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WHO 14 UMAOQOAINTED WITH THE OEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILc SEE BY EXAMININC THIS MAP, THAT THe ¦ r . . ' - --=AA Lhï&iïShk. ¦VNfaoivVi"lT!'aterïtllrf!'' ,! ¦sS, e ff -AV"V IpS-fCT l l iVo i sf ;. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By reason of ita central positdon, close rela tion to principal Unes East of Chicago and continuons linea at terminal points West, Northwest and is the only true middle-link in that transcontinental system which inviteo and facil' itates travel and traffio in either direction between the Atlantic and Pacinc. Tho Rock Ialaud moin line and branohes include Chica(ro,Joliet, Ottawa, La Salle, Pooria, Genesoo, Molino and Koek Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscati-ie Washington, Fairüeld, Ottumwa, Oakaloosa, West Liberty ,Iova City, Des Woines, Indianola. Winterset, Atlantic. Knoxville, Audubon, Hallan, Gutlirio Contre and Counoii Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, St. Joaeph, Cameros aud Kiuiaua City, in Missouri; Leavonworth and Atchiaon, in Kansas; Albort I pa, Ilimieapolis and St. Pau!, in Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundreda of úitormediate cities, towns and villagres. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guáranteos Speed, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. lts roaübed ia thoronuhly ballaated. lts track is of heavy steel. Il bridpea aro solid ctructuroa of stone and iron. lts stock ia perfect as human smll can radío it. It ha all the safety appliances that mechaiiical geiiiua has invented and experience proved valuablo. Ita practical operation is conservativo and methodI ;al- its discipline strict and ezactiner. Ihe luxui-y oí it passenger acconunodaUons ia unecmaled in the West unsurpassed in the Avcrld. ALL EXPB.ES9 TRAINS betwoen ChicaRO and tho Missouri Iliver consist it comfortable DAY COACHES, magnificent PULLMAN PALAC13 PAKLOH and SLEEPING C ABS, elefrant DINÏNG CARS providinp excellent meala, and betweeu Chicago St. Joeepli, Atchiaon and Kauaas City- restful KECLINING CHAIR CARS. THE rAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Ie the direct, mvorite line between Chioaero and Kinneapolis and St. Paul. Over thia rout solid Fast Express Traína run daily to tha tuirunar resorta, pioturefcqi.3 localitios and huntinsr and flshinir proundo of aud Minnesota. Iho nch whoat Üelds and lands of interior Dakota ire reached yia 7atartown. A short desirablorouto, via Soneoa and Kankakec, offero superior inciuceuKL. to travelers between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayotte and Council Bluffs, Sí. Jotioph, Atchiaon, Leavenworth, Kanena City, Minneapolis, St. Paul aud intcrmodiato pointa. All classes of patrona, eapecially families, ladias and children, reoeive iron; official and employeB of Bock Island trai:u potoction, raspoctful courtusy u. d kindly attention. For Tickets, Maps, Folders - obtainable at all principal Ticket Omoes In th United States and Canada- or auy deaired iniorzuauou, address, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, resident and General Manager, Chicago, Genera! Ticket and Fatsentrer Aecnt, Chlcaav


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News