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O The Hl 1 GUIDB m luurd Spt. and March, cach year. f 319 patft, s ' . t 1 1' . lnches,vrith over 3,500 lllnstrations - a wholc Picture Oallery. tavKS iioinui, Mm direct to consumera on all goods for 1 personal or fumlly nae. Teil hovr to order, and gtves exact coat of ni r - lliliic yon nse, ent, drink, nr, or fun Kli. These ISVALIABLK 11OOK.S i outaln Information 1. mi. .1 ' rom the markets of tfce vrorld. We wUl nuill a copy FRKE to anjr address opon r Ipl of 10 ets. to defray expense of maUln. It u hear trom yon. Kipectfull}', MONTCOMERY WARD & CO. L27 de ''tl WabaKh Aii'iuc, Chicago, lik THE ONLY TROB ISfSRON BTONIO _ A Willpurify the BLOOD regulnt BVB ! LIVËR i.d KIDNCY8 vi") l OR of YOUTH I)Mi.iii,Viiit H B of Appelite, Ind;Kwtion,I.ack uf M StriiiKtti and Tirad FeelitiK ub1 Bolutulr cured: Bonet musH cles and nerven receire now k force. Knlivf nt th miud 5 nní BMPPlieH Krnin Power. L AniP Xiï'tiZZÏÏX&iïSZ laHUICO HABTÏR'8 IKON TONK n safe, npeedr cure. Gives n clftir, healthy i'onifilxion All attempts at counterfeitin only adds ton-1 livrity. Du not experiment- k'"t OKIOIHAL ANDBkpt (Dr. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS W Cure ConBtipation.Liver Complaint and Slek ¦ Uoadache Sample Dose and Preara Bookl malled on recelpt of twocenti in postage. w THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE ST, LOUIS, MO. ïuifs Pilis iliiiiliiülis r !!¦ (iiil liter, strinlilcus lliiillu .(iï oi-rsiuis. r.-cnl'iK h Ulo lioiu'ls umi ure uuequalc-tl uit uu ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In in il Inri ii I dis f ril Is llx ir i iilmsurc il'l rc4o;-llKVl. s t h' issi-ss iiiiini ii op. ri i. s in i real f thesystaaa Trom (luit poisoii. l.l ml ! y 'suur fouli'il. siinili. l'rli-v, 23ctn. Sold Everywhere. Oüice, 4-t Murray St., Nnw York. MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Steamera Low Rates. Pour Trip per Week Botween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Ifmaoe,OhbovRan, Alpena, Harrltvill. Onooda. Haiul Baoh, -Puit Hurou, fit. Clair, Oaltl;vnd llouso, Marino City Every Week Day Bc twee a DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips tl urine July and August. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLCTS Kstes and Bxouraion Ticket wlll b furolaUed by your Ticket Agent, or addreaa E. 8 WHITCOMB, Gn'l Pan. Ag.nt, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. SDBSCRIBÊloP tLe TOÜRÏEB.


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