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I - Igggg 0 m ira i j PQurngR I EXTRACíSf 1 fS-Tc NATURAL FRUIT MOST PERFECT MADE Preparad ¦.. Wn strlct recard toPnrltv, Strpngtli, nd HedthfulneM. I)r. Prti-e'flBakincfMwilfrcontiims no Ainmiinia.I.inn,AluinorPhophteB. Dr.Price'fc Extracto, tullía, Lemon, etc., llavor delíclously. PQCC BtKING POWDCR CO. Cmctoo. m Sr Lows_ IQ THE CREAT Germán Remedy.fl 1Q TRUTHS FORTHESICK.m I -,,r tli.ise .leñthiylTT, 000 wlll I'l! l'll'Jll Spellsdepcnd f"r:ieasevhoreMi. III LI'HDBBIITEKS ruilt BHTEM "I'1!! It ylll cure yon. imtasslst orcurc. Ii 0 '¦¦'¦ "!¦ "''v''r '¦'""¦ W Itlinttirt'ilniHlallRimí' Chansothc vitintuiiBI feeling; lf bi, use m.hxI whcn ron ki-i'I Süi.I'HUR Bitters; ta Impurltles biiráí ll It wlll cura yon. ngthroBgb Uw sklnlll lllnot procure su Iflcicnt m mmm ¦Hareconanedindoora, vvln ,.nr0 r.lvcrC.nnlll 1 Ishoul.l uso Si i rni it ,, ,.,(„, bont he 'll 1 1 ¦Brrma. The wir ;.,,urll(re,i;itliicurtlll EBuot tliou bi'wcakanit . ,„. rn Blsli-kly. si irmu Un tkks ; '" "ull III it Ilfvor toi-uiv. SUU-IHB UlTIERsBI ,t a rlll makiyourlilnoiip. IMhottle. Try it: yon putv.rlcham UlrmiR.U Bill not rcgret It. ¦""' ynurflfsli lianl. 111 íñTÜTTátr Try MLilli n HIT III health, lio are all tmis to-nlght, andlH ruiiilnwn.shouM uso yon wlll sleep welllll Sti.rmK Hittkus. an'l ffcl botter forlt-IU Doyon want the host Mciliral Work pnblUbed? Senil 8 ¦--ont stampa to A. I', okdwav Co, Boston, Mass., and reeeire a copy, frcc. Lampíhimney i l 5 h I o? f Ï SEETHATTHE ,% pj i O I' ' EXACT LABLE IS ON f j K It EAOH CH1MNEV AS Sk g „ Z O SHOWN IN P1OTUHS. 'f f 1 1 rrv A S 5 ?5 Vfi!V '.Fifi XV pAT-0CT:30TH'ie83J M iMUFACTURED ONLY ÖY GEO.A.MAEBETH&Ea V. PITTSBUFÍGH'PAjlll TOR SALrB%C.PLALERSJLRT WHERE. FOR DYSPKPS'ÍI MENTAL AND PHYSICAL : EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERGY, ENDICESTION, ETC., ETC. [í m flomtöré flCIOPHOSPHATF. A Uquld preparatlon of the phosphates mi pliosphorlc acld. K. coMimeoded by riiyt,]ciaus. II,.- a dellclous drink. Iovlgoratlng and Btreustliening. Pampbel free. FOR BALE BY AI. I. DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, I'roridence, ¦ Khode Iüíand. 0TBEWARK OF IMITATIONS. HEAL E&1A1E INgüRANef AGEN6Y. J. A. SESSIONS, A.TTORNEY AND NOTAlíV PUBLIC Real i'sl.-itu sold or rented ajid rents cul lectcd on reanimadle ternis. Nont hul Oíd uncí tlrst-.'Iass Insnrance Companles reprnented - with lnüurauce cap tul nf ÍID.iioo.ixki. I-tutes as lowasany other ÍDsnraDce compiiny and lossen prono ptly pald. Otllce over American Express office, Main street, nn Arbor. Mlch. R. TJ E TU H ES. tEGAN'S IMPERIAL TRUS8. Splrfil Spring, graded from 1 t t pouudtt id prenHure. MORX DA Y AND MGHT, by an lnfant a week oíd, oran adnltSOyears. l.iuüoH Trusses a perfcctlon. Endose stamp for testimoniáis of cures, etc. EGAN IMPERIAL TRUS8 CO., Aun Abhuk, Mich. INSURANCE L ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 'i, First Floor, Hamllton Block. 1'artlendeslrlMg to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll ilud It to thelr advuntage to cali on me. I represan! 15flrst-clas Flre Insurance Comp.inieK, having au aggregate capital over 3(),(100,000. IíateH low. Loases llberally adjusted and protnptly pald. I also Issue I. líe and Uivestment Folíeles In t!ioNw York Mutual Life Insurance Compaay, Assetts, ÍT5,0O0.00. Persons deulring Ac. hl.Mil Insurance, can have yearly pnllcles wrltten for them orTraveler's (Joupon Inaurance Tickets ixsued at Low rates. Money to 1.0:111 ii ('iinent Hales. Office bours from 8 a. ni. U IÏ mi. and 'I to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block.


Ann Arbor Courier
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