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A relief i'orps has been organized at Ulan. Tlie Clielsca postmaster gets $1,100 iiv, a raisc of í ion. A $3,000 farm house is Ix-ing built by 'lias. Soper, üf Silein. Prof. Loomi9 will teach the Chelsea clniols the coming year. .las. Hentley and Miss Lucy Doty, of Augusta, married June 19. A iikiiil' tlie latest pensioiiers Is the uaiue of Albert Stuck, Yusilanti. Northville and South Lyon clubs iré to russ bata on July 4th at South Lyon. ('lias. Minnis and family have moved rom Milán to Jackson for the summer. The last snake story comes from tbe íexter Leader, but it is not a very big me. A.Terry has returned to bis home n Webster, trom a viilt to his son iu ¦Cansas. Remembcr the picnic of tbe Webster Farmers' Club at Nordman's Lake on July 2d. Tbe noise of the street hoodlums bothers the ears of the Saline Observer man. flhut them up. The York cemetery has been cleaned np, and raoney raiseü to paint tbe fence surroundlng it. Tlie wool market IncllUM downward instead of upward. The eiirly Beller is the lucky " feller." The Soutli Lyon Picket thinks Luce a dalay. Great miiuls run in the eauie channel, most ihvays. Tlie Leader calis for the services of a street sprinkler to ail in kecplng thedust out of its eyes. S ¦muid Kt-mington of Wahiton, Dakota, and Mis Mariu Oreen, of Manchester, ïiKii ried June 21st. Dan Murray receives $f50 Insurance from the Wasbtenaw Mutual for his llghtninir killed horses. s. W. Lockwood and Miss Belle Oage, of Manchester, wero married June 16lh, by Hev. U. H. Shier. The usual half-fare rates on all the rail roads for the season of the 4th of July comuiencing with July the 2d. Dr. Lee, of Dexter, now frets nround to hla patlenn with electric speed, a new ¦ ¦ ]i,is'' doing tbe business. Dexter has a fruit basket factory that is iloing a brisk business this year, having already turned out 125,000 baskets. Dexter's new school house beglns to show off its exterior beautles. Next winter the beautles will occupy the interior. Tlie bilí to abolisli the we9t 17 miles of the Detroit it Saline gravel road, having , passed botb Uouses of the legislature, was , signed by Gov. Luce on the lOth, and takes Immedlate effect.- Observer. The Chelsea Herald complains about the boys who hang about the church doors Sunday evcniniis. Soine way, the boys wcm'l gct over that peculiar truit. It must betlieytake ilter tlielr "dads" a good deal. A lonfc-liaired quack medicine man fooled sornc of our inhabitantg lust week to the tune of about $40, for huinbug medicino Eacb. being presented with a shlny dumb watch. Served them nsrht.- Chellea llerald. Don'tbe deceived by any representa(ions tbat several towns may nmke, but beur 11 mimi aud iinpress the fact upon vour neWhbors that the only celebratlon worth uttendinfr wlll be at South Lyon, Monday, July 4th.- Picket. K A Hauser paid out during the past fot live stock, over $100,000 to the 'f .ii in'ers of tliis vicinity. A good live stock marki't Is a ftrmtt benefit to any town, and Saline' market wlll fav.irabiy compare with any in the state.- übserver. The contract for building the Stark wnathr Memorial Chapel has been given to E. C. Warner and Mr. Walker, the latter of Ann Arbor, the contract price beinz 7,655. Work on the chapel wlll be comuieneed at once. - Ypsiiantlan. Neterjoln in the family quarrels. If tliiii' is any antiigonism do not takesides; avoid unwi8e partizanahip over any little matter of differencc. Family relativescun do B "-oud deal of innocent quarrelin}: smong themselves without mlschief, but it "v9 a quarrel ;ret cohesión if a thlrd party Joini In.- So. I.yon Excelsior. It is needless tor us to state that the alumni reunions are one of the leading iil eveuts of theseason, and our peopU always take delight in cncouraging the MicininTs in contlnning tlieni, especial ly as the assochitlon extends a cordial invltation to nll. ,The association has a inemberphip of about 80.- Manchester Enterprise. Specimens of the renus tramp are caus nr fcelings of uneasiness in the breasts oftimld people these days. Why not oriranlza ¦ " chain Ku" and Macadamize our roads?- Dexter I-eader. The tender feelingl of the men who make our laws for the poor, lousy tramp, stands llke a nuk in the way ofanysuch innovation. It is useless to tulk it. The Normal building bilí, approprlating $00,000, the passage oí whieh was anuouuced last week, lus been approved by the governor, iml the funds are available and tlie building will be begun o soon as the detalted plans eim be perfected. Tlie roiiLih plans ulrcudy made contémplate a wuslward extensión of the present building ,")0xö0 feet, three stories high, with a maln part BOxlOO feet and same helght across the west end, facingSnmmlt.street. - Ypsilautian. The M. E. iarsonare was struok by lightning Sunday mnrning last at sboal '¦ a. m. cansins havoc, tearinjt off stdinjr, breaking doors and windows, tearing up floors, cracking iilastering, in fact the house is a slght to see. Very fortunatrly, almost niimculously, and it sceuis Provilentially, no one was mjured. - Stonv Creek cor. Milán Leader. The war is over. T. K. Ftob, of the D. L. & N., and manager Asliley of the T. & A. A. were rocently seen walkintr arm in srm, engaged in pleueant conversation up the D. L. N. track, to the Kene of toe " late unpleasantness," where each drop ped a tear and planted a rose buib on tlic irravfi of the dead Dast. Tlms endt-th 1 1 -


Ann Arbor Courier
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