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PLEASE NOTICE HAH&STERFÏflCE 007, EÉUbltibd in 1918, wlll fiirnlKli loe, dellV' iti.'iI to ANY PART OF THE CITY For tli e SEASON OF 1887: 25 ponnds dnily, exeept Sniulays, for per munt h. 25pouml.s4 times per week, $1.75 por moiith. 25 pouniK 8 Unies per week, $1.50 per tnontti. 96 ihiiiimIs s times par week. $i.ou permontb. HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, BUTCHERS, ETC, Wlll baftimisbed wlth Tickets. I.eiive r li-is at Office, 28 Main Street. E. V. HANGSTERFEE Manager. ABNER MOORE'S TONSORIAL PARLOR, ïïTJiaonsr street, Nezt door to the Farmer' and Mechanic's Bank. BAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, SIIAMPOONING AND DYEING. rite b of WurkiinMi and S:it isf;u-i urn Uuaranteed. CÏCLAIR&SÖIS MANUFAUTÜKERS OF SÈÈMfccli FUliNITUüE. mu mu si: cu iiiiü AND WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to nmnafaotnre School kihÍ i 'linifli Furiüi it i r, and Opoa I llionne Chmrs, Lhwh Sctttts, Camp Tiltiles aiul the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL fhe ' lwKt and .sinplcst and most reliiible I Ín use. Kepatrlng done on short ucllce. Also dculers tu ITMPS, CYLINDEUS, PIPES, ETC. i TANKS MADE TO OffDBR. LADDKKS, PHACH BOXBB, I!Ki:i:V OKATS8, ín Inct, any nrtlch' Mil ( arder. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANX AHBOI!, MU'II. FLORAL OUIDE FOR 1887 iw ready, conUins i Colorrd Platea, hundmls or IIuilrations, Kinl nearly 200 paces- 32 perlainini; to Uar drniiijr anti Flower Culturo, aml uv.i 1 i contalnina :in lluntrsted I.istof nrarlTall the FLOWERS nd vegetables grnwn, with ciirections huw to pruw Uiem, htr th bmtSEP.DS, 1'1-ANTS, mul liri.ll4 :an M proeurM, witti pricesof eacii. Tlim t.ook muU-i frer on rceipt of 10 n-nts, ml th 10 OHM mity l.i-il,tlnctd from the Érst onliT ent ub. Kvcry mm int,resUnl in m garden or who desiri'8 poml, frrnli . i-.l liuuld taTC thif wurk. We reft-r to llie inillions lio luve lIMd pur BWU. Buy ollly Vlck'l Befidl Rl Blad nutra. J A.H Km Vil K, S I I : DSM A N, Kurliralir, . Y Notlce to Credltors. OTATE OKMICIIIGAN,CountyorWahteimw,8e. ' k Notlce i horeby glvcn, ihnt by au ordar ( the ProlwU; Court for thu County of Washtimiw, made on the twenileth duy of Juce, A. i). 18K7. bU muutha rrom ihat datu ware illowed lurcroditor to pn-arnt thelc cinimi akrtnrt the extate of Lucy h . s Moruan, late of uid county, dcceased. aadthat all creditore of ald deceaaed rcqnlred topreteut thelr claim to aaid Probate Court, at tlia ProbateOtnce, In the city of Aun Arbor, foruxamtnatlon an1 allowanci-, on or bciare theiMb day of 1.-. .uib.r ni'M, mul iaat tucta claims will be huard before sald cotirt, on Tnólday, the SOih day of September, a:id on Tuuiiclay.thi' aJth day ol Pocember uext, al ten u'clock lu tha forenuou ol tach of aald dar. Kaliil, Ann Arbor, .Intlc 21, A. D. 1H.S7 W1LLIAM I). HAUKIMAN, 1857-1301 JudL't-ol ProbtW,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News