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¦ i i advortlsemeuls not to exceed three itnes, of Lost ana Fouud, Houses for Salo or Kent, Wanta, etc., luaerted tliree weeks for -. cents. Sltuatlons wantod, freo. to ell "Karth, Seuand Nky," ly Krv Dr, Northrop. A aplaudid work, UmuuaUy larga pronta to Asenta. M. II. Hud¦ n, -ii Fourteentb. Ave., Detroit, Michigan. Manager, 0. R. Bariu, Pno. Cto. 57-5! ilRL WANTEdT AGood situntlon for a Competent GIrl for Qeneral llousework Apply at the.CourierOkfick. FOR RENT- The Ilrst (loor wlth cellar, of a mrnUhed house. Inquíre al33S. División si . "IIrANTED- To Kxobange my resldeuco at Saline, fox ¦ Dwolltui oí otlu-r property 1 11 or neur Aun Artior. AudresH A. M. ('Irak, Salino Mlrli. 66'58 WY ANTED- By n Junior Llterary Ktudent, TT employment durlug vacatlou. Address E. K.' Box 292, Ann Arbor. 5ó-57 Jvilí SALE.- Six flne grade Cows all good ¦ inilkers ; alse alot of 2 mouth's oíd PlgH. KÍiquire at Cherry Vale Farm, South YpBllantl Roail, or J. T. Jacobs & Co. Wllllam stralth, Manager. 13oo i pKICYCLE FOU SALE, sultablo for Irl L from 10 to 15 years oíd. Inqulre at the i .. t i; i kk Olllce. E KAL ESTÁTE FOK BALE OR RFINT.- llouses and lots valned from $1,000 lo JiiUOO and contalnlng from one-flfth of an acre to twenty acres-all lu the olly limita. HouieM rontod OO n-asoniible terms Ín central localltles. Farms ezebangad for clty proprty. Knquireof J. C. A. SeHHlons, Atlorney and Etèal Emate Agent, Offlco over Express OHlct', Main tst., Ann Arbor. óltf Li ' VNING- Money to loan on flrt-class Real Estáte ilortgago at Current rates of n terca t. t-atisfactory arraiiKeraents made with capitalista deslrlnt; siu-h Investments. very conveyance and transactlon Ín absi varis of lltlea carefully examlned as to legal , n-ct. Z. P. KINU. Ann Arbor. FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE-No. 18, Cemetery street. Apply at Coukiek office. SlAÍlTPlPüii! IwlU rwelve sealed blds until July lst, 1887, for the material of the HUÍ Mansión to be taken down and removed from the premisos befare Deo. lst. 188T. UlO (or the baru and outbuildlngs, on the ¦ameoondltlonsa above. Also for the outs Ide or road fencos. Keservlng the rlght to all bida. r.nnisslon toremove will be Kiven o Sept. lst. Terms -cash, or approved rióte. A sepárate tikl wlll be received for eacb item. A, J. SAWYER, Agent.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News