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The Bicycle Meet

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Kverythinjr promises to be favorable to a large gatheringof representative wheelmen at the "Meet" of the Michigan División next week. It is thought that the St. John's famotis liicyele Band will bc present and play while ruling through tlie strwts on their wheels. The parade will be a large one and the con tests and races are ükely to be spirited, thus afTordin; some fine sport, for a bicycle race s between amateurs who run for a meilnl, inil not for inoney. So the races are not joekeyed nor eold out. Tbere are no tedloua waits for scoring, etc, but the day will bo solidly occupied with one good tliing afti'r another. The liill-cliinbiii}; edntest will be a new feature In this state and cannot but be very nteresting. The piics are belog made by Vrif;ht, Ivüy vt Co., of Detroit, and are quite unique in desisrn. They are all gold medals. " The Triangle" is in fiue condition, as was ucertaioed by the local club who rode around H the other day. The Detroit boys are stirring about lively and proniisc to have their part welt taken care ot on Baturday. Tlie "Meet" ends with au excuiïion on the Detroit Uiver in tlie ¦¦Vfiiiiif;. Tlic finance coniinitti't' of tlie common council niccts Friday eveniiig. Bare your bilis ready. Council meeting on tho evenlng ol Monday July 4, is clearly Ilegal. ít will probably adjourn to ïueiday t-veiting. "The L. of M. medical depnrtmetat located at Aun Albor and Detroit." Woiikl not the announcement sound absurd enough to kill it? Nov that lic vetoed the Utiiversltv apliropriation btll ain't yon glad (ov. Luce don t fïct more than $1,000 a year snlary f Does Se desene more. - Manchester Ënterprisr. Mr. J. C. Shattuck lias received an otli-r of $1,500 per ycar to go to Arizona and te,ach school. He was recommended l)y Dr. Anfrell, president ot the University. - Owosso Times. Therc is iiurryinj; to and fro these il iys, and all of the orders left at the butehor'í ttalFl and groceries, Is with the expliolt injunction i "Nowseud up the iiicest you've got." Chris. Donnelly mistook hli foot for a stick of kindling wood tlie other day, and out a jrrent gasb in it before discovering the dlffereoce, Moral: Never split kindüng wood - let your wife do it. The Tïev. O. C. Bailey, pastor of tlie ConffregatloDH) Chureh of Dexter, for the past two years, will remove to other parts to pursue his labors. He leaves taklDK with hiin the best wishes of the cliurch and tlie community in general. The Commenceinent Annual is being prlnted at tlie Coukibr ollioe, and will be placed (Ui sale tn-niorrow. Il contains ipeeebM In full of President Angelí, Senator Palmer, Associate U. S. Justice Mlller, Dr. Frieze and Prof. Hiitcliins, and will bc of unusual vuliie. The frrent game of ball pending betwccii i team from Co. A, and one from the fin departtnenli oame off yesterday p. m on the fair groundl. It was a slu.tí i 1 1 ir mateh from the word tro. Co. A linys rfotag the most sliiirgingr, and winning by a score of 25 to 17 for the liremen. At the Methodist Episcopal Chnroh, Ticxt Btbbatb, qaarterly I-ove-feast at 9 :i. m. and Lord i Bupper at ÏO1. Serinon in tlie even inir on Providcntial Indicatloni in America'8 Settlenicnt. No service tliis (Wciliit'Kclny) Bvenlng but a preparatory service on Fridny evenin of th is week. Peter Piquette tried to get rid of an oUl grey none Monda}', by iving it to a farmer If be would take It home. He hltched the animal to the hlnd axle of the bngyy but the old equine did'nt want Id O, and was stouter tlian the farraer'i naff and oame near takinc both baek Into the stablc. Bo Peter stlll hai a horst' for sale or rent. The Detroit Evening News makes a trrent cry over tlie " use of boodle at L&ntlsg, and then crows lustily over its iiwii aucceH in penMdlog enoDfffa membcTs of the leilature to stand by the governor to sustaln ts veto of the unlversity approprlatlon blll. Perlmps the two crien, thoughof different tone, thorouglily expialn each other, IIdw much boodie (Jid the Neus ii-.. al L:insillg on thut quettlon ?


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