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Summary Of The Week

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Tdk steam-barge P. H. Walker, of Sandusky, O., was wrecked m a squall oa Lake Erle on the 21st, and oight porsons were drowned. The National Association of Mas tor Plumbers began lts üith auuual scssion la Chicago on the 21st Thb Supremo Lodga A. O. U. W. convoned in annual session at MUwaukoe on the 21sU Thi FiJelity National Bank of Cincinnatl wat on the 21st put into tha hands of a receiver. This is the institution whosedrafts were permitted to go to protest in connection with the collapsed wheat corner in Chicago. The liabilities, exclusive of the bank's capital stock, were placed at 5,500, 000. A íiBAvr wind and rain-storm on the 21st in the viclnity oí Bedalta, lío., blew down several barns, destroyed erop of all kinds, and killed tifty shoep and three horses. I March last the blggest arrear of pension ever secured by one man wal awarded to Francia Patterson, of Elmtra, N. Y., a blind man, the sum being $13,000. It was announced on the -lat that the ponsion wat secnred by perjury. Eaui.t on the moruing of the 21st five men boarded a Grand Trunk train at Fort Gratiot, Mich., and robbed several of the patsengers of all the meney they had. At Harve da Graca, Md., on tha 21st two trains collided, killing one man instantly and fatally injuring several others. Koor hundbed Chinamen cmployed in laundries at New York struck on the 21t for an advance in wages. They demand f rom (2.50 to 14 a day, an increase ot tifty cent on their present compensation. Dr. Aikbh C. Mili, er, a prominent surgeon, dropped dead at Cleveland, O., on the 21st A ni on the 21st at Leavenwerth, Kan., destroyed propjrty valuoJ at $250,000. A oano of horse-thieves, aged fourteen to twenty-two years, have been stealing all the good equines belonging to citizens of Albuquerque, N. il. Two of tha band were arrested on the 21sU In Union County, Tenn., on the 21st James Carey, an insane man, while intoxicated, killed his father-in-law, fatally beat bis wife and committqf suicide. Tuk Chicago firma which failed when the wheat deal collapsed were on the 21tt nearly all making satisfactory progruss toward settling with their creditors. Thk board of trustees of Princeton College on the 21st made additions to its curriculum which will make the institution a university in evcry thtng but the name. A SLAUOHTBR-Houss is to be cquipped at New York by the New York Hog-slaughtering Company with machinery capable of killing 2,000 hogs per day, the purpose being to compete with Western concerns. Colokow, a notorious renegade Ute Chief, was captured on the 21st after a six montlis' chase by United States troops. Thb postal tonvention between the United States and Mexico, recontly ratiüed by the Mexican Government, was on the 21st approved by President Cleveland. It largely increases the facilities for postal communication between the two republics. Stephen Peere, a Canadian shoc-makcr, walked across the Niágara river at the Suspension bridge on the 22d on a fiveeighths inch wire. All the railroads in New Hampshlre aro to be Consolidated, with a capital stock ol $10,000,000. Mrï. Jacob N. Reesb, wife of a well-todo farmer living iiear Akron, O., was chased by a vicious buil on the 33d. and when rescued feil dead of f right into her husband's arms. Sxven large ice-houses at Columbus, O., owned by F Jaeger & Co., were completely destroyed by flre on the 'HA. Bmith Collbge, at Northampton, Mas , on the 22i conferrad the degrea of bachelor of arts upon thirty-seven young women, the degree of bachelor of letters upon one, and the degree of bachelor of science upon two. Gbassiiopfkrs were on the 221 doing great damage to crops in Ottertail County, Minn. Within a radius of four miles of Perham live thousand acres of grain and garden crops had been destroyed. Wtlminotox, Del., was visitcd by adettructive wind and rain-storm on the 221. Many buildings were unroofed, and a large amount of proper ty was destroyed. In the suburbs a house was wrecked by a falling tree, three f tha inmates being killed and two otkurs dangerously hurt. Sivbkal manufacturing firms in New York City were burned out on the 22d, causing a loss of f250,000. An analysis of internat revenue recelpts for the month of May, 18S7, compared with those lor May, 1888, thows an Increase of SU 200, 000 from spirits and liquors, and (224,000 trom tobáceo. The oleomargarine tax collections during May last amounted to $111,000. Advices of the 22d say the wheat erop of Pennsylvania will be the smallest known for many years. Other crops promised to be an average. Atbee was blown down on the 22d by a storm at Fairplay, Tex., crusbing a d welling and killing Mrs. Albert Tito and her twa children. On the 22d Craig Tolliver, Jay Tolliver, Bud Tolliver and J. 11. Cooper, of the famous outlaw band that had ruled Rowan County, Ky., by terror íor many inouths past, were shot down in the streets of Morehead by a sheriff 's posse while resisting arrest. A tast amount of damage was inflicted on the 22d upon property and growing crops in Nottaway, Amelia and Dinwiddie Counties, Va., by a cyclone. The Internal Revenue Bureau at Washington will establish laboratorios at Chicago, Bt. Louis and Cincinnati for tha detection of oleomargarine. Tbs colored people of SU Louis are raaking extensiva preparations to take part in the reception and entertainment of the Grand Army veterans during their encampment in September. Fxirtheb developments on the 22d in the matter of tbe Fidelity National Bank of Cincinnati were equally as sensational aa those of the previous day. The liabilities had swelled to S6,000,00ü, while the assets continued to dwindle. The survivort oX the old Army of the Potomac held n reunión at Baratoga Bprings, N. Y., en tha 22d. Thb late Hanry Ward Beecher's farm at PeekskilL, N. Y., wat sold on the 22d to President Thomas, of the East Tennessee Bailroad Company, who would make it hls country residence. Smow feil in Pleasant Valley, Minn., on the 22a. Thb king of Indiana natural gas wells Was developed at Kokomo on the 22d at a dis lacee of 912 feet. The fluw was uuprecedented in Indiana wells. Thb Chicago express over the Baltimore te Obio road was wrecked at Stony Creek, ten miles from Oaklawn, Md., on the 22d, and one man was killed and several in Jured. On the 23d Schwartx and Watt, convicted of the murder of Express Messeneer Nichols, were sent to Joliot (111.) prlson to t serve their life sentonce. A soldiebs' monument was dodicated oi the 28d at Syracuse, N. Y. Beuator Hiscock delivered the oration. IoWa's ostimated corn yleld f or 1887 Is 252,502,000 bushels. James K. Nowlinq, aged nlneteen years, was convicted on the 23d at Cambridge, Mass., of murdoring Charles Codman, a milk peddlcr. Nowling cut his victlm up and distributod the pieces in the flelds and along tho highways. Fuost n Dale ota on the 23d injured the crops to somo extent. The grain wa sufferlng for rain. The 8upreme Lodge, A. O. U. W '., elocti offtcers at Milwaukee on the Wd. W. H. Jordán, of (Jak land, CaL, was chosen Bupreme Master Workman. The wreek of a Missouri Paeific frelght train on the 23d at Bodalia, Uo., caused a loss to the railway company of f75,000. William K. Vandbrbilt and a partj of frionds startod from New York on the 23d on a tour around the world on the yacht Alva. At the conventiou of the Patriotic Sons of America in Chicago on the 33d resolutions were adopted against permltting foreign Socialista, Anarchijts or Nihilists to land in America and against alien landownership. Ooorge B. Bmltti, of Chicago, was elected president. Amasa Thatcheb's Uvery stable in Chicago was destroyed by flre on the night of the 23d, and seventeen horses perished in the flames. AT Bpringfield, O., on tho 231 the business of Messrs. Whltely, Fassler & Kolley, the great reaper manufacturars, was placed in the hands of a receiver. At Albany, Ind., Joseph Randolph in a fight on the 23d fatally injured Frank Carey. Marshal Lindell in attempting to arrest tho rufflan was seriously stabbed, but shot his man dead. The strike of the New York silverchasers was pronounced a failure on the Ü3d, and the men were gladly accepting work conditioned upon their withdrawing from the Knights of Labor. Thb Bricklayers1 Union of Chicago on tho TA declarod the strike off. They claimed to have legal advice to the effect that it would compel the contractors te resume work. A. C. Lange was decoyed across the line on the 231 and arrested at Island Fond, VU Two years ago he decamped from Muskegon, Mich., with 130,000 belonging to his employer, L. O. Mason. Charles E. Morse, aveteran newspaper man of Buffalo, N. Y., committed suicide on the 23 1 bccause of his fallure to conquer his appetite for liquor. In an interview at Buffalo, N. Y., on the 231, Dr. McGlynn, of Brooklyn, a deposed Catholic priest, denounced tho Churcfc of Rome as a machine, and said the Pope's household were flunkies. James M. Webb, an allegod wlfe-polsoner, was taken from jail on the 23d at Kosciusko. Miss., by a mob and hanged to a tree. Foir men were killed and three otbers fatally injured by a gas explosión on the '3.1 in a colliery ot Nanticoka, Pa. W. L. Trevholm, Comptroller of the Currency, stated on the 23d that the business of the country was in a good condition, and people could look for good times. John R. Bichtel, founder of the college at Akron, O., which bears his name, on the 23d added $175,000 to his previous gif ts of 1225. 0U0 to the iustitution. John Bi'GLAND, who murdered Helen A. Burt, hunged himself on the 23d iu the Brattleboro (Vt.) jaiL At Brownsville, HL, Jerome Harris, flftoen years oí age, committed suicida on the 23d. There appearod to be uo good cause for the act. In a quarrel on the 231 at Rlnggold, Ga., a farmer nained Clark and his brother and father were stabbed to death by a farmer named Oennis. Matthew Gl-rneb, a wealthy brick manufacturar of Haverstraw, N. Y., died on the 23d from hydrophobia. Laibd, Nohtos & Co.'s sawnniU at Winona, Minn., was burned on the 24th, causing a loss of 1100,000 and throwing 150 men outof einploymenU af The joint oommittees of the Amalgamated Association and the lron mannfacturers, in session on the 24th at PitUburgh, failed to reach an agreementon the wages question, and a general strike of iron and steol-workers appeared to be inevitable. Cuss-niT cxercises took place on the 24th at Harvard üniversity, in Cambridge, Mass, the gratluating class nut. bering 230. The people of Albuquerque, N. M., on the LMth organized a vigilance committee to rid the vicinity of desperadoes. The Alabama Stato Agricultural and Mechanical College was burned at Auburn on the 24 th. Loss, 200,000. Tuerb were 171 business failures in the United States during theseven days ended on the 24th, against 213 the previous seven days. The Chicago, Milwaukee ft St Paul Railway Company's locomotivo and repair shops at Watertown Junction, Wis., were destroyed by flre on the 24th, causing a loss of f200,000. Dirinu the last fiscal year there was an increase of 118 Presidential post-offices in the United States, the total nuuiber now being 2,386. President Cleveland on the 24th accepted the dedication to him of the eulogy on Henry Ward Beecher by Dr. Parker, of the City Temple, London. Dr. Parksrwill deliver the eulogy in Brooklyn in October next In their woekly trade review on the 34th a New York commercial flrm says the disturbances caused by the failure of the Fidelity Bank of Cincinnati had had an extensive effect upon general business, and also states that the enf orcement of the Intr-Stato Commerce act threatenfid to stop manufacturing and mining at many points. Oveb six hundred employés in the AU lantic oil reflnery at Point Breeze, P., struck on tbe 24th because of the employment of six Hungarians. It was reported on the 24th that Prof. Gray had made a new discovery, described by the term "autotelegrapny," by which fac-similes of messages could be reproduced by telegraph three hundred miles away from the starting point. Fiftbe! men were imprisoned in a bnrning mine at Virginia City, Nev., on the 24th, and there were no hopes of rescuing them. A rittE on the 24th at Dayton, W. T., did damage to the extent of $ 115,000. The city records were destroyed. Wii.i.iam ScHErrLEit, of St. Helena, CaL, a wlne-maker, failed ou the 24th for $200,000. Three men were killed by tho cars on the 24 th while walking on the track near Mexico, Mo. Citizbxs of Niágara Falls and Buspen sian Bridge, who employ persons who live In Canada, were noUQed on the 24th tha if they continued to giWB these persons employment after July 1 tbe laws of the United States would be invoked agaóns them. Focr men, with a full coonterteiting plant, were arrested on the 24ih at Jasper Mich. A good deal of "qneer" money hai been circulated iu ueighboring towaa. Bt a decisión of the Now Ynrk Bnpremu Court on tb 21 B touohing tUe new Kunlay law, hotel keepers may sell Hquor to uests with thelr meals Sundays, but tha loons must remain closed. Ai.ritKi) Blust was executed at Ht.I,oui n the 24lh for wife-murder, and EdwarJ neeil was hanged at Indeponaeuoo, Ma, or killing a companion. IN a fit of jealo.usy on the 24th Con rad Doll of North Industry, O., killed lus wifo nd stopson with-an axe and thca cut off 10 th of Jü own hands. Excttembnt amountinj? almost to a p:inc prcvailed on the 2-lth in the Stock Exhange at Naw York, resultin? from fals eports that Jay Gould was dead. Only wo failures were reported. Db Edward Duooan. awell-known phyician of Williamsburg, N. Y.,was shot ead oa his doorstap on the 24th by Georga Watier. No cause for the muider was mown. Louis Kennedy & Co., commission and jrain merchants at Clncinnati, falled oa Uo 24th for $400,000. Charles Williams, of Erie, Pa., blevr outhi brains on hls wife's grave on tha Mth. He was to have been married again on that day, and the wedding party had tssembled before the suu-ule bocama Liiown. Bsxjami 8. Whekleb, ovor eignty years oíd, rich and peculiar, was arrested it Cleveland. O., nearly ayoar ago chargej with choking hl wife to death. On the Mth the jury retumed a verdict of not gutlty. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Daniel Pratt, known as "the great American traveler," died at Chelsea, Mass., on the ÜOth, aged soventy-cight rears. .- , In tho Michigan Legislatura on the 3 1 the bill provlding ior woman suffrage was Fbeemas Clarke, Comptroller of th Currepcy under President Lincoln, and ft member of Congres for several terms, lied at Rochester, N. Y., on the Htu, aged leventy-eightyears. a" '"- FOREIGN. Tmi wheat erop of Oreat Britaln ha immonsely improvei the lat few week, and on the 20th gave greater promise than at the corrasponding date in 1886. A perfect day in London on the 21st pormitted the exercises in honor of the üfUeth anniversary of Queeo Victoria ascensión to the British throne to be carriod out without a singlo unpleasaot featur.s. The Queen' subjects wero wild with enthusiasm, and hundreds of thousand cbeered themselves horse as the royal procession passed through the streets. BAtDüT, Chihio Sc Co., hardware jobber of Quebec, IUed ou the 31t for $400, ooa ïhb Irish hava not taken kindly to the celebration of Her Majesty's jubilee, and much feelingand exettement waa rampan througUout Ireland on the 21t In Cork a Tory newspaper offlee wa sacked, and during the riot over lifty persons were inju red, some fatally. In Belfast a seriou riot also took place. Labry Doxovan, the American who ha attemptedeveral jump from high bridge in England, on tho 'Mgave bonds to maka no íurther experimenta of the kind in that country. Fijty tiiousand school chlldren assemblod in Hyde Park, London, on the 22d, and the Queen, the Prlnce of Wales and other notables reviewed the llttle ones, who received the royal family in tha heartiet manner possible. Queen Victoria had returned to Windsor. Amon? her jubilee preenta was a purse of L75,000 contributed by three inillion women. Great distres was reported on the 22d from Asia Minor, where a famine prevalía. At the annual meeting of th Irish Archbishops and Bishop, held at Dublin on tho 23d, resolution wera passed condemning coerción. The Dominion Parliament wa poroifued on the 23d by the Governor-GoneraL The Bavarian Government n the 23d officially declared King Otto to be insane. A train wa throwo frm the track on the 23d neár Háwkesbury, N. S. W., and seven persons were killed and forty otter ittjured ____ . _- LATER NEWS. Toe record of the base-ball clubs in th National. League for the week ended on the '35th was as folio ws: Detroit (gama won), SI; Boston, 29; New York, 28; Chicago, 23; Philadelpbta, 21; Pittsburgh, 16; Washington, 15; Indianapolis, ia Steve Pku, a tight-rope walker, wa killed on the 25th at Niágara Falls. He tried to walk the rope when he was drunk. Tkn county officials and tax collector of Rcading, Pa., were indicted on the 25th for boodleiim. FifE persons perished in a tenementhi'iwu flre iu London on the 2ith. Os the 25th two Cleveland banken, E. A. Cruinb and George O. Baslington, failed. They attributed their uspension to the recent wheat deal in Chicago. As Eastern journal estímate the present populatioñ of the' United States at nearly sixty-two million. The Mono County (Nev.) marble quarry was completely destroyed by an earthquakc shock on the 25th, causing a loss of $1,000,000. Gbneral James Speed, General in President Lincoln' Cabinet, died On the morning of the 25th at Louisville, Ky. He was born in 1811. '"V A riKB at Louisville, Ky., on the 25th destroyed several exteusive tobáceo warohonses, with a total loss of $500,000. Mus. Leckib, wifa of a Presuyterian minister at Airth, County of Stlrllng, Scotland, in a Ut of temporary insanity on tba üötn cut the throats of her tbree children and then her own. A watek-spoct burst on the 25th near the quays at Toulouse, France, submerging a wah-honse in which were elght prsons, all ot wnoni were drowned. The main building of -the Chicago Packing & Provisión Company, at the Stock Yards, Chicago, wa visited by a flre ou th 26th, doin? damage to the extent of about $1,000,000. Beveral flremen were injured. Av attempt was made on the '.tlth to enf orce the Missouri Sunday law at rit. Louis, with only partial succes. A larga number of arrests were made. MASSMEETiNOsare being held in Utah in support of the ruovement for the adinission of that Territory as a State. Quee Victoria Usued au address on the 25th acknowlcdging her appreciatlon of the kindnes with which she wa received by the people jubilee day. Fivr persons, ouo of them Charles K. Carter, who was to have been hanged for murdar soon, killed the deputy sheriff at Mount Vernon, Mo., on the 25th, and escaped (rom Isil. In a fíght on the 25th ín the Choctaw nation between a sheriff's posse and a band of horso-thievos two of the lattor wera killed and tbree wounded. The exchanges at twenty-slx leadlng cleanng-houses in the United Btates during the week ended on the 25th aggregated $99 1,930, 762, agaiust $1,032,833,831, the preTious week. As compare I with the corrosponding woek of l&vi, tha iucraaaa auiounts to 7.4 por cent.


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