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VHO .8 UNACQUA.NTED WITH THE O.OCRAPHV OF TH COUNTRY. .L. 3EE BY CXAMtNINC THI8 MA. , TS!, T ¦ '.1 " - _ al?r- ' TT' 1 'MËi' lt KlïéLCSv ILioóML E.St.Lou. f M $ ; __ _ ' -¦¦ ¦;. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACÍFIC R'Y Solí,, Pooria. S, Moline and Bock Island, Illinois; VaVTe"Srí n I, ." Vashúifrton. Fairüeld, Ottuinwa, Oskaloosa, West Liberty ,Iowa City ,D 3 oí .atorniediato citiea, towns and villagea. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guaranteen Speed, Oomfort and Safety to thoso who travel over it lts roadbed Í 5? HJ dLcTpltae iSict aiid exactin. 1 he luxury of ita passenger acoommoüaetweon Chicairo, St. Joaeh, Atchison and Kanaas City-restful EEOLIMIilU CHAIB CAiia THC FAWIOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Jo "p, Atchisoii, Leavenworth, Kanaas City. MinneapoUs, St. Paul and bommCiUltcla2ses'Íóf patrón, espeoially famiUüS, Lidies and chüdren, receive froiu oñicíZl .mdmployeVof RoStlsland trains p.-otootion, i-ospoctful courtosy h_d íoteaps, Folders -obtainable at all principal Ticket Offices la U. Unioed States and Canada -or any deeired informaUon, addiess, R R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, resident and Gomera! Manager, Chicago. General Tickot and Fasscniicr Aeent, ChiciKi


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News