections oí the marshal. Major llurrlson Soule. 10 A. M., in Universlty Hall - Commemoration Address by President Angelí; Addresses by delegatea froui other unlversitles and colleges; l'onfcxrlng of degrees; alter these exercise all whoexpectto alten. I the hunquet wlll form agaln In front of the Law building. 1:30 V. MM In the Paviilon- Banquet.


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