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POWDER Absolutely Pure. TliUpowdernever varíes. A marvel of polly .slreugth and wholesomeness. More eco.. laical t Diii) the nrrilnnry kinds, and caimot e sol. i Id cciiupiMliioM wit h the intiltiliide of ow test, short welKl'I. aluin or plmsplmte nwiliTs. Sold only ín cana, Itoyul Ilaklng Powder Vo . 1O6 Wall st... N. Y. yiTIATED BLOOD. ( UOFILAS, 1NHERITED AND COXTAtlIOUS HUMORS CÜRED BV CUTICUKA. XMIHOl lili the medium 'f mie (il jour bookl .v.vived throiwu Mr. Frunk ï. Wray, Drugbt. Apollo, Pa., I bccame acijuainted wlth your 'i n.i ka i. h mí iie-, and lake tnta opportanlty to eBtlft lo jro ¦ Urn iheir bu perroaneutly curert i, oí onc it the woret ce if Diood pnttonine. In ODDecdon with erynipe a. thut I fcv ver ifen, wd thi a:ter liasini; been prouoancod liicunble )V ome ol tne best phyicmni Inourcounty. 1 ake fjrea' pleasurc in torwardlog lu yn thli tuctl i .umi, uneollclud a lt Is by you, in sriUf tti.u Mhert BUtTcrlnu rrim similar malndie may enATHiceú to ïiv our IDTUil Kkheuií! a trlul PS. WIIITLINUKB, Leeehburg, IV Kt f. rence : Frank V. W ray, UrugK.Bt, Ap illo Ha SCROFCLOUS l I,riRS. Jttim-H B. Kichartlsoti, Castom Houee, New O ¦ eauö, ou oath says : "In l.'U Öcroiui Ulcen roke out on my body nntil I Wñe a mtiw of ctrrupiou. Everyihlnií kiíown lo the medical faculty wae trlud iu vmn. L bótame a mere wreek. At lineo conld not lift my hand to my heail, could out turn ia bed ; wu in cuotant pain, and luttfced upua llfa a COMO. No relief or curu In trn year. In 1SW) I hi-ard of theCuncusA Hímbuiies i-d thum, and wo perfect y cured" Hnora to (jfore D, Ö. Oom, -) . l). Crawpord. OSE OF THE WORST CASES. We have l)ten Mlllsg yotir Vuticura RmfuJku for years, and hve tlie Bmt cimiplunt yet lo reCfivo irom a purchiner. ol woftl of crutuia I ever eaw waf cuud bj tlu; oee of Ave botilesof CtMeura Kemletnt, Outtcura, OutUktra f'oup. Th fít.ap iiiki;8 tbü "cake" here as a medicliinl h ap. I AYI.OKTAYl-OK, DriiKiíiít, Frankfort, Kan. S KOFLLOIS, IMlUUiKI, ADd 'outauiom Uil inore, wil li Lpsi f lliir, ftnd Krupiiuiii "f the kin, are poaltvel) cured by i'ulicuru and Cutlcurti Soap (xtfrimily, ami Outicura Retolvtnt lnttTnnlly, wben all other medicine! fan. Send lor Pamphlet. 1)RL'(í(jíISTS USE THKM. We have obtained eatlsfactory resalta from Ihe of ihe Cuticura Kemediee in our own Iftmily. and recummend tliem beyoud uny ollwi tumadkd lor dléeawe of the okio and blood. 'l'hc dematid lur them yrowy at their mt-rits becone kDown. MAC'MILLAN 4 Co., Uniu'gislB, Latrobe, P. CITICUKA IÍEMED1E8 are 6old everywhere. Prlce: Cdtici'ka. tli r-liin ('ure, SO (Vu's: ('in cuka Shai-, au Kx qutsite Ht-Muiiüoi, 2ücta; Cüticora Kk-oi.vsnt, ttir uew Klooi l'arltl-r, f t.OO. frepired hy PotTKtl DKril AM ChSMICAL Co.. Hi.sI.mi. ¦pTTypPLKS, iilackii.'ad-. Skin Blemlsha, and 2T íjüL Baby Hamors, aé Calleara Soup. Ihoking catareh. BüW) yaa awaki'ijcd frun a diturb'd rsh.-p wttb alt tliu horrible sensaltous ol' au usa-in clutchís your throatand pNMlng toe life-breath fnm jour tiL'btriied chest I llave you notlced the lanonr and deblllty ihat succeed the eftrt to clear your thfOftt aLd hed of thls catarrhal matter I What a depreaüing inlluence ït cxurLb upou the inind, cloudiníí the meraory and fi)lin' the h-ad with païnt and h trance noJues ! Ho difflcult lt ! to rld the naal patHgl. throat and tuni f thin poicouoUB niucua all eau testify wliuar: artlicUd wlth catarrh. How díflUiilt to protect tbe ty-triii apaínnt lts ftirther progrOfi lowurdP the lungH, livor and kidneys, all ihatcian wlll ndmit. lt is a terrible dleease, and crie out for relief and Cure. Th1 remarkflblc cnratlvp powero, when all other remedies utterly fail, of iVanctford's, Radical Cure, are attcetud by thousand-í who Kratefully recommt'od ft to fcllowHufferern. No etatroent le mnde reirardiiiL' t that cannot be uhstantlated by tbe most rcapectable and relluble referenre. E6E efa iick't contaiu one bottle oí the Radicaí. i'i'hk, one box of CATABBHAL Hoi.vknt, andan Impkovki Inhaler, with treatW' and dlriTtlone, and ín sold by al) dnurtíUtH for $.' 0. Po TKit Dm ti and Chemical Co.i Boston. HOW MY SIDE ACHZS . From thebench and the COOBUtr, irum . jbl the loom and aewlng machine nos op J(P Ihn fij of nfjn jnil wnalrnim Achlng ffibV7Jm Sldi-K and Back, Kidni-y and l'terine wURI I'aius, Straineand W'eakneíp, Cough, - - Coldf and Chenl Pains, and every Paln and Achc of dally tol] rcllrvi'd in uní' mluut by the Cuticura Viiti-I'aln l'l;i(r. New, eltitrant and infalliblf. A t (lruiryirtt. 25c; tvr for tl.OO, or of Potter Drug and Cnemlcal C ., Boston. WatchsprinG Witl sliding: Dctacbable Sprints. ("Better tlian 'Wbalebone or Horn,l and uaranteed never to breafe. Prlce, tx25 For tale by lcadiug wholesale and rctail cstablisliiucQta. MAYER, STROUSE &CO. 412 Broadway, N. Y., Manufacturers. p % - i ¦ ASTHMA CURED CERMIAN ASTHMA CURE Imitsntlr relínTB the munt riolunt ttack. and insi.ron c,nf(1rMI,lil M.p O HAIT1KU Cor K. Kri.TS.HeinK id bl inhlatlon. It rtlm I Iranitjiat. dlrurt nndrerlaio. and a core la the rHHult in aII curAhlt. cAAeB. A siiyc le truil convincea the muat skcptical Frico (ík and $1 Mi of any driiuitlrt. tr l.y muil SAiuple for , Araolrjt4llíl


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