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Expenses Of Under Graduates

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One of the strongest argument in faTOf of tlie Michigan University at Ann Arbor is that its students. may live corhfortably at small cost to their parentsor guardians, whilc it is impossible to do (O at the fainous eastern colleges. Tliis is a tact easily proven. The statistics of the gradnat injí class at Vale college show that the average expenses of students throiifjli :i four years' course were little short of $1,000 each year. Tho exact tiguresgiven are, freshmau year $834,98; sophomore year, f931.91; junior yoar, $999.82; and for tlie senior year, (Vhlch Ie BeVeral weeks shorter than the othcrs, $93S.28. AH those figures are too high, fully doublé what they ought to be, and show Imn impossible U must bc tor a poor man to seud his sou to college. The average price which the Yale boy piiid IWr four years was $5.25 ¦ week, which is likewise too high forsuch lood asttadenta ought to eat. A flanee at the Michigan Unlversity catalogue for 1SK7 shows a more satisfactory state of affairs e x i - 1 i 1 1 í at Ann Arbor. It says the average expenses of student in the univcrsity, including olothini;, bonks and all incidentals, ar' about $378 a yr:ir. Studeiltl mav obtain good board in private families at f rom $3 to $5 a week. Clubs are also formed. and are wel! patronized where the cost of board varies froin $1,68 to $2 a week. It does not detract in the least froni a student's gocial standing to board in one of these clubs. His room rent will range frota 75 cents to $2 a week. Suppotse we take the Irigti- t ñgorm i both cases and his board and room will cost $4 a week, tlien Bot a term of 40 week bia living expenses wonld lic $i(io. Tliis wonld leare a liberal taargln tor elothing, tuition tees books, laundry, and inciden tela to bring the Btudrnn'n yearly expenses up to $376 a year. Henee, it is plain that the aunual catalogue represents tlie case tairly. A frngal slmlent who goes to the urifverelty to learn may live there comfortably for foiiv weeks for $300. That will be ampie ti all his genuine needs. If he deslrei U ent a wide swath, soeially, lie Bbould tro somewliere else. Ann Arbor is no place tor liiin. These tigures lodlcatc that tliree studenU may live at the Mic.lii.m University on the same ainount that t would cost one at Yale college, and at the end of four years, beyond a doubt, the lornni will have acquired more desirable knowiedge than tlie latter. Of late yeais :i stiong feeling has acoumulated iu this state that our university is gettlag s. high-toned and expensive that onlv the sous of rich parentsean atl'ord to go Uiere. This is not necessarily the case, and It should be the constant, chIous aim of the regents and faculty to oombat that impression. If necessary, Ihey oughl to cut oflall fees, except the cost of ehemicals actually used, for Michigan students, and admit thein absolutely fice. This could be done without lerioui detriment to the finances of the institu tioit, and it would have the necessary effect of putting the university on n plans where it could ask the legislatura tor noy reasonaWe anproprlatlon without the risk ol denlal. Foreijin sludeiits ought to pay Foi thelr educallod, but if the university is a branch of the public schools, why not carry out that theory and inake it absolutely free for the sons and daiighleis pf tlie tnxpayen F Counterfeit postal notes uro s-ud to ba in cireulation, and instrnctlons have been issued from the superintendent of the money order systcm at WaahlogteB, eauHoning the postmasters ot every money order offlee to makethemselves thoroughly acquainted with the appearanee of the postal note, in order tliat they muy bc able to decide as to the genumencgs of any document which may hs pRMRtOd as a special note for pnynient. If tliey have iny doubt upon tliis polnt tliey shoulcj compare the note so presented uith the genuine notes ia their possession. Tlie postmfistt-rá are enjoined to exsreltó special care iu this particular, becauM they wlll be held re3ponsible In the event of payment by thein of altered or counterfeit notes, and will be required to niake ;ood any loss occasioned by such erroueous payment - I'inekney Dispatch. A country editor who ëxpects to pleate every one s entitled to all the sympathy lie can tiiul lying around loóse, t'or he is sure to encounter a terrible dis;ipointment Uiat will wreek his younj; lite. An editor to pleaBe everyone matt be a Itranire composition of opposltes. He niust wiite HincHsiic irticlrs. and he must not; be ghuuld give all the news and luppA M half ot it; he must belong to all the churches and board at all tlie bonnlinji Iioum's; f{et8liaved at all the barber shops and pulili-h everytliin everybody wants tree, and never ask n man forhis sitbscripliou. S'nnply because Gov. Luce was eleeted by the republicana, his vicions attack upon tlie unlverslty must beoverlookcd and tlM old man fnwned upon and crlnged to. Oul upon such slush. Tbe republican party has many grand and {rood men yet lef t in lts rauks, and ia uot dependent upon any one man to lili lts chalr Th'ew are plenty of men in the party wli( are in aympalhy with the projfress of t In time and with ow edueatlonal lygteo too, and we are not contined to i backs and fossils. The Berrien Springs Eracomplains tha all the appropriatlons are too lurge. Very well, then serve all the instltut iuns allte Do not single out oue particular onc aiu vent the spleen of a private siciot iry am a few individuáis ftgalnit t, maklDg i bear the burden for all the rest. All tin unlverglty asks is fair treatment, and v( believe It is tlie sense of the people ot the state of Michigan that it sliould recelri fair treatment. Be careful not to swallow the imda o orangea or fruit bavlng seeds as large Two deaths have reeen tly been reporlee from that cause,thatot' Mi-s tiarloo Blaak man, taacber in the free aculcniy ut Nor wieh, Conti., and Henry ('uiittirld, i Jirociklyu. An orange soed lodged in the amall Intcstines and intl ininiution result ed. Seeds of this kind are not dlgestei when swallowed whole and fatal FeíUII freqiiently ensue. A farmer wbo keeps the rondway fre of stone, and cuta all fnul weeds and Ihli tles, so that none of them go to seed, w at once conclude is a good and sueec-sf n farmer. On the other hand, a man li ueglects the weeds, Kits the thistles go t seed and blow over his own landt mul lii neighbor'a fields to annoy hlm, is genei ally a pooi' larmer and a fuiluie al bl business.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News