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Drawing The Line

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"W'y bress me, Miss Simmons, you 'peers to bo humpin' yerself. What de cause ob yor liurrv dis mornin'?" "Il's right yer is, Unclo Mose. Ise got a powor of biznis to 'tend to. Wo's gwine tor liab a pawty down to our house, an' I want you for ter come." "All right, chile, I'll bo dar, shuah. Who's gwine tor be inwited?" "O, every body w ' ot any tenshun ter being fusUclass ,' ,1 de elect aiu gwintcr be presen: "Bolivcr Suiif .?" "Hain't I donr ver none but de elect am gwiulc I ir?" "Boliver Sm - l a norse an' dray. Ef he dou't 1 tor de elect, who does?" "He uster b'long ter do upper class, as yer says, bnt ilc hoss am down wid de glanderg." "I hadn't heerd ob dat. IIow about de Wheatville gang?" "O, yes; dey'll be dar." "An' Caprcshus Johnsings'F" "No; dey's lef' out." "Huh! W'y, Miss Simmons, how's dat? Don't dcyb'longter de stockracy? Why's dey luff out?" "'Cause dis yere pahty's gwine ter be selee', an' oneyde 'stocracy's gwine ter be 'vited. We can't 'low too niuch mixin' of low-down darkies wid de fust family blool, nohow. Deiu Jolinsingí warn't nuthin' but common fiel! hans fore de wah." "Yes; but now dey owns a 'tater patch an' a cow." "Dat'sso, Uncle Mosh; 1 didn't tink ob dat. Reckon we'll hab ter let 'em !n. If dcy's got a cow, dat rnakea a dlflereftca." "How about dem Claeks?" "Huh! Dey ain't got no cow, is dey?" "No; but dey's talkin' about buyin' goat." "Den dat settles hit Dey can't come. I tells yoti, Uncle Mose, s'ciety got ter p'tect itself." "Dat's right. Miss Simmons; ef de ole cullud 'stockracy didn't look out nonsus pcort, do fust ting dey knowed dey'd hab some ob de poor white trash comin' to deir pahties. Good mawnin', Misa Simmons. Be mighty kecrful about dem inwites." "Ise gwine to, Uncle Mose. We has got ter mako a 'stinction somew'ere. Reckon we'll draw de line at de goats." "How about Jim Webster?" "He don't belong ter de hote voley." "Dedooce he don't! He am an artist. He paiuts de landscape! wid a whitewash brush." "Dat's a fac. I'll inwito him, too. GoihI mawnin'."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News