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JllHOXl UIBKtTOBÏ. A.SO A.HB..B Com anv No IS meeU flrst BUSIHESCARpS575kZ7üRT:i::D;r DKAl.KB IN CLOTÏÏ CASKETS, KKTALIC Uor. Liberty and Flfth. _____ W. H. 3Ü.VU.SOS, OFFICK : Orer llach & Abel's Dry Uood Store. Entr.nce next to National Bank. WnXIAM IIERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! tyle, and warrauted to glve Katifcon. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. W W. & A. E. XICHOI-S Rmmis 0fr Vmi Arbor Savin&s Bank, Ma-onir Temple Block. GlSorVITALIZED AIR VtiamlM.-r.-.l f.r udAM eiiretl .11 ! teetn. CET THE BEST F1RE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Uecurity huW for Ihe pnitectlon o( lae pollcy CHRISTÏAN MACK B.ireoU he folluwinif Drat-C a 0gJP"Lf u2Í bieb oue. e .tti, hu lone naid f.lh,O(i,(K)O Drc out In lity-4ve yrs : .Etna, of Kartíort V.ÏÏ'SiS Krunklin of l'liiliulelpliia ''1i2, N.Y. 2.,729 UiTinau Vmericnn, N ?,06... 988 Lolidon A.88urance, i.Mnioti.. . 1.410,788 Mlcl.iaF.4 M.,l)Hiroit... 2S7.GO8 N Y. Unilerwriters, N. V 8,59,679 V,, Hartford 1 ,774,505 Phiemx, BriM.klyn f ¦ ¦ 3,7W,M6 I.ossc liberally adjusled and promptly p:lid. Holicies ssued at the lowtt ratcs of premium. IWltf LÏ7MBERI LTJMBERI L7MEEH! II you coutemplate btilMinjc, uil at FERDON Lita Tari! i: iriitr Fourlh and Depot Sts., and ge onr figures for all kinils of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Ltiinber and guara il tee AERY LOW PRICES "(ivc u a cali and we will make it to your Intcrelt, as our large and well praded stock fully tustains our assertion. Telephone Connettions rith Office. r.l. K-KKCHSupt JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop A, DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate GHass InsuraTice. Steam Boiler INSURANCE! liOwest Rates, Honorable Adjustment aud Losses Promptly Faid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS ÖVKi'fAL ATTBNTION OIVKN TO Col.LK("ri' r Kent and Manaükmknt of Rka_ Es tatï kok Non-Kk.siiiknts. KïTIBH 8ATIS1TACTION fl (HTHKHti ÜUABA.N TEIfD. A. DelTORICST 11 f KI n'"rc' """1CT than at snythlnEelie by tak 11 I V ing au aii-ncy for the bent selllnff hoo] II 11 1 Beginners eucrned giandly. None 11 fU. Turms free. IIallïtt Book Co. Portland, Matne. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. t Presen pi ion of A physk'ian who tuu had a Ufe long experience In treating female diaeasea. Is used moathly with perfect succeu by OTer lu.OOO ladii s . Fleaumt, safe efTectual. Ladles askyourdrug gist for Pennyroyal Wafere ant takO no substituto, or tnclose post apeforiealedparticnlars. Soldby all dniE-KislH, $1 per hor. Addross THE EUREKA CHEMICAL CO.. DiTBorr. Mica. Sold lu Ana Arbor, Mich , by Kbe rbacli A Son 13W-1360 I .' k I T can live at home .and make more money a I work Tor ds, ihan at anythlntr elfe In thi I Wij wirld. Capital not needed ; yon ar ¦tariedfree. Both sexee ; all aeee. Au ooe can do the work. Lare earulogs Bare frtim "'t(Urt. CoBtly outfit and terms ftee. Bett ""tdelay. Cot8 yon noihini; to send u yoor ad dro and fled ont ; lf you are wle yon will do touct. a. U-LL.rr A Co.. Portland, Maine. J.' fcl'W;R_Ulk2Ü._v.p.iw__rJJ e W 8ATH Q U" ! frh' tit' W'0"1 " K T__L_________M____f Í p VV" ________7J__B K_fT___P_Ep 5 o WiW#ig_f é ÜHatl. OM Bth fUnwl. f L uk cima. E. j. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mich. A COXPl.lcriC AURAMORKKNT KiHt Püjwiinïnd Fannilies. NeaterZandlCheape AND MoiiK C0NVENIENT THAT A 8TATI0NARY BATH TUB, WIT! NO KXl'KNSE OK BATH KOoM AND FIXTUKE8. H-G SUBSCRIBE FOK The Ann Arbor Couricr


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