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Regent Whltman is attendlng court thls week. Frank Jones, oí Saline, s over to court these days. C. Ed. Worden returned to San Francisco last Friday. iti { Lovejoy of Detroit, is visiting at I)r. Kellogg's. Frank Henion is visiting his fatlier Geo. M. Henion, for a few days. Wa are all pleased to see Mr. Geo. C. Witherby about once more. Miss Avery of Detroit is the guert of Miss Clara Oswalü, on 12th st. Mrs. T. B. Johnson, of Flint, is visiting lier sister, Mrs. B. F. Watts. Judge Newton, of Flint. is occupying the benen in Judge Joslyn's place. A. J. Newby oí Chicago made his daughter a short visit last Saturday. James Clements cablegrams his safe arrival in Liverpool, acrossthe big briny. E S. Millen, of Farwell, is home visiting lus parents during commencemeut. Mr. X. B. Beers was out for the flrst time last Friday, since his arrival home. Mrs. P. D. Noble was 'called to Kalamazoo Baturday by the illness of a sister. Prof. Montgunery and family have returned trom Kalamazoo for the summer. Bert Henion and wife, ot Bloomington, III., are in the city for a couple of weck's visit. Miss Clara Wheeler leaves Ann Arbor Thursday for Europe, to pursuc studies there. Miss Sarah Henriques is on her way from Europe, and is eipected home in a few days. Kegisterof Deeds Kearns lias been hobnob-ing with the solons at Lanslng the past week. Miss Mary ham of Cleveland, Obio, will be in the city next week, the guest of Mrs. Crane. Mr. Dodge, of the Stanton Clipper and daughter were in the city several days last week. D. W. Moreland, TraTeling Passender Agent of the St. I, M. fc M. R'y was in the city Saturday. Mrs. Grisson, of South Lyon, and Mr. and Mrs. Royee, of Hamburg, are visitine at Geo. M. Henion's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. II. Worden entertained their many friends delightfully last Thursday evening. D. Fred Weir, the former leader of the Chequamegons, now of Hinman, Kas., is in the city for a few days. Mrs. O. F. Webster, of Owosso, will spend commencement week at the home of her futher. Chas. Spoor. Mr. J. B. Mayo, a woolen maniifacturer of Foxcroft, Manie, uncle to Prof. Carhart is visiting him this week. Miss Anna Ladd wentto Detroit yesterday, from whence she goes in h day or so to Charlevoix for the summer. Mr. and Mr. Geo. A. Puciphcr and children of Toledo, Ohlo, are visiting tVicnds here and In Plymouth. Dr. Cbadbourne and wife left for the east Saturday eveninjr to visit friends before taking up their residence in Kansas. The latest Intelligence from Stephen Fairchild is very encourajfing, and he hopes to ba back here aain in a few months. Mrs. Dr. Durstlne, nee Mary Henion, of Cleveland, üliio, is expected at her father's home, Geo. H. Henion, this week. Geo. W. Owen, of Owosso, Midi., publisher of the Shiawassee American, is In the city to day attending the old 4th MW'h's reunión. Dr. J. M. Lee, of Rochestor, N. T. whose wife graduales frorn the homreopathic department, will altend the eentennial, stopping at Mr. Hayley'i. Mrs. C. B. Andrews returned from the east last Snturday, accompanied by her dauihter, Mis Lucy C. Andrews, of Wellesley College. Next year Miss Andrews will take char.-e of a female seminary at Gambia, Ohio. Tliere is to be a grand strawberry festival at VV. E Hoyden'g 'in Webster, tonijilit. Tliose having Ulk ajralnst the city sliouUJ remeinber that the tinance cominittee meets Friday nijjlit. Daniel B. Urown went to Toledo yesterday to Identify the fellowsin jall there for swindling, but they were not th ones. TIn-re U to be a " Flower Tea " (f iven by tlie cliildren of the Congrejrational Cluirch on Thtirsday afternoon, June 23, froin four to six o'elock on President Augell'a rrouiid's. Flowers can be obtained for high school comroencement here. Admisión, 10 cents. A wise man wlll protect the birds, the insect eaters, robins, cat birds, blue birds, black bird, thrushes, orioles, red birds, woodpeckers and the like. All the birds mentioned have n mission to perform In the economy of nature. The martins destroy weevils, the quails chlnch bugs, the woodpeokers dijr worms froni the trees, white others eat worms, caterpillars and baga. Miss R. E. McCaughnn, the shorthand teacher, has taught four lare classes in shorthand the past year, and bas been very suocesful as a teacher. A great many of her pupils havin; eecured positions ilrividy, she bas hIso had a ntimber of puplU in typewriting and hopes to secure a full ultendance in her summer school of shorthnnd which will begin July 5th, 1887. N. A. Prudden, of N. State et., writes theCourier complaining about a gang of boys who hang about his premises, steal his fruit and flowers, and make things generally unpleasant for him. His wife being an invalid and his own health very feeble adds much to the discomtiture. Could Mr. Prudden take down the names of the boys who annoy hlra and enter complaint to the authorities he cotild soon rid himself of the nuisance he is now subjected to.