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Wedding Bells

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¦ ¦ ¦ " W.uat a world ol' tnelody tlieir niusic fortclls." One ut' tlie happiest eveuts in the history of Ami Arbor occurred at the Uultarlsti churcli. Buiulay last, ut the close of the niornini service. The Uev. Dr. Sundeiland Imd dellvered nu elegant tO ttitr parting studenU on the subject of 'perfect daily lile," and as the organ pealed fctti in grand and soletnii ftrains there lippeneed at the alter Dr. Leltoy Brow, of Bt. Paul, Mlnn., and Miss Mina Allen, ttie duugher of one of our prominent 'iti.i'iis and fellow townsraen, Mr. nud, Mrs. John Allen, accoinpanied by MiS Mainie Powr, of ihis city, as liridi'snmid ;ind :Mi'. llilllcck Suyder, of Itock Port, Ind., as groonisnmii, and as the oraua struius died way in the chureh'g lofty relies, the Kev. Ir. stepped forward and in the beautiful and impremiré weddin; service of the Unitariau churclr unitel the happy coivple in the llfe of wedlock ainid Ixcathless silence and i viist concourre of people. Immedlately after the ceremony the h;ipi_v couple held an informal reception in the beantlful pariors of the éhrtröu wliere thcy werc cpngratulated hy their nuinerous frieIld and well wishers. Mr. Allen's Ipndom residence on Fohrth street was filled to overflowins: with tlke rélatives of the bride and grooni iintil thé wee, lionrs wUeTl :i snnptuou8 repast was served wliich Mr. A. know well liow t (o. The presents were miiny, elegant and costly, partionlarly the gift of the bride! parents. The happy pair will take up their residence at St. Paul.'Mlnn , where the Dr. enjoya a lucrative practice athis professicin. Anvongthe manyguests were David Finlaysori add wife, aproiïiInent cltizen and Itrmberman of 8t Paul, Minn; Henry Selleck 'aul famjiy, one ot Bay City's eetëemeri citizeiis Henry ürown and famlly of Iowa City, la. and ïelatlves of the grooni were present froui Plymouth, , Cunton, Tjfflilinti, Salem and other places. The occilslón was moie partioulïirly Interestlng on account of it bciug the iirst public inarriajii' ceremony bvlng perforLea In the cburob, thereby dedicatiiiK It to future events of