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For UIckets, Marasiniis, and Wastlng Disorders of Cliildrcn, Srott's EmulsiĆ³n of Pure Cod I-iver ()i willi Hypopuosphiteg is uneiualle(). The rapidity wlth whfch cliildren gain tleil and tstrength upoii it is very wondcrful Read the following: " I liave used Scott' Kinulsioas in cases of Kickets and Maras mus of long standing, and have been more than pietied witli the reBults, as iu everj case the iniprovement was raarked."- J M. Mata, M. D., New York. There Is no cvil that we cannot face o 11 v f rom , but the consciousness of dut; disre{{iiidetl. - Daniel Webster. DriinkciiiK'ss, or l.i(iior Iliihil, rail be ( iirid h Admlnlsteringr Dr. llaini-s' (jolden Speclflc. It positively e. ui begiveu in a cup of col feeortea without tiieknowledgpof the per 8n taklng it; is absolutely harmless ;nu will effect i permanent and t.peedy cure, whetlier the patieiit is a moderaU drinker or au alcoholic wreek. 'J'hou;nnls of drunkards hare been made tempĆ©rate men who have taken Uolilen Hpecitic in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-ilay 1c)Ipv" they (iiit lritikinr if tln-ir owu f ree will. IT NKVER FAIL8. Thr system once ImpregiWtwith the Speclflo il oecomes an utter impossibility for tlie liijuor Hp(xtitn In exint. For fnll partii-ularn, addrea OULDKN SPECIFKJC , 185 Hme st., Cinrinnati, Uhlo.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News