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OPARKï un FEE! I 1 sTiBtisBïo mi. ) Merrill UNTIL BETTER Í DETROIT.MICH ƒ Block. LZ22Bk Th Eegular, Old-Entablished LJ&ja PHYSICIAX k SL'BOEON jU8KILL AND 8UCCE88 YOUNG MEN, MIDDLE-AGED MEN and all persons who by their own ets of Impradenceor Follrat any period of life have brmight upon ll.em.elve., the evil ffec ciosely ubon th heel of tran írichíw of the laws o[nature,houldconult ffe UKrated Ir Clarlce at once lWrueinb.rt Nroua dlMaM(with or without! or drblllty and los. oí nerv. power treated sc.entincally by ner methou., w,th nevcr f.ilinff succes. "It mak no differenc what you have taken or who has f ailed to cure you. a-".ie terrible polaonn of Syphllis and all bml blood and kin dleae, tomplertlv cr.idi. cited without mercury. Remember that thison. horrible dlaeaae, if neglcctcd or impropcrly ireatcd,curea the present and coming fencration .All unnaturnl discharges cured promptly uhout hindranct to tintine ss. No experiment. Both sexesoonsult coiifliW-iitlally. Age and ïiperloncimportiit. A written guárante of cure glven in eveiy cae undertaken. ySulferer from any clironlc dieaTrrite Ilintxrr and Symptom of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which others have íailed to cure. T3Send two stamps for celebrated Work on ('hronic. KierTous and Delleat Diseases. You have an exhaustiva ymptoinatology by which to studv vour own case. Consultation, personally or bv "letter, iree. Consult the old Dootor. Thousands cured. Oflices and parlors private. You see no onc but the Doctor. Before confidini your case consult DU. CLAKKK. A friendly letter or cali may save future suftcring and ahame and add golden vears to life. Medicinal ent evervwlicre secure Lrnm exposure. lluuis, B to 8 ; Sündays, o to 1 j. Addrest F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mleh CURES Coughs,Colds, Asthmajickling In tha Throat, Whooping Cough, Quinzy, Sora Throat, Con sumption, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonary Disaasas. H" YÖÜNC'S iCoucHi DanavIlle.MIch. % I Howell, Mlch.. Auk. 15. 1K74. -! Oct. 38. l7i. -I I was attacked 1 % ! hare tried Ur. K. wlth a irrerej i A.rounK's Cough cold and threat-i and I.unn Svrup ened wlth lunio _ _ for more than a fever whlle on a lf ( year, a I had ocTtslt to Hudson. m a remeMlch., about a J dy for ('olds and montb ago, bo iCouihi, ind much so that I fouDd Itarellablo wal unable to 011 ajaM ! medicine. I harían apuolntnivut m 1 ased hia Ague to preach on! ¦K and Uer Sjrup account of my ! Inmj famlly wllh ¦eTere ¦¦ niKhiriti. ¦ ¦ ! the beit of sucbut managed to ! cesB. curlng m; get home. and motber (whose niedlataly took 1 age waB over BOmeof Dr. B. A. j seventy years) of Voung's Cowta one of the hardmenced taking lt. i MM t ch'" ni1, ieTerand I ttnd perma- B II take pleasure nenl relief when In reconuiientliriK 1 ttiu attacked i - the above remeby oough ur1 J die to all wbo luna coraplalnt. " need them. KXV. KUBT. CUPK. KIV. 8. B. KIMMELL. Bold by all druggisu. Prlce, 25c.. 60c. and large boules ent free on recelpt of prlce. # W. JOHNSTON A, CO., OETROIT, MICHIOAH. Estáte or Lucy W. S. Morgan. STATU OF MICUIGAN, County of Wafhtenaw. ¦. At a sesBlon 01 Ihe Probate Court for the Countj 01 WnKhteimw, holden at the Probute Ufflce, in tincity ol Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twenty ïhlrd day 01 M iy in the yetr one thoiunnd elght hnndred and elkfhly ievun. l'reoent. Wllllam 1. llarrimiii. Jndte ol Prohate. In thr matter of the estáte of l.acy V. 8. Morman, (leceaed. On ruadini; and tinnn the peil llon, ilu'y vcrlflcd, of Frunklln L. Pjrker pravinp thnt a cortalii Instrnmunt no on lile In thls court porpoftlll tobe lait wtll and testament of ald necewed, may be admiited ti probate, and that he it ml "Ur. C. lohnioii and K lward U. Kiuue may be appolDted cxecuiors ih reof. Th'reuium 11 ordured, that Monday, the twen tu-iti day of June m-xt, tt u-n o'clock ín lue foreiioou, be axnieiH'd lor tin; hearing of ald petltion, and thHt thu devi--e, Icatcf, and belr at Ihw uf sald deceased and all other persons Interented in nald enlate, are requlred to appear at a -.--iiiu of satd court, thcii te be holden at the ProIwte Ofli. e. in tbe city of Aun Arbor, In said cotinty and show canee, II any there be, why the (irayer of ihe petltloiirrshuulduot begranted. And it 1 luriher ordered, Ihat Baid petliioner glve notlce to the penon Interested In eald estáte, of the oendency of aid petition, and the hearing thsraof, by cauBlnt' a copy of thle orjer to be pablished In the Ann Arbor üourier, newspaper printed aud ctrculating in ttaid county. three buccesslvu wufke pr-vioas to eaid day oí hearlng. WII.I.1AM D. 11AKK1MAN. (A true copy.) Jndeof Prohate. W.M li. DoTV. Probate Register. 86-1289. Kstiitc r Hm ins l'icrot'. 1 I'A I'K lr' MICIIIIiA.N, lounty of WwIiifu AI 1 anadón "t t'ie l'niliate l'ourt for ihe l'ountj 04 Waihtuiiaw. holden at tbe ï'robute OIBce. in the city ol A1111 Arlor, on Kriday, tho tbird day ol Jtin In the ywu one 'houeand elyht huudrid itud ei'"ity nvfii. Prei-ent, Willlam 1. Uíirriniaii, .ludiré of l'robate. in the matler ol the eittate of Uariuè IMerce. deceaned. !!¦ reidniL' and tllinf the petition, duly verltled, 01 Naihnii Pierce. iryÍDii that a reriain inptriimeut utw un die in thl court purp'irtlu 10 be the taal wtll and tt'Rtament ol aid dtc;aed, m.iv l)e ttdmitted 10 pfwba(e, and tual be iuay be appoiutvd ex.-c itor Ihereof. TliiTiMiiMin II is ordered, that Tueniiay, the 6th dny of July next, at tt'Q o'clock in the lorenoon, be aiHi(;ned for the hearing of unid petition aud that the duvluees, leeatee, and helm al law of suid duceanüd, ituu all other perrons mierested iuiald eatatt). are roüuired to appear at n HrKiii ot said court, then to be bolden at Ihe Probate office. In ihe City ol Ano Arbor, aud show CMuae, tf any there he, wh) tbe prayer of thr pe litio er sliould nol ie eratited. And It Ie turthei ordered, tbat -aid petttiouer glve notice to the persone iuterected In srtid eetute, of the pendency ol eaid petition, and thr hcartnit raunitiL' a copy of order to be publiehed in the Ann Arbor Vuitnrr. :i lunv-piper printed and circulatcd in eaid county, three sneceesive wefk previoiiB to aid dav uf hearing. kA truc copy.) vVH.LIAM D. 11ARR1MAS. 1 udge of Probate . WM. (4. DOTV, Prohate Rexieter. 1U4-IÍS2. ('oiimilislonpr' Notlee. OTATBOFMICUIQAN.ConntyolWitHhtenitw.ns. 11 Th nndereltrnedhavitiL' been appointed by the l'rnb.itt' Ciiurt for eaid C-iuiity, 10 nciive. examine and adju-t all clalme and u all per. ui? avaiu"! the nstaie ol Jtary King, late of -aid countv, dweeed. hereby glve notice ih:it-lï montlie iniiii date are allowed, by order of ¦ald Probate Court. for credit.'r a preeent thelr claluie aialiiet tbe estntc of Batd deceaeed, end tliat ihuy wil meet nt the irtBt of Zlna P. King, in the city of Ai 11 Arhor, in eaid county. on Tui e day, tilt' Tth day ol June, and on Wednesday. the 7th day of Supiemlier next, at ten o'clock A. M ol each of -aid dayt, to roceive, examire and ad iu-i eaid claime. Dated, MarchT, 1887. .liillN IllKii. I Commiaelone s WILL1AM N. STEVENS. ( STATK OF MICH1UAN. Tlie Circuit Court forlbuConiH) or War-hnnaw, in t'hamery Croma Hui. i'imiplalnam. ) v. V Krnrsi Hay Hul. Defeudttnt. ) It sHltsfiictortly appearlug by ntHdiivlt that tin' ili'li'lnliint. ErilPSt Kiiy Illll I lint a li'N - ileutof tltlK slote, but reKlde at Chicago, lti the Htute of Illinois, on motloM of Urimn A Warner, nol lei tor for omipluluant. II la ordered tlnii the aald defeudant, Kruent Day Hill do cause hls nppearaMoe lo be eutered lt thiK otoM wlthin four ninnth9 from the date ol tli ik arder, to wit: ou or before tbe2Vtli du. of August, A. 1) 1887, and tliat in defaul IIki the hlll ofoomplnltit in thia cnue be taken itH OOBfMMd by tbe sutil defeudaut. Iiiiii-.l. Auu Albor, April 26, 1887. O. JOSÍ-YN. 6 w. 1348-51 ClrcultJudtje. C. H. MILLEN. INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arhor, The nlili'Kt ageucy lu the city. Eülahllalie over a uuarter of a century ago. Representiu the followtUK nrsl-olKNii compaulea, wit OTer 00,000,000 Capital and Vl I1OMK INS. CU., of New York. CONTINENTAL IN8. CO., of New York. NI At) A KA INS. CO., oí New York. (I KA KH ins. CO., of Pliiladelpbla. (illIKNT IN8. CO., of Hartford. COMMK.HCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINUfON FIRE and MA KIN Of Kosli.ll Kiiti's i.iivt as tin LoWMtt LtaiM Liber uil) 4iljnsli-l umi prompt 1 1'hIiI. C. H. MILLEN.


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